Feat Fixes

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Revision as of 18:29, 15 December 2023 by Gralamin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Template:4eHomebrew}} This page deals with the issue of Feats that are commonly referred to as "Feat Fixes" aka, feats that make the math of 4e work. ==List Of Feat Fixes== *Expertise Feats **Focused Expertise **Implement Expertise **Weapon Expertise *Defense Feats **Epic Fort **Epic Ref **Epic Will **Great Fort **Iron Will **Lightning Ref **Paragon Defenses **Robust Defenses ==Expertise Related Variants== There are a number of ways of dealing with the Expertise Feat...")
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This page deals with the issue of Feats that are commonly referred to as "Feat Fixes" aka, feats that make the math of 4e work.

List Of Feat Fixes

  • Expertise Feats
    • Focused Expertise
    • Implement Expertise
    • Weapon Expertise
  • Defense Feats
    • Epic Fort
    • Epic Ref
    • Epic Will
    • Great Fort
    • Iron Will
    • Lightning Ref
    • Paragon Defenses
    • Robust Defenses

Expertise Related Variants

There are a number of ways of dealing with the Expertise Feats in games, each giving a different level of power. The following list will be in order of increasing power.

  • Ban them altogether
  • Allow them to be taken once in heroic giving only a +1 bonus
  • Allow them to be taken once per tier, each giving a +1 bonus that stacks with one another.
  • Follow the normal rules
  • Allow players to choose any one of the three feats as a bonus feat at level 1.
  • All of the Following are at about the same amount:
    • Remove the Feats, but give a +1 untyped bonus to hit at level 5, 15, and 25.
    • Remove the Feats, and create masterwork weapons that would give the bonus to hit.
    • Give the players the feats for free for all weapons.
  • Choose of the immediately above, but also allow the feat to be taken for a +1 bonus.

Defense Related Variants

There are also a number of ways of dealing with the Defense feats in games. The Following is a listing of different variants, in order of increasing power.

  • Ban them all together
  • Follow Normal rules
  • The Following are equivalent
    • Give Robust and Paragon Defenses for free, ban epic Fort, Ref, and Will.
    • Create Masterwork Neck Slot items that give the bonuses of Paragon and Robust Defenses. Ban the feats.
  • The Following are also equivalent
    • Give Robust and Paragon Defenses for free, as well as one of Epic Fort, Ref, or Will (And the corresponding paragon feat in paragon). Do not let players take any others.
    • Create Masterwork Neck Slot items that give the bonuses of Paragon and Robust Defenses, and certain types that give The Epic Fort, Ref, or Will bonuses/Great Fort, Iron Will, and Lightning Ref bonuses.
  • Give All of them for Free (Stagger Progression: Robust 12, Great Fort 14, Lightning Ref 16, Iron Will 18 or similar. Repeat in Epic with epic versions)
  • Give all of them for free, and allow players to take Robust and Paragon defenses for a bonus to defenses.