
From Gralamin's Wiki
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The goal is to get Characters around 1.5 times more powerful


Point Buy

You make your character with 30 points instead of 22.


So implements are not vastly infererior to weapons, You may use any implement of your class to use your powers (Ie: WarlockWizard could use Staff, Wand, Tome, Orb, or Rod). If you have a class feature that requires a certain type of Implement (Ie: Wizard), you must still use that type of implement to use the feature.

Leveling Bonuses

Both of these are included in the table below.

Ability Scores

Any time a player would increase two of their Ability Scores, they may increase three instead.


A Character gains an additional feat at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th level

In addition, Five feats are available:

Augmentable Mindscape

Prerequisite: Gestalt Character, 11th level, Psionic Augmentation from your Secondary Class.

Benefit: You gain an at-will augmentable attack power from your secondary class. This at-will attack power must be from a level less then or equal to your current level, and you must not have an at-will power of the same level from your secondary class already. You gain half the regular Power points for having this power (1 if heroic, 2 if paragon, 3 if epic).

Special: If you have a multi-class feat with a class that has Psionic Augmentation, you may take the at-will augmentable attack power from that class instead.

Gestalt Focus

Prerequisite: Gestalt Character

Benefit: You gain an additional first level at-will attack from your secondary class. If this power has the augmentable keyword, it loses it.

Special: If you have a multi-class feat, you may take the first level at-will attack power from your secondary class. If this power has the augmentable keyword, it loses it.

Twin Utility

Prerequisite: Gestalt Character, You possess at least two utilities from your primary class

Benefit: You gain an utility power from your secondary class. This utility power must be from a level less then or equal to your current level, and you must not have a utility of the same level from your secondary class already.

Special: If you have a multi-class feat, you may take the utility power from your multi-class. This utility power must be from a level less then or equal to your current level, and you must not have a utility of the same level from your secondary class already.

Twin Encounter

Prerequisite: Gestalt Character, 11th level

Benefit: You gain an Encounter attack power from your secondary class. This encounter attack power must be from a level less then or equal to your current level, and you must not have a encounter power of the same level from your secondary class already.

Special: If you have a multi-class feat, you may take the encounter power from your multi-class. This encounter attack power must be from a level less then or equal to your current level, and you must not have a encounter power of the same level from your secondary class already.

Twin Daily

Prerequisite: Gestalt Character, 11th level

Benefit: You gain a daily attack power from your secondary class. This Daily attack power must be from a level less then or equal to your current level, and you must not have a daily power of the same level from your secondary class already.

Special: If you have a multi-class feat, you may take the daily power from your multi-class. This daily attack power must be from a level less then or equal to your current level, and you must not have a encounter power of the same level from your secondary class already.

Gestalt Character Rules

A character has two classes, a primary and a secondary (written as Primary//Secondary). They build their character using both classes, taking the higher HP, Healing Surges, and combining proficiencies. You get the "Forced Skills" (Such as Arcana for Wizard) of both classes, and then the normal skills from your primary and 1/2 of the optional skills of the secondary. If two classes have the same forced skill, you gain a +2 synergy bonus to the skill in addition to being trained in it. You gain both of the class bonuses to defense, and they stack.

Paragon Paths

A character gets a Paragon Path on each side. They may take any paragon path they qualify for, but may not have two paragon paths from the same class (A Fighter//Cleric could not, for instance be a Kensai//Pit fighter)

Epic Destinies

Gestalt characters only gain one epic destiny.


For example, if a character was a Cleric // Paladin they would have:

  • All armor proficiencies
  • Up to Military Melee and simple ranged weapon proficiencies.
  • Holy Symbol Implements
  • +1 Fort, +1 Ref, +3 Will defense bonuses
  • 15 + Con Score HP, + 6 / level
  • 10 + Con mod Healing Surges.
  • Religion as a skill (With a +2 Synergy bonus), and 3 skills from the cleric list, and 1 skill from the Paladin list.

Class Features

A character then gets the class features of both classes. If a Class has the same class feature twice (Ritual Casting, Channel Divinity) then the DM may choose to use one of the following changes:

Ritual Casting

If a character has multiple instances of Ritual Casting, the DM may decide that the character has one of the following benefits:

  • Alchemist for Free (Recommended)
  • A +5 bonus on any skill check a ritual uses.
  • A Bonus Feat (Limited as the DM wishes. Usually should be spent on something for flavor (Class, Race, or Other Feat). Skill Focus and skill Training should always be choose-able. You must still meet prerequisites.)
  • Every 3 levels, starting at level 3, you gain one new ritual for free.(Recommended)
  • Start with the rituals of both classes, and PC's level -1 (Min 1) in magic item value as residuum (This residuum cannot be used to make an item).

Channel Divinity

If a character has multiple instances of Channel Divinity, the DM may decide on one of the following benefits:

  • A single use of Channel Divinity use per class, separating each of the classes powers. Feats that give CD are usable by both. (Recommended)
  • Two uses of Channel Divinity, being able to select any CD power they know.
  • A Single use of CD in all, but a Bonus Domain Feat.


