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Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Abilities Shifts Known
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Matter Shift, Flux Tier 1
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Bonus Feat
3 +1 +1 +3 +3
4 +2 +1 +4 +4 Flux Tier 2
5 +2 +1 +4 +4 Shift Secret
6 +3 +2 +5 +5 Bonus Feat
7 +3 +2 +5 +5 Flux Tier 3
8 +4 +2 +6 +6 Shift Secret
9 +4 +3 +6 +6
10 +5 +3 +7 +7 Bonus Feat, Flux Tier 4
11 +5 +3 +7 +7 Shift Secret
12 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8
13 +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 Flux Tier 5
14 +7/+2 +4 +9 +9 Bonus Feat, Shift Secret
15 +7/+2 +5 +9 +9
16 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10
17 +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 Shift Secret
18 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Bonus Feat
19 +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Flux Tier 6
20 +10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Shift Secret

HD: d4

Prowess: 2 per level

Skills: A shaper uses the Tinkerer skill set and chooses one other set. A shaper gets 2 plus their Intelligence modifier skill points per level.

Proficiencies: A shaper is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor, but not shields.


A first-level shaper knows one shift from the list below and gains a new shift at second level and every two levels after that (at 2nd, 4th, 6th, and so on). A shaper uses these shifts to craft spells using the Matter Shift ability, below. Each seed has a number of different abilities available for purchase at a certain point value, as well as having a fundamental shape and saving throw type.

Matter Shifting(Su):

As a standard action, a shaper can craft and cast a spell. By activating this ability, the shaper immediately gains a number of Matter Points (MP) equal to their shaper level plus their Int modifier. These points may be immediately spent upon shaping a spell from the shifts a shaper knows. Any points left over at the end of the shaper's turn dissipate harmlessly. Any changes made by Matter Shifting are permanent unless otherwise Stated in the shift description.

When crafting a spell, a shaper may purchase any number of abilities from shifts he knows as long as he can afford their total cost. Thus a fifth level shaper with a 16

Intelligence and who knows the Thrust, Hole, and Heat shifts could use this ability as a standard action to obtain 8 SP. With that 8 SP, he could then cause his spell to deal 1d6 fire (for 3 MP) and 1d6 weapon (for 3 MP), but would have two points left over. If he instead had an 18 Intelligence, using this ability would net him 9 MP, which he could then use to cast a spell that dealt 3d6 fire (9 MP), or a different spell that dealt 2d6 weapon (6 MP) and Create a 5 by 5 foot hole(3 MP). Any combination, therefore, is possible, as long as the shaper knows the correct shifts and has enough MP.

If, when utilizing multiple shaper, multiple base shapes are used, default to the first shape present on this list: touch, ray, line, cone, sphere. An exception to this rule is when a shaper specifically changes a spell's shape, such as the Sphere or Line shifts.

If multiple types of saves are needed, then the target must make separate saving throws (one for each type required) or suffer the effects tied to that save.

Casting a spell in this fashion provokes an attack of opportunity. The save DC for a spell cast in this fashion is 10 + 1/2 the shaper's level + his Intelligence modifier. Unless

otherwise noted, the range on a shaper's spell using this ability is 25’ plus 5’ per 2 sorcerer levels.

Matter Shifting is affected by arcane spell failure chance. A shaper wearing light armor and not using a shield may ignore his armor's spell failure chance.

Bonus Feat:

At 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter (6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th), the shaper gains a bonus feat chosen from the following list: Dodge, Combat Casting, Extra Shift, Extra Shift Secret, Intelligent Targeting, Perceptive Spellweaving, Reflexive Spellweaving, Residual Matter Shifting, Skill Focus, Weapon Focus. He must still meet all of the feat's prerequisites.


All Changes Resulting from a flux revert to their state before the flux if they leave your possession for more rounds then your Int modifier. Any attempt to use this in combat requires a successful touch attack and the target is able to make a fortitude save for any items in its possession DC=10+1/2 your Lvl+your int mod

Tier 1: At 1st Lvl, you gain the ability to Mend broken mundane items as the spell, this ability may be used at will

Tier 2: At 4th Lvl, you gain the ability to Make Mundane items at will, You must have a Item of similar composition to make a new item. Anything you make with this ability may be made masterwork quality ex. to make a Mwk grappling hook you would need a length of rope as well as a piece of the desired metal

Tier 3: At 7th Lvl, You gain the ability to change an items composition at will. This ability only allows change to non magical materials ex. You may make Iron into Tin.

Tier 4: At 10th Lvl, you gain the ability to change the enchantment of a item so long as its enchantment lvl stays the same. This ability may be used at will.

Tier 5: At 13th Lvl, you gain the ability to change a Magical item into any other magical item of a lesser value. This ability may be used at will. (no being a smart ass and saying artifacts have no cost. This ability does not allow the changing of artifacts.)

Tier 6: At 19th Lvl, The time allowed before a flux is reversed is increased to you lvl, as opposed to your Int mod

Shift Secret (Ex):

At fifth level and each three levels thereafter (8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th), the shaper gains the knowledge of the inner workings of one of his shifts. When casting a spell using his Matter Shifting class feature, he may apply one or more shift secrets to spells that he casts.

