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General Description:


Abode: Necros


Typical Minions:

(stat block erase this)


Monster Name Level # Role

Size origin type (keyword) XP #

Initiative +# Senses Perception +#; special senses

Aura Name (Keyword) aura #; eff ect.

HP #; Bloodied #

AC #; Fortitude #, Refl ex #, Will #

Saving Throws + #

Speed #

Action Points #

[Type] Power Name (action; recharge) ✦ Keyword(s)

Reach; range, area, or targets; attack bonus vs. target defense;

eff ect. Miss: eff ect (if any). Secondary attack or eff ect.

[Type] Power Name (action; recharge) ✦ Keyword(s)

Reach; range, area, or targets; attack bonus vs. target defense;

eff ect. Miss: eff ect (if any). Secondary attack or eff ect.

Alignment Languages

Skills skill name +#, skill name +#

Str score (+#) Dex score (+#) Wis score (+#)

Con score (+#) Int score (+#) Cha score (+#)

Equipment armor, shield, weapons, other gear

Monster Name Tactics

Monster Name Lore:

DC x: Low

DC x+5: Medium

DC x+10: High

Sample Encounter Groups


Child of Taeld'era

The Children of Taeld’era now wander its streets as lonely undead creatures, clasping the remnants of their favorite toy, or blanket. They long for the warmth and love of family, friends, and communications, however they are bound from speaking.

Child of Taeld’era Level 15 Minion

Small Natural Humanoid (Undead) XP #

Initiative +15 Senses Perception +17; Blind Sight 10, Dark Vision

HP 1

AC 23; Fortitude 21, Refl ex 19, Will 22

Speed 10; Phasing

[Basic Melee] Touch the Mind (Standard; At-Will) ✦ Psychic, Necrotic

+10 vs. Will;

5 Psychic and Necrotic Damage

[Close Burst] Death Rattle (Free; When reduced to 0 HP) ✦ Psychic, Necrotic

Close Burst 5, Enemies only; +8 vs. Will;

5 Psychic and Necrotic Damage.

Alignment Unaligned Languages Common

Skills Perception +17, Insight +17, Stealth +16, Athletics +9

Str 4 (+4) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 20 (+12)

Con 16 (+10) Int 8 (+6) Cha 23 (+13)

Equipment None

Monster Name Tactics

The Children don’t use sophisticated tactics and most of the time try to avoid combat, however if forced or if one of their kind dies, they mostly swarm, and try to get flanking, using their Touch the Mind ability to destroy their opponents sanity and life.

Monster Name Lore:

DC 20: The Children of Taeld’era serve as guides inside the city, and its said that any outsider without such a guide is doomed to die while inside the cities walls. Although some people have said that they have heard the giggling voices of children while inside the city, there has never been any concrete evidence of the Children of Taeld’era speaking, although they can understand common.

DC 25: There are many theories about how the Children of Taeld’era always find outsiders shortly after they enter the city, and how they always know where they want to go, these theories range from psychic powers, to the City itself being a massive composite undead creature.

Taeld'era Guard

Taeld'era GuardLevel 16 Soldier

Medium Natural Humanoid (Undead)XP 1,400

Initiative +13Senses Perception +13

HP 158; Bloodied 79

AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will 28

Resist 20 Necrotic, 20 Radiant

Speed 6

M Pike (Standard) ♦ Weapon

+23 vs. AC, 3d8+7 Damage, Target Marked until the end of the Taeld'era Guard's next turn.

c Whirlwind Strike (Standard; encounter)

Burst 1, +21vs. Reflex, target prone, and the Taeld'era Guard makes a Pike attack against the target

Alignment UnalignedLanguages Common

Skills Athletics +21, Insight +18, Notice +18

Str 26 (+16)Dex 18 (+12)Wis 20 (+13)

Con 22 (+14)Int 12 (+9)Cha 12 (+9)

Equipment Pike, Scale Armor

Taeld'era Guard Captain

Taeld'era Guard CaptainLevel 18 Elite Soldier (Leader)

Medium Natural Humanoid (Undead)XP 4,000

Initiative +16Senses Perception +19

HP 344; Bloodied 172

AC 36; Fortitude 35, Reflex 29, Will 29

Resist 20 Necrotic, 20 Radiant

Saving Throws +2

Speed 7

Action Points 1

M Pike (Standard) ♦ Weapon

+25 vs. AC, 3d8+7 Damage, Slide 2, Target Marked until the end of the Taeld'era Guard's next turn.

c Whirlwind Strike (Standard; encounter)

Recharge when bloodied, Burst 2, +23vs. Reflex, target prone, and the Taeld'era Guard makes a Pike attack against the target

c Rally the Guard (Immediate Reaction; encounter) ♦ Healing

When the Taeld'era Guard Captain becomes bloodied, Close burst 10, all allys of a level lower than the taeld'era Guard Captain heal 1/4 of their HP, even if they had been killed.

Alignment UnalignedLanguages Common

Skills Athletics +23, Insight +19, Notice +19

Str 28 (+18)Dex 20 (+14)Wis 20 (+14)

Con 20 (+14)Int 14 (+11)Cha 18 (+13)

Equipment Pike, Scale Armor