Use the following rule (or reference the chart below) to select powers:

You get the powers from both classes, and can use them both, with the exception that you have 1/2 the powers of the secondary class (Round up for encounters and utilities, round down for dailies). Any level you would gain a power from your primary class and not your secondary, you may replace your secondary class power. This rule gives a power chart of:

Ability Scores
Primary Class
Secondary Class
Will Enc Day Util Will Enc Day Util
1 See Race 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
2 - 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
3 - 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1
4 +1 to Three 4 2 2 1 1 1 1* 0 1
5 - 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
6 - 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
7 - 6 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1
8 +1 To Three 7 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1*
9 - 7 2 3 3 2 1 2 1* 1
10 - 9 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 2
11 +1 to All 10 2 3+P 3 3 1 2+P 1 2
12 - 11 2 3+P 3 3+P 1 2+P 1 2+P
13 - 11 2 3*+P 3 3+P 1 2+P 1 2+P
14 +1 to three 12 2 3+P 3 3+P 1 2*+P 1 2+P
15 - 13 2 3+P 3* 3+P 1 2+P 1* 2+P
16 - 14 2 3+P 3 4+P 1 2+P 1 2*+P
17 - 14 2 3*+P 3 4+P 1 2+P 1 2+P
18 +1 to three 15 2 3+P 3 4+P 1 2*+P 1 2+P
19 - 15 2 3+P 3* 4+P 1 2*+P 1* 2+P
20 - 17 2 3+P 3+P 4+P 1 2+P 1+P 2+P
21 +1 to All 18 2 3+P 3+P 4+P 1 2+P 1+P 2+P
22 - 19 2 3+P 3+P 5+P 1 2+P 1+P 3+P
23 - 19 2 3*+P 3+P 5+P 1 2+P 1+P 3+P
24 +1 to three 20 2 3+P 3+P 5+P 1 2*+P 1+P 3+P
25 - 21 2 3+P 3*+P 5+P 1 2+P 1*+P 3+P
26 - 22 2 3+P 3+P 5+P+E 1 2+P 1+P 3+P
27 - 22 2 3*+P 3+P 5+P+E 1 2+P 1+P 3+P
28 +1 to Three 23 2 3+P 3+P 5+P+E 1 2*+P 1+P 3+P
29 - 23 2 3+P 3*+P 5+P+E 1 2+P 1*+P 3+P
30 - 24 2 3+P 3+P 5+P+E 1 2+P 1+P 3+P

* At these levels you replace a known power with a new power of your new level.

For example, a level 1 character has 3 at-wills (one of which is from his secondary class), 2 Encounters (one of which is from his secondary class), and 1 Daily. He may use all these powers, just as a normal Level 1 character can use 2 at-wills, 1 encounter, and 1 daily.


Additional rules must be created to deal with the Augmentable keyword and psionics. First and far most, if you have two psionic classes with power point pools, you treat each class has having a separate pool (So an Ardent//Battlemind has a primary Ardent power point pool, and a secondary Battlemind power pool). Abilities that allow you to transfer points from a power point pool, such as the Psion's Exchange Power feat, may use any power point pool a character possesses.

Next, it is important to define how primary and secondary power point pools work, since they act as a replacement for encounter powers.

Primary Class PP Pools

Since the Primary Class side acts as per normal for all classes, then any psionic class that grants power points acts like normal (no change).

Secondary Class PP Pools

When a secondary class gives Psionic Augmentation, its power point pool acts much akin to that of a hybrid character. Particularly, whenever they gain an at-will augmentable power, they gain power points equal to the following chart, based on the at-wills level:

Power Level Power Points
1-10 2
11-20 4
21-30 6

Whenever you gain, retrain, or swap an augmentable at-will attack power from your class, recalculate your power point total. Only augmentable at-will attack powers from your class count when you determine the total.

Secondary Classes that give Psionic Augmentation follow the same rules for Daily and Utility powers as other classes.

Paragon Paths that give Power points give the full amount to the character.

Gaining At-Wills

Classes that give the psionic augmentation keyword start off with a single at-will, gaining a second one at level 7. At further levels, they may retrain an at-will to one of a higher level.

The table below summarizes the rules here, assuming you already have the maximum level of power.