In order to apply a shift secret, he must utilize the shift that the secret is associated with: therefore, a shaper could not cast a spell that dealt 2d6 cold damage (using the Cool shift) and apply the Heat shifts's Melting secret to the spell. However, if the spell dealt 2d6 cold damage (using the Cool seed) and 1d6 fire damage (using the Heat seed), the shaper could apply the Melting secret.

To apply a secret, a shaper spends 1 MP when casting the spell.

Some secrets can be learned from multiple shifts. If this is the case, you must only learn the secret once to be able to apply it to any applicable shifts, and may only apply it once even if you use two or more of the parent shifts in a spell. For instance, if you learn the Strong secret from the Fire shift, you may apply the Strong secret when using the Acid shift, and when using both the Acid and Fire shifts you may only apply the Strong secret once.



For elemental Shifts there needs to be a sample of the element to use.


Shape: Touch

Save: Reflex half

5 MP: Change a 5 by 5 Square of liquid into acid, and contact with the square deals 1d6 acid damage

3 MP: Deals +1d6 acid damage

2 MP: Cleans a 5 by 5 square of acid


Lingering: the spell lingers, dealing half the acid damage again damage next round.

Nauseating: the target is nauseated for one round.

Strong: +1 DC

Caustic: +1 damage per die of acid damage. This extra damage effects even targets immune to acid.


Shape: Touch

Save: Fortitude negates

5 MP: +3d6 damage to wooden object.

2 MP: Create a 5 by 5 block of wood. 5hp, hardness of wood.


Dense: triple a blocks hardness and HP.

Aging: Double all damage taken by Element type objects.

Healing: Any damage done to Element type instead heals it.


Shape: Touch

Save: Fortitude half

5 MP: +1d6 Cold for 1 round

3 MP: Increase duration of cold damage by 1 round

3 MP: Change the State of a 5 by 5 square of water, may not be used if container is in the way.


Slowing: the spell slows the target for a number of rounds equal to the total number of dice of damage inflicted by this spell.

Strong: +1 DC.

Vicious: +1 damage per die of Cold damage. This extra damage effects even targets immune to Cold.


Shape: Touch

Save: Reflex negates

4 MP: the target is entangled for 1 round.

2 MP: the target is entangled for +1 round.


Clinging: Any elemental damage attached to this spell also deals half that amount of damage the next round.


Shape: Touch or Personal

Save: None

3 MP: Next attack made with thouched weapon deals +1d6 damage, to next attack roll.

3 MP: Change a weapon to cold Iron for 1 round.

2 MP: Weapon is cold iron for +1 round


Vicious: +1 damage to next weapon attack for each +1d6 of weapon damage.

Bleeding: The creature losses its Cold Iron DR/Immunity for as long as your weapon is cold iron, if the creature is hit by the weapon.

Composite: Any aditional damage is added to the attack. ex. if you spend 3 MP on iron to get the extra damage and spend 5 MP to get +3d6 to wood they would both count as part of the attack.


Shape: touch

Save: Reflex half

3 MP: Heat dealing +1d4 fire damage to an item.

4 MP: Ingnigt a flamabe object, as soon as cast this acts as non-magical fire. 


Lasting: Metal Remains heated for a number of rounds equal to the amount of +1d4 fire damage

Searing: The holder of a heated item takes half damage delt to the item

Strong: +1 DC.

Searing: +1 damage per die of fire damage. This extra damage effects even targets immune to fire.


Shape: Touch or Personal

Save: None

2 MP: +1 armor bonus to AC. This is a personal effect that lasts for 1 hour per point of AC. this gives no spell falure chance.

3 MP: Canges a Weapon to Silver for 1 round

2 MP: Weapon is Silver for +1 round


Living: May be armor or Natural armor bonus

Bleeding: The creature losses its Silver DR/Immunity for as long as your weapon is Silver, if the creature is hit by the weapon.


Shape: Touch

Save: None

2 MP: Create a 5 by 5 pit in the ground.

2 MP: Create a 5 by 5 Block of stone. HP 10

2 MP: Block gain +10 HP


Dense: triple a blocks hardness and HP.


Shape: Touch or Personal

Save: none

3 MP: Gain DR +1/- for 1 Round.

3 MP: increase the Duration by 1 round.

5 MP: Weapon is considered Adimantine for Damage reduction and ignores 10 hardness for next attack.

2 MP: Weapon Ignores an additional +5 hardness, Lasts for +1 Extra attacks


Bleeding: The creature losses its Adamantine DR/Immunity for as long as your weapon is Adamantine, if the creature is hit by the weapon.

Pure: Weapon ignores all hardness, while adamantine


Shape: Touch or Personal

Save: None

3 MP: Reduce the weight of all items in a 5 by 5 square by half for 1 hour.

2 MP: Increase duration by 1 hour.

4 MP: Target take a -2 Penelty on strength checks for 1 minute. the creature also counts as 1 size category smaller for any actions taken against it.


