
From Gralamin's Wiki
Revision as of 17:38, 15 December 2023 by Gralamin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{4eHomebrew}} This class is very different from those that already exist, and purposely so. Part of what I wanted to do with this class is break it from the power system, as well as the general class format, as much as possible. I also wanted it to work with multiclassing, and to basically create custom monsters. As a note, I do not play nor look at Pathfinder, but I understand it has a class much the same in concept. The core of this class is the idea of Creating your...")
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This class is very different from those that already exist, and purposely so. Part of what I wanted to do with this class is break it from the power system, as well as the general class format, as much as possible. I also wanted it to work with multiclassing, and to basically create custom monsters. As a note, I do not play nor look at Pathfinder, but I understand it has a class much the same in concept.

The core of this class is the idea of Creating your own monsters to fight for you. It does not use the Summon keyword. However, they have to look a bit different from monsters - Action control, HP amounts, usefulness, etc. were all primary balancing points when I was working on this. I also quickly realized that there was no way to fit this into the Role system in the traditional system, so I limited the types of monsters to role choices, and added in features for the roles.

The other major issue was ability scores. Your primary score was easy enough - Use it for calculating other values. Secondary score then fit in naturally with the role you choose. This class is not meant to replace the summoning mechanic. In fact, it should work reasonably well in a game that uses it. While I cannot ensure this is balanced yet, it should be within a reasonable level, and any feedback would be appreciated.

I hope you enjoy it.


Those that tame monsters

Class Traits
Role: Special - See Class Features

Source: Arcane

Key Abilities: Intelligence, Constitution, Charisma, Dexterity

Armor Proficiency: Cloth

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee and Ranged

Implement: Tomes, Staffs, Rods

Defense Bonus: +1 Reflex, +1 Will

Hit Points at 1st Level: Special - See Class Features + Constitution Score

Hit Points per Level Gained: Special - See Class Features

Healing Surges per Day: Special - See Class Features + Constitution Modifier

Trained Skills: Arcana. In addition, choose any four of the following:

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis), Religion (Int)

Build Options: Adviser, Demolisher, Manipulator, Protector

Class Features: Eidolon Focus, Eidolon Index, Eidolon Control

Beckoners are strange individuals. Each of them calls upon unique creatures to do battle, instead of dirtying there own hands. But with the diversity of creatures, it is a common wonder where they call their creatures from. A few Beckoners claim that they call them from a place between realities. Others claim the Far Realm their origin. Regardless, there does not seem to be a consensus among their own kind.

Creating a Beckoner

When Creating a Beckoner, its important to choose your role carefully, as well as your schemas. It is easier to "screw up" a Beckoner then it is to "screw up" other classes.


The Adviser Beckoner focuses on its allies, using its creatures to help protect them. Most Advisers take the Adviser focus, with a secondary of Protector. This means they should have good Intelligence, Wisdom, and a somewhat good constitution.

Suggested Feat: Stuff
Suggested Skills: Stuff
Suggested At-Will Powers: Stuff
Suggested Schema: Stuff


The Demolisher Beckoners focuses on utterly destroying its foe. Demolishers create creatures that deal extreme amounts of damage, and usually take the Demolisher Focus, with a secondary of Manipulator. This means they should have a good Intelligence, Dexterity, and somewhat good Charisma.

Suggested Feat: Stuff
Suggested Skills: Stuff
Suggested At-Will Powers: Stuff
Suggested Schema: Stuff


Those with a bit more finesse usually become manipulators, who focus on controlling their foes. They create creatures that can effect multiple foes, and focus more on debuffing and movement then others. Manipulators usually take a Manipulator focus, and an Adviser secondary, in order to 'control' their allies as well. This means they should have a good Intelligence, Charisma, and a somewhat good Wisdom.

Suggested Feat: Stuff
Suggested Skills: Stuff
Suggested At-Will Powers: Stuff
Suggested Schema: Stuff


The Final variety is protectors, who create creatures in order to protect their allies. These Beckoners usually take the Protector focus, with a secondary in Demolisher. This means they should have a good Intelligence, Constitution, and a somewhat good Dexterity.

Suggested Feat: Stuff
Suggested Skills: Stuff
Suggested At-Will Powers: Stuff
Suggested Schema: Stuff

Class Features

Eidolon Focus

The focus of the summoner helps determine the role they fit in the group. Each Beckoner has a primary and secondary Focus (which must be different), granting different abilities and opening up certain monster roles. In addition, each Primary focus comes with a power to help manage the role they choose. Choose from the following:

  • Adviser Focus - Role: Leader
    • Primary - You gain the Rejuvenating Word power. You may summon monsters with the (Leader) subtype, and may summon Skirmishers and Soldiers. You gain <X to do with Wisdom>.
    • Secondary - You may summon monsters with the (Leader) subtype. You gain <X to do with Wisdom>.
  • Demolisher Focus - Role: Striker
    • Primary - You gain the Demolishing Summon power. You may summon monsters with the Lurker or Skirmisher type. You gain <X to do with Dex>.
    • Secondary - Choose one of Lurker or Skirmisher. You may summon monsters of that type. You gain <X to do with Dex>.
  • Manipulator Focus - Role: Controller
    • Primary - You gain the ??? power. You may summon Controllers and Artillery. You gain <X to do with Cha>.
    • Secondary - Choose one of Controller or Artillery. You may summon monsters of that type. You gain <X to do with Cha>.
  • Protector Focus - Role: Defender
    • Primary - You gain the Marking Presence power. You may summon Brutes and Soldiers. You gain <X to do with Con>.
    • Secondary - Choose Brute or Soldiers. You may summon monsters of that type. You gain <X to do with Con>.

Eidolon Index

At first level, your Eidolon Index contains one creature you may summon, and one elite creature. At 6th, you gain another normal creature, and again at 11th, 16th, 21st, and 26th, for a maximum of six normal creatures. You gain an additional elite creature at level 11 and 21, for a maximum of three elite creatures.

Each Eidolon has a number of "Schema slots" depending on your level. You may only use a schema once in total: So if you place Face of the Forgotten God in one, it may not be placed in another. In addition, each Schema slot is ranked. A Standard Slot gives you two abilities from the schema. A Minor slot gives you a single ability. A Greater slot gives you all three. See the chart under schema for a list of slots each Eidolon should have.

You gain the Summon Eidolon and Summon Greater Eidolon powers.

All Eidolons have the following basic stats.

Eidolon's can never be healed, except by their own powers, and powers that specify Eidolon's.

Eidolon Control

Eidolons are controlled through the use of your actions. Whenever you take a move, minor, or standard action, your Eidolon may also take such an action if within your control radius. Eidolons have their own Immediate actions and Opportunity actions. However, there is some feedback from this control. If your Eidolon is suffering from a condition other then ongoing damage, and you attempt to control it (Such as moving a slowed Eidolon), you immediately suffer from the condition until the end of your next turn.

Your Control Radius is equal to five squares. At level 21, this increases to ten squares. Any Eidolon outside this range will Unsummon at the end of your next turn, unless you command it before then.


All Beckoners learn Schema, which are used when you create your creatures. See the Schema section for more details. You start play with 1 Trait Schema, and 2 At-will, encounter, or rechargable schema. In addition, they gain schema as they level up, based on the following chart:

Beckoner Powers

Beckoner Powers are called Spells. Beckoners do not gain powers as normal characters, instead gaining Schema as they level. They do, however, gain At-will powers at first level, as well as utility powers. In addition, they gain a single daily power at level 29.

New Keyword: Eidolon

A power that has this keyword can be used only when you control an Eidolon within your command radius. If multiple are within your radius, you must choose a single Eidolon, unless the power states otherwise. If [E] is used in a power, it refers to the Eidolon's base damage dice.

Class Features

Rejuvenating Word
Beckoner (Adviser) Class Feature
You murmur a spell to restore your Eidolon's Strength, and invigorate your allies
Encounter ♦ Healing
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One Eidolon in burst
Effect: You expend a Healing Surge, and your Eidolon heals a number of hit points equal to your healing surge value. In addition, you or an ally within 5 squares of your Eidolon may spend a Healing Surge, and regain an additional 1d6 hit points.
Special: At level 6: add your Wisdom modifier to both hit point values regained.

At level 11: +1d6 for Eidolon, +2d6 for ally
At level 16: +2d6 for Eidolon, +3d6 for ally
At level 21: +4d6 for ally
At level 26: +5d6 for ally

Marking Presence
Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Summon Eidolon
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Summon Greater Eidolon
Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Level 1 At-Will Spells

At-Will ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

At-Will ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

At-Will ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

At-Will ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Level 2 Utility Spells

Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Daily ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Encounter ♦ Keywords
Action Action RangeBoldWord Range
Trigger: Trigger
Target: Target
Attack: Attack
Hit: Hit
Effect: Effect
Miss: Miss
Special: Special

Level 6 Utility Spells





Level 10 Utility Spells





Level 16 Utility Spells





Level 22 Utility Spells





Level 29 Daily Spells





Beckoner Schema

Instead of powers, Beckoners gain Schema. Schema are used to help create the Eidolons traits and powers, and come in four varieties: Trait, At-Will, Recharge, and Encounter. In addition, each Schema has a tier: Heroic, Paragon, or Epic. You may not gain a schema of a tier until you reach that tier. So a 1st level Beckoner can take only Heroic Schemes, while at 11th+ it may also take Paragon, and at 21+ it may also take epic.

  • Traits Include Auras, resistances and misc abilities. Generally, you gain trait schema fairly often.
  • At-Will are usually powers that are usable at-will, and represent battle abilities
  • Rechargeable are usually powers that may be recharged.
  • Encounter are usually powers that are usable per encounter.

