Accursed Adept

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Few are willing to follow the path of the Accursed Adept (sometimes known as the Twice-Damned). These foolish mortals abandon any chance of redemption in order to court with those from the Nine Hells.


  • BAB: +8
  • Feats: Improved Binding
  • Soul Binding: ability to bind 6th level vestiges
  • Special: Must have made a Faustian Pact specifically to gain entrance to this class. This pact must have been granted by a pit fiend or stronger devil.
Accursed Adept - Hit Die: D8
Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Soul Binding
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Damned Pacts, Bel: Lord of the First -
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Dispater, Lord of the Second +1 level of Soul Binding Class
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Mammon: Lord of the Third +1 level of Soul Binding Class
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Belial and Fierna: Lords of the Fourth +1 level of Soul Binding Class
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Levistus: Lord of the Fifth +1 level of Soul Binding Class
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Glasya: Lord of the Sixth +1 level of Soul Binding Class
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Baalzebul: Lord of the Seventh +1 level of Soul Binding Class
8 +6 +6 +2 +6 Mephistopheles: Lord of the Eighth +1 level of Soul Binding Class
9 +6 +6 +3 +6 Asmodeus: Lord of the Ninth +1 level of Soul Binding Class


The Accursed Adept has the following Class Skills (4 + Int modifier a level):

Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Accursed Adepts do not gain any additional proficiencies.

Soul Binding Bonus: At the second Accursed Adept level and every level thereafter, the Accursed Adept's soul binding ability improves as if the Accursed Adept had gained a level in the binder class. the Accursed Adept's Accursed Adept and binder levels stack for the purposes of determining the Accursed Adept's bonus on binding checks, the effectiveness of the Accursed Adept's vestige-granted abilities, the Accursed Adept's ability to bind higher-level vestiges, and the number of vestiges the Accursed Adept can bind. the Accursed Adept do not, however, gain any other benefit a binder would have gained.

Damned Pacts: An Accursed Adept gains the ability to borrow power from the Archdevils in a matter similar to making pacts. For all intents and purposes, this works the same as making pact. The Archdevils the Accursed Adept can make a pact with depend on the Accursed Adept's level in this class, as detailed above. In addition, some Archdevils count as multiple vestiges for the purposes of binding multiple vestiges.

The Accursed Adept is treated as having a corruption rating of 9 as soon as she takes this prestige class prestige class. (See FC2 p. 30)

If an Accursed Adept attacks an Archdevil with that Archdevil bound, or if he attempts to fight Asmodeous with any of his Damned Pacts, the Archdevil, in addition to being immune to the character's abilities, may attempt to cease control of the character as a free action every round (once per round). The Accursed adept must make a Binding check for that Archdevil - If it results in a good binding there is no detrimental effect, while a bad binding indicates they are now Dominated by the Arch Devil, even if they would normally be immune.

Geryon will never answer the Accursed Adept's call after the Accursed Adept take a level in this prestige class.

Bel, Lord of the First

  • Binding DC: 25
  • Sign: the Accursed Adept's skin turns crimson, and the Accursed Adept's left arm is surrounded by a smoky red nimbus.
  • Influence: Bel requires the Accursed Adept to become paranoid of the Accursed Adept's allies, causing the Accursed Adept to expect them to betray the Accursed Adept at any moment. This results in requiring to Accursed Adept to make Sense Motive checks against everyone he meets.
  • Special Note: Bel counts as two vestiges for the purposes of binding multiple vestiges.

Bel grants the Accursed Adept the following abilities:

Fear Aura (Su): As a swift action, the Accursed Adept may raise or lower a fear aura. If at the end of the Accursed Adept's turn the Accursed Adept's fear aura is activated, anything within 20ft of the Accursed Adept must make a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier) Will save, or become Frightened for 5 rounds. A creature who saves against the Fear Aura cannot be affected by this aura for 24 hours.

Summon Minion (Su): The Accursed Adept can summon a Osyluth (Bone Devil) as a full round action, which lasts for five rounds. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Sword Aflame (Ex): This ability can only be used if Bel's sign is not suppressed. The character may summon a Greatsword for use in battle. the power of the Greatsword is based on the table below.

Effective Binder Level Weapon Summoned
10th or lower +3 Greatsword
11th to 14th +4 Flaming Greatsword
15th to 18th +5 Flaming Greatsword

Warlord's Instinct (Ex): Bel grants the Accursed Adept some of his combat prowess. The Accursed Adept is treated as if he had the Power Attack and Awesome blow feat, even if he does not normally qualify.

Dispater, Lord of the Second

  • Binding DC: 28
  • Sign: the Accursed Adept's eyes turn to a rusty red color.
  • Influence: Dispater requires the character to think cautiously about every action. Dispater Requires Accursed Adepts to Silently Study any new Creature or Character they meet for 2 Full Rounds, regardless of their intent, be it hostile, helpful, or neutral. Groups of obviously aligned Characters of Creatures (Such as an army of Hobgoblins, a Strike force of Drow, a team of Paladins, Clerics, and others from the Church of Pelor, or a Camp of Refugees) must only be studied for 1 Full Round per member. Swarms or Mobs count as only 1 Creature.

Dispater grants the Accursed Adept the following abilities:

Corroding Shield (Su): A metal weapon that deals damage to the Accursed Adept corrodes and falls to pieces instantly immediately unless its bearer succeeds on a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier) Reflex Save.