Pure: Reduce items weight by 3/4 of the original.

Strong: +1 DC.

Bleeding: the target counts as 2 size category smaller for any actions taken.


Shape: Touch

Save: None

6 MP: Turn a 5 by 5 block of material to glass, hardness 1, hp 1.

2 MP: any creature within 5 feet of the block takes +1d6 damage when it breaks.


Composite: Any additional damage is added to the Damage from shattering the block.


Shape: Line

Save: None

3 MP: the spell bull-rushes the target with a +4 Strength bonus.

3 MP: improve bull-rush Strength bonus by +3.

2 MP: create 5 MPH gust of wind.

2 MP: increase gust of wind MPH by 5.


Tripping: the spell's bull-rush also attempts to trip the target at the same bonus.

Shape Shifts


Shape: Cone

Save: As original shift

5 MP: change the spell's shape to a 15' cone

3 MP: add +5' to the cone's size


Discriminating: spell does not affect allies


Shape: Sphere

Save: As other shift

5 MP: change the spell's shape to a 10' sphere.

3 MP: increase the sphere's shape by a +5' radius.


Discriminating: the spell does not target allies


Shape: Line

Save: As other shift

5 MP: change spell's shape to 30' line.

3 MP: add +5' to line length.


Discriminating: Spell does not target allies.


Shape: Ray

Save: As other Shift

1 MP: change's attack to a ray


Cunning: may add intelegence to the attack bonus for this attack.



Shape: Touch

Save: Fortitude negates

3 MP: +1d8 damage to objects only.

3 MP: +1d8 healing to objects only.


Living: effects constructs and living constructs

Strong: +1 DC.

Echoing: +1 damage per die of damage. This extra damage ignores hardness.


Shape: Touch

Save: None

6 MP: Weapon Fight on its own for 1 round using your BAB and int modifier for attack and damage.

2 MP: increase the Duration by 1 round.

3 MP: Shield animates and defends you without use of hands for 1 round.


Multi: you may animate 2 weapons, 2 shields, or one of each with one casting


Shape: Touch

Save: Fortitude half

7 MP: Two items become one item. with the fovored compotion of the creators choice. This change lasts 10 minutes. Ex. Fuse(Sword,Bow), one may create a bow that fires swords and another may create a sword that can launch arrows.

1 MP: +10 minute of duration.


Multi: May fuse 3 items at once.


Extra Shift

Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, Matter Shaping class feature, access to at least four shifts

Benefit: You gain the knowledge of a new shift and add it to your shifts known.

Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, you acquire a new shift, and the Intelligence prerequisite increases by 2. A shaper may choose this feat as one of his shaper bonus feats.

Extra Seed Secret

Prerequisites: Wisdom 15, Matter Shaping class feature, at least one shift secret

Benefit: You gain further knowledge into the inner workings of a shift. When you take this feat, select a shift you know. You gain the knowledge of one of that shift's secrets and may utilize it as normal.

Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Instead, you must apply this feat to a different shift. A shaper may choose this feat as one of his shaper bonus feats.

Charismatic Targeting [Investing]

Prerequisites: Charisma 15, Matter Shaping class feature

Benefit: A shaper who takes this feat adds his Charisma modifier to his damage rolls when casting a spell using his Matter Shaping class feature. This feat does not add additional damage to spells that do not already deal damage.

Investiture: For each three points invested in this feat, increase the extra damage by 1.

Special: A shaper may choose this feat as one of his shaper bonus feats.

Perceptive Spellweaving

Prerequisites: Wisdom 15, Matter Shaping class feature, at least one seed secret

Benefit: Your ability to call forth your magic is augmented by your ability to perceive raw magic. You add your Wisdom modifier in addition to your Intelligence modifier when determining the number of Matter Shaping Points you receive when activating your Matter Shaping ability.

Special: A shaper may choose this feat as one of his shaper bonus feats.

Reflexive Spellweaving [Investing]

Prerequisites: Matter Shaping class feature, Combat Reflexes, Residual Matter Shaping

Benefit: If you have Spellweave Points carrying over to your next turn from your Residual Matter Shaping feat, you may utilize them to cast a spell in place of making an attack of opportunity. The spell can only use Matter Shaping Points that are stored by your Residual Matter Shaping feat. Casting a spell in this fashion consumes one of your attacks of opportunity and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Investiture: For each three points you invest in this feat, you gain one temporary Matter Shaping Point when casting a spell as an attack of opportunity. A point gained in this fashion may immediately be spent to augment a spell further.

Normal: You may only cast spells when activating your Matter Shaping class feature.

Special: A shaper may choose this feat as one of his shaper bonus feats.

Residual Matter Shaping

Prerequisites: Charisma 15, Matter Shaping class feature

Benefit: When you have Spellweave Points left over after casting a spell, you may choose to have up to three of them carry over until the end of your next turn.

Normal: Spellweave Points disappear at the end of your turn.

Special: A shaper may choose this feat as one of his shaper bonus feats.