Sorcerer Spell Sources

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Mourning Sorcerer

A few beings survived the mourning, and fewer still gained parts of its power...


  • This is a Con-based spell source, sorcery drawn from the horrible disaster known as 'The Mourning.'

Mournland Power

You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of arcane powers equal to your Constitution modifier. The bonus increases to your Constitution modifier + 2 at 11th level and your Constitution modifier + 4 at 21st level.

Mournland Resilience

While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC.

Mournland Endurance

You gain resist 5 necrotic and resist 5 poison. These resistances increases to 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level. Your arcane powers ignore any target’s resistance to that damage type up to the value of your resistance.

Mourning Mist

The first time you become bloodied during an encounter, you begin to exude a gray mist that is treated as an aura 1. Squares in the mist are treated as being lightly obscured. At Paragon, this becomes an aura 2, and at Epic, the squares become heavily obscured. Your senses are not affected by this.

Mourning Sorcerer Powers

Level 1 At-Will Spells

Rusted Skin
Sorcerer Attack 1
As you call upon the powers of the mourning, your enemies skin turns to rust and falls off.
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Poison
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares'
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit: 1d4+Charisma modifier necrotic and poison damage.
Level 21: 2d4+Charisma modifier damage
Mourning Magic: If the target attacks on their next turn, they take an additional amount of necrotic damage equal to your constitution modifier. In addition, if the target is insubstantial, treat is as it was not for the purpose of this attack.

Level 1 Encounter Spells

Level 1 Daily Spells

Rain of Blood
Sorcerer Attack 1
You call upon the weather of the Mournland, and the sky drips red.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Necrotic, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each Creature in Burst

Mourning Magic: You can choose not to include a number of creatures equal to your constitution modifier

Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 2d8+Charisma Modifier necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Effect: The burst creates a zone (In all squares of the effect, even if a creature was not included in the attack). Each creature that starts its turn within the zone is considered bloodied. This does not trigger any ability the creature may possess. As a move action, you can move the zone 3 squares.
Sustain Minor: The zone Persists

Level 2 Utility Spells

Resilient Affliction
Sorcerer Utility 2
It is more then difficult to shrug off the effects of the mourning.
Daily ♦ Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Close Burst 5
Trigger: An enemy makes a save against your save ends power
Target: Saving enemy
Effect: The target re-rolls the save at a -2 penalty. If they would fail on this save, they fail to save against the effect.

Level 3 Encounter Spells

Level 5 Daily Spells

Gravestone Ooze
Sorcerer Attack 5
You summon an ooze which engulfs a foe, and slowly turns them to stone.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Medium Gravestone Ooze in an unoccupied square within range. The Ooze has a speed of move 6. It has a +2 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Fortitude. You can give it the following special commands
Standard Action: Melee 1; Charisma vs Reflex; 1d8+Charisma modifier necrotic damage and the creature is Engulfed (Save ends). While engulfed, the creature is effectively grabbed and stunned, though no creature has line of effect to it.
First Failed Save: Slowed (Save ends) as well
Second Failed Save: Immobilized (Save ends) instead of Slowed.
Third Failed Save: Restrained (Save ends) instead of Immobilized.
Fourth Failed Save: Target is Petrified.
A Gravestone Ooze can only have on creature Engulfed at a time. If it attempts to Engulf a new creature, the new creature takes the damage but is not engulfed.


Rotting Magic

Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Mourning Magic class feature

Benefit: When you use an arcane power that has the Necrotic or Poison keyword, you gain a +1 Feat bonus to damage rolls. While you are bloodied, this bonus becomes +2.

At 11th level, this bonus increases to +2 (or +4 when bloodied). At 21st level, it increases to +3 (Or +6 when Bloodied)

Siberys Sorcerer

This sorcerer type was actually designed by Edea, but Is placed here for ease.

Siberys Magic

Siberys Power

Add Wisdom/Wisdom+2/Wisdom+4 to arcane damage rolls.

Siberys Guard

While wearing cloth armor and not using a shield, use your Wisdom modifier for your AC and Reflex defense instead of your Dexterity/Intelligence modifier.

Siberys Force

You gain resist 5/10/15 to cold damage. You also gain an additional resistance based on which dragon aspect you choose to emulate at the end of a short or extended rest.

  • Dol Dorn/Lendys: resist 5/10/15 force
  • Dol Arrah/Falazure: resist 5/10/15 radiant
  • Kol Korran/Astilabor: resist 5/10/15 psychic

You ignore resistance to elements that Siberys Force is currently protecting you from, less then or equal to the value of the resistance Siberys Force provides, when using your arcane powers.

Siberys Wings

You gain a pair of wings. From 1st to 10th level, the wings are only strong enough to prevent you from taking damage due to a fall; once per encounter, the wings can be used to fly up to your speed as a minor action, but you must land at the end of your movement. You cannot wear anything heavier than cloth armor to fly, and you must not be carrying a heavy load.

From 11th to 20th level, the wings are strong enough to provide you with actual flight. You gain a fly speed of 8. You retain the ability to fly as a minor action once per encounter, but you no longer need to land at the end of the movement. You can now wear light armor of any kind and still be able to fly.

