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Runic Races


Lost One, Snake, Sprite, Wolf
This page has been transferred over from the Google
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Alpha Wolf

Prerequisite: Wolf (Rune Race)

Benefit: Your Racial Daily Power changes in the following manner:
You may use at-will abilities and basic attacks instead of just basic attacks.
When you deal Cold damage, the target is Slowed until the end of you're next turn

Special: You gain the Howl of the Pack Power.

Howl of the Wolf Pack Wolf Racial Power
Encounter ♦ Cold
Standard Action Close burst 3
Special: This may only be used in Wolf form, and may be used even if Encounter powers were not normally usable. As an additional cost to use Howl of the Pack, spend a healing surge without regaining Hit Points.
Target: All Enemies in Burst
Attack: Str or Int vs Fort
Hit: 2d6+Str or Int Cold damage, and target is Slowed(save ends), if the target is Slowed than Immobilized(save ends)
Special: When you gain this ability, choose Str or Int, and use it for all values. At Level 11 Add +3 to your Attack roll with this power, at level 21 add +6 instead.

Cloudcrow Form

Prerequisite: Crow (Rune Race)

Benefit: Your Racial Daily Power changes in the following manner:
You may use at-will abilities and basic attacks instead of just basic attacks.
Your Fly speed increases by 2

Special: You gain the Blade of Air Power

Blade of Air Crow Racial Power
Encounter ♦ Thunder
Standard Action Close Wall 10
Special: This may only be used in Crow form, and may be used even if Encounter powers were not normally usable. As an additional cost to use Blade of Air, spend a healing surge without regaining Hit Points.
Target: All Enemies in the Wall
Attack: Dex or Int vs Ref
Hit: 2d6+Dex or Int Thunder damage, and Slide the target 4 squares.
Special: When you gain this ability, choose Dex or Int, and use it for all values. At Level 11 Add +3 to your Attack roll with this power, at level 21 add +6 instead.

Mask of the Lost Ones

Prerequisite: Lost One (Rune Race)

Benefit: Your Racial Daily Power changes in the following manner:
You may use at-will abilities and basic attacks instead of just basic attacks.
You are always considered to have cover

Special: You gain the Primal Scream Power

Primal Scream
Lost One Racial Power
Encounter ♦ Psychic
Standard Action Close burst 3
Special: This may only be used in Mask form, and may be used even if Encounter powers were not normally usable. As an additional cost to use Primal Scream, spend a healing surge without regaining Hit Points.
Target: All Enemies in the burst
Attack: Con or Wis vs Will
Hit: 2d6+Con or Wis Psychic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Special: When you gain this ability, choose Con or Wis, and use it for all values. At Level 11 Add +3 to your Attack roll with this power, at level 21 add +6 instead.

Master of the Second Form

Prerequisite: Rune Race

Benefit: You may use your daily racial power an additional time per day.

Special: This Feat can be taken an additional time when you reach level 11, 15, 21, and 25. Once this feat has been taken 5 times, Your daily racial power becomes a per encounter power, even if you retrain these feats afterwards.

Razor Leaf Swarm

Prerequisite: Sprite (Rune Race)

Benefit: Your Racial Daily Power Changes in the following manner: br> You may use at-will abilities and basic attacks instead of just basic attacks.
You become a large swarm instead of medium

Special: You gain the Earth Spire power.

Earth Spire
Sprite Racial Power
Encounter ♦ Acid
Standard Action Close burst 3
Trigger: This may only be used in Swarm form, and may be used even if Encounter powers were not normally usable. As an additional cost to use Earth Spire, spend a healing surge without regaining Hit Points.
Target: All Enemies in Burst
Attack: Dex or Con vs Fort
Hit: 2d6+Dex or Con acid Damage.
Effect: The area becomes difficult terrain until the end of the encounter
Special: When you gain this ability, choose Dex or Con, and use it for all values. At Level 11 Add +3 to your Attack roll with this power, at level 21 add +6 instead.

Silver Back

Prerequisite: Jikom (Rune Race)

Benefit: Your Racial Daily Power changes in the following manner:
You may use at-will abilities and basic attacks instead of just basic attacks.
You gain threatning reach 2 instead of just reach.

Special: You gain The Young Kings Roar Power

The Young Kings Roar
Jikom Racial Power
Encounter ♦ Fire, weapon
Standard Action Close burst 5
Special: This may only be used in Monkey form, and may be used even if Encounter powers were not normally usable. As an additional cost to use The Young Kings Roar, spend a healing surge without regaining Hit Points.
Target: Three Enemies in the burst
Attack: Str or Wis vs Will
Hit: Pull Targets a number of squares Equal to your wis or Str Modifier
Secondary Attack: Str or Wis vs AC
Hit: Target takes 2[W] + Str or Wis fire damage, and they are immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Special: When you gain this ability, choose Str or Wis, and use it for all values. At Level 11 Add +3 to your Attack roll with this power, at level 21 add +6 instead.


Prerequisite: Snake (Rune Race)

Benefit: Your Racial Daily power changes in the following manner:
You May use at-will abilities and basic attacks, instead of just basic attacks.
You gain +2 bonus to your swim speed.
You treat foes with Poison immunity as having Poison resistance 20 instead.

Special: You gain the Vicious Poison Power.

Vicious Poison
Snake Racial Power
Encounter ♦ Poison
Standard Action Close burst 1
Special: This Power may only be used in Snake form, and may be used even if Encounter powers were not normally usable. As an additional cost to use Vicious Poison, spend a healing surge without regaining Hit Points.
Target: Up to Three creatures in burst
Attack: Cha or Dex vs Fort
Hit: 1d6+Cha or Dex mod Poison damage, and the creature gains ongoing poison 5 (Save ends).
After Effect: The target is weakened until the end of their next turn
Special: When you gain this ability, choose Dex or Cha, and use it for all values. At Level 11 Add +3 to your Attack roll with this power, at level 21 add +6 instead.

Three Tails

Prerequisite: Kitsune (Rune Race)

Benefit: Your Racial Daily Power changes in the following manner:
You may use at-will abilities and basic attacks instead of just basic attacks.
You gain a +1 Racial bonus to all defenses.

Special: You gain the Bolt of Three Tails Power

Bolt of Three Tails
Kitsune Racial Power
Encounter ♦ Lightning
Standard Action Close burst 5
Trigger: This may only be used in Fox form, and may be used even if Encounter powers were not normally usable. As an additional cost to use Bolt of Three Tails, spend a healing surge without regaining Hit Points.
Target: Three Enemies in the burst
Attack: Cha or Dex vs Reflex
Hit: Deal 2d6+Cha or Dex lightning damage. In addition, target is dazed until the end of their next turn.
Special: When you gain this ability, choose Cha or Dex, and use it for all values. At level 11 add +3 to your attack roll with this power. At level 21, add +6 instead.