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Ebios Campaign Setting
Arcadonus, Astra, Celestion, Feywild,

Jurosaian, Lucious, Materia, Necros,

Primordial Chaos, Rapture, Shadowfell,



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The Reflection of Undeath

A World enveloped with the Undead, and its said this world calls to corpses and souls everywhere to coem to it, no matter what the cost. Not necisarilly good or evil, the residents of this World are sometimes just liek regular people, and often are blood thirsty monsters. Orcus has sway here, as well as Vecna( id say no longer Dead and now a Lord of the Dead), among others. It is the Home for the Undeath power source.

City / Powerful Figure: Taeld'era

  • Location: Necros, the City has no set location as it moves
  • Population: The City has about 1,000,000 inhabitants of the 'Old' population, about 10,000 other creatures inhabit the city at any time.
  • Size: The city was once a sprawling metropolis, however in its transformation into an undead being it lost a lot of the outlying districts, once it was comparable to Sharn in total size, now its the size of a regular metropolis.
  • Government: The City is Governed by the very Spirit of the City
  • Average Alignment: Unaligned
  • Exports: Nothing
  • Imports: Nothing
  • Military:
    • City Guard
    • The K'y'lar
  • Dominant Religion(s): None
  • Sample factions:
  • Buildings of Note:
  • Persons of Note:

Surrounding area

Surrounded in the obligatory wall of mist, otherwise the terrain changes as it moves.

Basic Plot Hooks

(Some basic plot hooks for the city.)

(assorted fluff)

Find information on the Figure and it's Minions here.