From 21st level onward, your wings are more than strong enough to take you wherever you want to go. Your base fly speed increases to 10, and you're now capable of hovering. You can also fly while carrying a heavy load.

Siberys Sorcerer Powers

Level 1 At-Will Spells (Siberys)

Chilling Comet Fall
Sorcerer Attack 1
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Cold, Implement, Radiant, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 1d4 + Charisma modifier radiant damage.
Level 21: 2d4 + Charisma modifier radiant damage.
Siberys Magic: The burst creates a zone bounded by freezing ground that lasts until the end of your next turn. Whenever an enemy within the zone leaves it, that enemy takes cold damage equal to your wisdom modifier.

Icy Glare
Sorcerer Attack 1
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Cold, Fear, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs Will
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target takes a penalty to attack rolls against you equal to your wisdom modifier.
Level 21: 2d6+Charisma modifier cold damage
Siberys Magic: If the primary target moves after being hit, the enemies adjacent to the primary target's vacated square take 1d6+charisma psychic damage. This damage never hits the primary target. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn, or until it activates.

Blizzard Breath
Sorcerer Attack 1
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Cold, Implement
Standard Action Close Blast 3
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit: 1d6+Charisma modifier cold damage, and you push the target 2 square
Level 21: 2d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage.
Siberys Magic: You push Wisdom modifier squares instead.

Level 1 Encounter Spells (Siberys)

Pinning Shards
Sorcerer Attack 1
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Cold, Implement
Opportunity Action Close burst 10
Trigger: An enemy provokes an opportunity attack from you or one of your allies
Target: The enemy provoking the opportunity attack.
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 2d8+Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target is immobilized and cannot teleport until the end of your next turn.
Siberys Magic: The target is immobilized and cannot teleport even on a miss with this power.

Level 1 Daily Spells (Siberys)

Raging Snowflake
Sorcerer Attack 1
Daily ♦ Arcane, Cold, Conjuration, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20
Effect: You conjure a Medium snowflake in a square within range. If the snowflake is conjured in a square adjacent to another creature, you can make the following attack. The snowflake lasts until the end of your next turn.
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. Roll one attack roll against each defense, and resolve as a single hit.
Hit: You deal 1d10+Charisma modifier cold damage.
If you hit two defenses, you deal 2d10+Charisma modifier cold damage instead, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
If you hit three defenses, you deal 3d10+Charisma modifier cold damage instead, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The snowflake can fly a number of squares equal to 4 + your Wisdom modifier and make another attack vs reflex.

Level 2 Utility Spells (Siberys)

Black Ice
Sorcerer Utility 2
Encounter ♦ Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy hits you with an attack
Effect: Choose a defense. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a power bonus to that defense equal to your Charisma modifier.

Level 3 Encounter Spells (Siberys)

Quickening Stardust
Sorcerer Attack 3
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Cold, Implement, Radiant
Immediate Reaction Close burst 10
Trigger: An ally hits an enemy with an attack
Target: The enemy hit with the attack
Effect: You allow the ally that hit the target to make a basic attack against the same creature as a free action. This attack has the cold and radiant keywords, and deals cold and radiant damage instead of any other damage types the original attack possesses. Your Spell Power feature applies to the damage dealt if this additional attack hits.
Siberys Magic: The ally gains an additional bonus to the damage of this attack equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Level 5 Daily Spells (Siberys)

Wind of Dol Dorn's Wings
Sorcerer Attack 5
Daily ♦ Arcane, Cold, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: All enemies in burst
Attack: Charisma vs Will
Hit: 3d12 + Charisma modifier cold and psychic damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, a zone forms in the area of the original attack, manifesting as a frigid and shrieking vortex of wind. Enemies that start their turns in the zone take a penalty to defenses equal to your Wisdom modifier and are slowed until the end of their next turn. As a move action, you can move the zone a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.

Level 6 Utility Spells (Siberys)

Twinkling Star
Sorcerer Utility 6
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Teleport
Move Action Personal
Effect: Teleport 1 square.
Siberys Magic: As an immediate reaction, you may use this power when missed by an attack against your AC or Reflex.

Level 7 Encounter Spells (Siberys)

Celestial Cannon
Sorcerer Attack 7
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Close wall 10
Target: All creatures in the wall
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 2d10+Charisma modifier damage, and target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Siberys Magic: This attack targets all enemies in the wall instead.


Wisdom of the Dragon Above

Requirements: 11th level, Sorcerer, Siberys Magic class feature

Benefit: You gain training in Perception and Insight. You also gain a +3 bonus to these skills. This increases to +5 at 11th level and +7 at 21st level.

Siberys Speaker

Requirements: 11th level, Sorcerer, Siberys Magic class feature

Benefit: You are fully fluent in Supernal, and can use it to successfully communicate to other creatures even if they don't share that language (see 'Speaking in Tongues').

Double Aspect

Requirements: 11th level, Sorcerer, Siberys Magic class feature

Benefit: Choose two dragon aspects and gain both of their resistances at the same time after a short or extended rest, instead of one.

Siberys Scales

Requirements: 21st level, Sorcerer, Siberys Magic class feature

Benefit: You gain training in leather and hide armor. Your Siberys Guard feature still functions even if you wear these types of armor.