Ability Scores
Secondary Psionic Augmentation
Will Enc Day Util Points
1 See Race 2 1 0 0 0 2
2 - 3 1 0 0 1 2
3 - 3 1 0 0 1 2
4 +1 to Three 4 1* 0 0 1 2
5 - 5 1 0 1 1 2
6 - 6 1 0 1 1 2
7 - 6 2 0 1 1 4
8 +1 To Three 7 2 0 1 1* 4
9 - 7 2 0 1* 1 4
10 - 9 2 0 1 2 4
11 +1 to All 10 2 P 1 2 3
12 - 11 2 P 1 2+P 4
13 - 11 2 P 1 2+P 4
14 +1 to three 12 2* P 1 2+P 6
15 - 13 2 P 1* 2+P 6
16 - 14 2 P 1 2*+P 6
17 - 14 2 P 1 2+P 6
18 +1 to three 15 2* P 1 2+P 8
19 - 15 2 P 1* 2+P 8
20 - 17 2 P 1+P 2+P 8
21 +1 to All 18 2 P 1+P 2+P 8
22 - 19 2 P 1+P 3+P 8
23 - 19 2 P 1+P 3+P 8
24 +1 to three 20 2* P 1+P 3+P 10
25 - 21 2 P 1*+P 3+P 10
26 - 22 2 P 1+P 3+P 10
27 - 22 2 P 1+P 3+P 10
28 +1 to Three 23 2* P 1+P 3+P 12
29 - 23 2 P 1*+P 3+P 12
30 - 24 2 P 1+P 3+P 12


You cannot Multi-Class into a class that is on either side of your gestalt, and you are not considered multiclassed into your secondary class. Otherwise, Multiclassing functions normally.

DMing With Gestalt

If your DMing a game that uses Gestalt, You can make encounters that are still challenging by thinking of your party as if it has a size of (Party Size) * 1.5. Do not round for this calculation. If you end up with a ".5" simply make sure half the encounters are of Size -0.5, and half are of size +0.5. So a So for a three character party, half of the encounters are built for four characters, and half are built for five characters.

When handing out XP, Hand it out based on the changed party size, so if an encounter for 3 level 1 characters is 500 xp, each player receives ~111 xp. Alternitivly, just leave a note for how many characters the encounter is built for and divide by that (so 100 xp each in the previous example).

When handing out Treasure, pay careful attention to people who require a weapon and an implement, as most builds will only require one. Give these people high priority for combo items.

Powers by Class Level

The following table shows the highest level of powers available for a Gestalt character. In the table, P stands for "Power from your Paragon Path", E stands for "Power from your epic destiny".

Powers by Class Level
Class Level Encounter (Pri) Daily (Pri) Utility (Pri) Encounter (Sec) Daily (Sec) Utility (Sec)
1st 1 1 - 1 - -
2nd 1 1 2 1 - 2
3rd 3, 1 1 2 1 - 2
4th 3, 1 1 2 3 - 2
5th 3, 1 5, 1 2 3 5 2
6th 3, 1 5, 1 6, 2 3 5 6
7th 7, 3, 1 5, 1 6, 2 3 5 6
8th 7, 3, 1 5, 1 6, 2 7, 3 5 6
9th 7, 3, 1 9, 5, 1 6, 2 7, 3 9 6
10th 7, 3, 1 9, 5, 1 10, 6, 2 7, 3 9 10, 6
11th P, 7, 3, 1 9, 5, 1 10, 6, 2 P, 7, 3 9 10, 6
12th P, 7, 3, 1 9, 5, 1 P, 10, 6, 2 P, 7, 3 9 P, 10, 6
13th P, 13, 7, 3 9, 5, 1 P, 10, 6, 2 P, 7, 3 9 P, 10, 6
14th P, 13, 7, 3 9, 5, 1 P, 10, 6, 2 P, 13, 7 9 P, 10, 6
15th P, 13, 7, 3 15, 9, 5 P, 10, 6, 2 P, 13, 7 15 P, 10, 6
16th P, 13, 7, 3 15, 9, 5 P, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 13, 7 15 P, 16, 10
17th P, 17, 13, 7 15, 9, 5 P, 16, 10, 6, P, 13, 7 15 P, 16, 10
18th P, 17, 13, 7 15, 9, 5 P, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 17, 13 15 P, 16, 10
19th P, 17, 13, 7 19, 5, 9 P, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 17, 13 19 P, 16, 10
20th P, 17, 13, 7 P, 19, 15, 9 P, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 17, 13 P, 19 P, 16, 10
21th P, 17, 13, 7 P, 19, 15, 9 P, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 17, 13 P, 19 P, 16, 10
22th P, 17, 13, 7 P, 19, 15, 9 P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 17, 13 P, 19 P, 22, 16, 10
23th P, 23, 17, 13 P, 19, 15, 9 P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 17, 13 P, 19 P, 22, 16, 10
24th P, 23, 17, 13 P, 19, 15, 9 P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 23, 17 P, 19 P, 22, 16, 10
25th P, 23, 17, 13 P, 25, 19, 15 P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 23, 17 P, 25 P, 22, 16, 10
26th P, 23, 17, 13 P, 25, 19, 15 E, P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 23, 17 P, 25 P, 22, 16, 10
27th P, 27, 23, 17 P, 25, 19, 15 E, P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 23, 17 P, 25 P, 22, 16, 10
28th P, 27, 23, 17 P, 25, 19, 15 E, P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 27, 23 P, 25 P, 22, 16, 10
29th P, 27, 23, 17 P, 29, 25, 19 E, P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 27, 23 P, 29 P, 22, 16, 10
30th P, 27, 23, 17 P, 29, 25, 19 E, P, 22, 16, 10, 6, 2 P, 27, 23 P, 29 P, 22, 16, 10