Warlock Accursed Adept

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Few are willing to follow the path of the Accursed Adept (sometimes known as the Twice-Damned). These foolish mortals abandon any chance of redemption in order to court with those from the Nine Hells. They are Warlocks who walk a fine line, having made pacts both with those beyond reality, and the devils of hell. Becoming an Accursed Adept requires the Twofold pact feat.

Accursed Powers

Any power from below that starts with "Pact of" works similiarly to Vestige powers.

Designers notes: Take the core bits from here and convert to powers.

Encounter 13 Spells

Accursed Attack 13
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Daily 15 Spells

Pact of the General
Accursed Attack 15
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Pact of the Paranoid
Accursed Attack 15
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Utility 16 Spells

Accursed Utility 16
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Accursed Utility 16
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter 17 Spells

Accursed Attack 17
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Daily 19 Spells

Pact of the Deceiver
Accursed Attack 19
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Pact of the Twin Rulers
Accursed Attack 19
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Utility 22 Spells

Accursed Utility 22
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Accursed Utility 22
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter 23 Spells

Accursed Attack 23
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Daily 25 Spells

Pact of the Traitor
Accursed Attack 25
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Pact of the Daughter
Accursed Attack 25
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter 27 Spells

Accursed Attack 27
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Daily 29 Spells

Pact of the Decaying One
Accursed Attack 29
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Pact of the Destroyer
Accursed Attack 29
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special


Heroic Tier

Devilish Contract [Multiclass]

Prerequisite: Warlock, Infernal or Vestige Pact

Benefit: Benefit to come

Special: Special


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special

Paragon Tier


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special

Epic Tier


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special


Prerequisite: Devilish Contract

Benefit: Benefit

Special: Special

Paragon Paths

Accursed Adept

"Redemption? No, there is no redemption. My soul is worthless."

Prerequisite: Warlock class, infernal pact, vestige pact, devilish contract feat

Your pact with infernal powers has given you the ability to bind some of the Archdevils's powers for yourself, just as you may bind vestiges to yourself. These abilities come at great cost, however: Your soul is properties

Accursed Adept Path Features

Accursed Powers (11th level): You may take powers with the Accursed designation as if they were warlock powers.

Paranoid Action (11th level): You may spend an action point as an immediate reaction to being hit with an attack. If you do, you take your extra action immediately. Using an action point in this way counts against your uses in an encounter.

Sword Aflame (11th level): Heavy Blades are considered warlock implements for you. In addition when you use a power you may change the damage type to fire, adding the fire keyword to the power.

Dilate Aura (16th level): Any Arcane power that grants an aura has its range increased by one square.

Accursed Adept Spells

Touch of Greed
Accursed Adept Attack 11
Your touch twists the creatures mind and desires.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Charm, Implement
Standard Action Melee Implement
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs Will
Hit: 2d8+ Constitution modifier fire and necrotic damage, and the target makes a melee basic attack against one other creature in its reach of your choice.
Effect: The first time the creature attacks one of your allies in the encounter after using this power, it becomes dazed until the end of its next turn.

Infernal Resistance
Accursed Adept Utility 12
Your skin turns dark as its laced with devilish energies.
Daily ♦ Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain immunity to fire. In addition, you gain resist 5+half your level acid and resist 5+half your level cold. These benefits last until the end of the encounter.

Summon Infernal Minion
Accursed Adept Attack 20
You summon a servant of your dark masters to do your bidding.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Medium Barbed Devil in an unoccupied square within range. The Barbed Devil has a Speed of 7, as well as a teleport speed of 7. Whenever a creature makes a melee attack or close attack with a weapon against the barbed devil, they take 5 damage. You can give the barbed devil the following commands.
Standard Action: Close burst 1; targets all creatures in burst; Constitution vs Reflex; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.

Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Constitution vs Reflex; 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target takes 5 ongoing damage (save ends).

Special: If the Barbed Devil is not given any orders, it will teleport to the closest enemy and use its Opportunity Attack power, even if it is not normally able to.

Epic Destiny

Servant of Tyranny

The hounds of hell are getting closer.

Fluff to go here


Fluff to go here

Servant of Tyranny Features

Faustian Pact (21st level): You gain a bonus feat that has Devilish Contract as a prerequisite, and you speak and understand every language.

Winds of Hell (24th level): You gain a fly speed equal to your land speed + 2, and hover. In addition, you are immune to Cold and Fire.

Pact of the Archdevil (30th level): At 30th level, you gain the Pact of the Archdevil power.

Servant of Tyranny Powers

Reverie of Nessus
Servant of Tyranny Utility 26
You encase yourself in protective energies, just as your master does.
Daily ♦ Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You spend a healing surge and regain health equal to half your hit points. In addition, all effects that a save can end are ended.

Pact of the Archdevil
Servant of Tyranny Feature
You draw the final pact seal on the floor - the seal of the Archdevil himself.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Implement, Fire, Necrotic
Standard Action Action Ranged 20
Target: One or two Creatures
Attack: Constitution vs Will, two attacks
Hit: 5d10 + Constitution Modifier fire and necrotic damage, and the target is Dominated (save ends).
Effect: You gain an aura 4 until the end of the encounter: Any creature that starts its turn within your aura must make a saving throw. If they succeed, they are pushed five squares and no longer need to make saves for starting in the aura. If they fail, they are dominated until the end of their turn.
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the Vestige of the Archdevil
Archdevil Pact Boon: Each enemy cursed by you makes a basic attack against a target of your choice.
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: You daze your eyes of the vestige target until the start of your next turn, and the attack deals extra damage equal to your intelligence modifier.
Special: You may ignore the requirements of all Accursed Utility powers while this power is in effect.
Special: After using this power, you may sacrifice any Accursed or Accursed Adept daily attack power you have. If you do, you regain the use of this power.