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Runic Races


Lost One, Snake, Sprite, Wolf
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Clever tricksters whose jokes often go to far


Average Height: 5'6-6'2 Average Weight: 135-220 lb lb.

Ability Scores: +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity

Size: Medium

Speed: 7 squares

Vision: Normal

Languages: Common, Choose one other

Skill Bonuses: +2 Bluff, +2 Insight

Natural Ability: Kitsune have natural affinities with certain skills. You gain training in one skill from the skill list in Chapter 5 of the Players Handbook.

Nimble Trickster: +1 Racial bonus to Reflex

Fox Form: You can use Fox Form as a Daily Power

Fox Form
Kitsune Racial Power
With a snarl you're engulfed in a blast of lightning, in its wake you're surrounded by an avatar of a Fox, formed from thunder and lightning.
Daily ♦ Polymorph
Move Action Personal
Effect: You're body is covered in an avatar of runic might in the form of a large fox. Until the end of the encounter, when you shift, you shift half you're speed instead. While in this form you can only make basic unarmed attacks, and use the at-will Revealing Lightning.

Revealing Lightning
Kitsune Racial Power
With a flick of you're hand, you smite you're foe with a blast of lightning, and its future is revealed to you.
At-Will ♦ Lightning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Dex or Cha +1 vs Ref
Hit: 1d6+ Dex or Int Lightning damage, and you get a Avatar bonus on you're first attack on you're next turn against the target equal to half of you're Dex or Cha modifier.
Special: When you create you're character, choose Dex or Cha as the ability score you use when making attacks, dealing damage, and for the bonus, it must be the same for all. This power counts a ranged basic attack. increase to +3 Dex or Cha vs. Dex and 2d6+ Dex or Cha damage at level 11, and increase to +5 Dex or Cha vs. Ref and 3d6+Dex or Cha damage at level 21.

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Physical Qualities: blurb

Playing as a Kitsune: blurb