Each schema usually includes multiple abilities. When you use a Schema in an Eidolon, it gains a number of traits on it based on its rank.

Developer Notes

Schema come in 3 tiers (Heroic, Paragon, Epic, obviously you can only take schema of your tier or lower), and 4 varieties (Traits, At-will, Recharge, or Encounter).

Each schema is made up of three abilities of the type. For example, a trait schema might be:

Mask of the Fire Dragon (Heroic) - Trait
1st Ability: Gain 5 fire resistance
2nd Ability: Gain a Flight speed of 6 (Land at end of turn).
3rd Ability: Gain an aura of flame - Any creature starting within 1 square of you takes 5 ongoing fire damage.
Scaling: At level 11 - Fire resistance +5, Flight no longer lands, Aura deals +5 damage.
Scaling: At level 21 - Fire Resistance +10, Hover, Aura deals +5 damage.

As you can see, Schema scale - this is to prevent any from becoming completely useless. Schema should use [E] for damage - they depend on the Eidolons (Name used in development) damage.

Some Schema may be marked as (Elite tier). These can be put on certain Eidolons only, and generally give benefits on Action points, allow recharging a single powered while bloodied, etc. Essentially, they are benefits you would expect to see on an elite creature, not a normal one.


  • ~40 Schema total
  • Should be a total of 2 Elite schema per tier (6/40)
  • 15 Trait schema - 5 of each tier
  • 8 At-will schema - 5 Heroic, 2 Paragon, 1 epic
  • 12 Rechargable Schema - 5 Heroic, 4 Paragon, 3 Epic
  • 5 Encounter Schema - 2 Heroic, 1 Paragon, 2 Epic
  • These numbers may be adjusted, but no more then 5 schema should be added.

Heroic Schema

Mask of the Fire Dragon (Heroic) - Trait
1st Ability: Gain 5 fire resistance
2nd Ability: Gain a Flight speed of 6 (Land at end of turn).
3rd Ability: Gain an aura of flame - Any creature starting within 1 square of you takes 5 ongoing fire damage.
Scaling: At level 11 - Fire resistance +5, Flight no longer lands, Aura deals +5 damage.
Scaling: At level 21 - Fire Resistance +10, Hover, Aura deals +5 damage.

Paragon Schema

Epic Schema

Paragon Paths

{{subst:ParagonPath|Name|Flavor|Prereqs|Paragraph|Feature 1 Name|Feature 1 Text|Feature 2 Name|Feature 2 Text|Feature 3 Name|Feature 3 Text| {{subst:4ePowerEnc|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePower(Utility)|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePowerDay|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}} }}

{{subst:ParagonPath|Name|Flavor|Prereqs|Paragraph|Feature 1 Name|Feature 1 Text|Feature 2 Name|Feature 2 Text|Feature 3 Name|Feature 3 Text| {{subst:4ePowerEnc|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePower(Utility)|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePowerDay|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}} }}

{{subst:ParagonPath|Name|Flavor|Prereqs|Paragraph|Feature 1 Name|Feature 1 Text|Feature 2 Name|Feature 2 Text|Feature 3 Name|Feature 3 Text| {{subst:4ePowerEnc|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePower(Utility)|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePowerDay|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}} }}

{{subst:ParagonPath|Name|Flavor|Prereqs|Paragraph|Feature 1 Name|Feature 1 Text|Feature 2 Name|Feature 2 Text|Feature 3 Name|Feature 3 Text| {{subst:4ePowerEnc|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePower(Utility)|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}}| {{subst:4ePowerDay|Name|Level/Designation|Fluff|Keywords|Action|RangeBoldWord|Range|Trigger|Target|Attack|Hit|Effect|Miss|Special}} }}

Beckoners and Multiclassing

Beckoners do not follow the normal multiclassing rules, instead they work as follows:

Beckoners and Hybrids

Beckoners do not follow the normal hybrid rules, instead working as outlined below:

Hybrid Class


Hybrid Class Traits
Role: Special - See Class Features

Source: Arcane

Key Ability: Intelligence, Constitution, Charisma, Dexterity

Secondary Abilities: Move non-attack here

Armor Proficiency: Cloth

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee and Ranged

Implement: Tomes, Staffs, Rods

Defense Bonus: +1 Reflex, +1 Will (Needs to be changed)

Hit Points at 1st Level: {{{9/2}}}

Hit Points per Level Gained: {{{10/2}}}

Healing Surges per Day: {{{11/2}}}

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), History (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis), Religion (Int)
Class Features: Eidolon Focus, Eidolon Index, Eidolon Control (Change)

Hybrid Talent Options:

Hybrid Features go here

Hybrid Talents go here

Beckoners and Themes

Beckoners use Themes slightly differently then other classes, as described below:

At any level you have a theme power, you may choose to forgo your Schema for that level, as well as the following level, in order to learn the power. You may retrain the power into schema, or you could upgrade it to a higher level, as usual, by losing the schema for that level.