Charm Monster (Su): The Accursed Adept may use the Charm Monster Spell. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Devil's Resistance (Su): Dispater grants the Accursed Adept the devil's Resistances. The Accursed Adept gains immunity to fire, as well as Acid Resistance 10 and Cold Resistance 10.

Rust (Ex): The Accursed Adept may make a melee touch attack to rust an object. If it succeeds the touched metal (or 10-foot cube in the case of a large object) corrodes and falls to pieces instantly. This ability does not effect magic armor or weapons. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Mammon, Lord of the Third

  • Binding DC: 32
  • Sign: the Accursed Adept's tongue becomes forked, and his skin becomes scaly.
  • Influence: People innately consider the Accursed Adept untrustworthy. The Accursed Adept must use the Bluff skill whenever talking to any creature, regardless of any connection to them.

Mammon grants the Accursed Adept the following abilities:

Dilate Aura (Su): the Accursed Adept may double the range of any aura the Accursed Adept possess for 1d4 rounds. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Poison (Ex): the Accursed Adept's weapon becomes Poisoned with an Injury poison. This Poison requires a Fortitude save to save against, DC (10+Accursed Adept levelss + Cha Modifier). This Poison deals 1d2 Con Drain/1d4 Con Damage.

Poison Immunity (Ex): The Accursed Adept becomes immune to Poison.

Touch of Greed (Su): the Accursed Adept may make a touch attack to infuse a creature with greed. Any creature struck must make a DC (10+Accursed Adept levelss + Cha Modifier) will save. If the opponent fails the save, they must attack a random creature and attempt to steal its valuables as soon as possible. This effect lasts 1d4+1 rounds and is mind-affecting. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Belial and Fierna, Lords of the Fourth

  • Binding DC: 35
  • Sign: the Accursed Adept grow a small pair of horns on the Accursed Adept's forehead.
  • Influence: the Accursed Adept crave the feeling of hot blood being splashed onto the Accursed Adept's skin. The Accursed Adept must bathe their entire Dominant Arm in the blood of any enemies they fall as Full Round action, and must join their allies in combat, regardless of the risk.
  • Special Note: The Lords of the Fourth count as two vestiges for binding purposes.

The Lords of the Fourth grants the Accursed Adept the following abilities:

Fear Aura (Su): As a swift action, the Accursed Adept may raise or lower a fear aura. If at the end of the Accursed Adept's turn the Accursed Adept's fear aura is activated, anything within 20ft of the Accursed Adept must make a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier) Will save, or become Frightened for 5 rounds. A creature who saves against the Fear Aura cannot be affected by this aura for 24 hours.

Damage Reduction (Ex): the Accursed Adept gain an amount of DR X/good and silver where X is equal to the Accursed Adept's Effective Binder Level.

Vile Weapons (Su): Half of the Accursed Adept's damage becomes Vile damage, which can only be healed in a consecrated or Hallow area.

Summon Greater Minion (Su): The Accursed Adept can summon 1d4+1 Osyluth (Bone Devil) or a Hamatula (Barbed Devil) as a full round action. This minion lasts for 5 rounds. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds. Devil's Flight (Su): the Accursed Adept gain a 60 ft fly (perfect) movement speed.

Levistus, Lord of the Fifth

  • Binding DC: 38
  • Sign: the Accursed Adept's clothes grow small Icicles which instantly regrow if broken off, and never melt.
  • Influence: the Accursed Adept must offer to duel a single enemy at a time in honorable combat.

Levistus grants the Accursed Adept the following abilities:

Amnesia Touch (Su): The Accursed adept can use this ability as a touch attack, that acts like the Modify Memory spell with a Caster Level of 10+levels in this class and DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier). Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Elaborate Parry (Ex): When fighting defensively, the Accursed Adept gain a +8 dodge bonus to armor class.

Precise Strike (Ex): When Wielding a one-handed or light piercing weapon, and fighting a creature subject to critical hits, the Accursed Adept deals an extra 5d6 points of damage. This only works if one hand is free and the other is wielding the weapon.

Spell Parry (Su): As an immediate action, you may cast the Spell turning spell, with a Caster level of 10+levels in this class. Once this ability has been used it may not be used for five rounds. This effect lasts one round.

Glasya, Lord of the Sixth

  • Binding DC: 40
  • Sign: The Accursed Adept grows a Forked Tail.
  • Influence: Glasya requires the Accursed Adept to avoid slaying the Accursed Adept's foes outright, requiring the Accursed Adept to trick the Accursed Adept's foes into their demise.

Glasya grants the Accursed Adept the Following Abilities:

Confusion Aura (Su): As a swift action, the Accursed Adept may raise or lower a confusion aura. If at the end of the Accursed Adept's turn the Accursed Adept's confusion aura is activated, anything within 20ft of the Accursed Adept must make a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier) Will save, or become Confused for 5 rounds. A creature who saves against the Confusion Aura cannot be affected by this aura for 24 hours.

Diseased Touch (Ex): As part of this ability, make a touch attack. The target must make a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier) Fortitude Save, or be infected with a disease. This disease incubates in 1 day, and deals 1d6 con and 1d6 charisma damage. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Beguiling Touch (Su): As part of this ability, make a touch attack. If successful, the opponent must make a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier) Will Save, or take 1d6 Wisdom Damage. Each point of wisdom drained grants the Accursed Adept 5 temporary hitpoints that last one hour. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Dominate Person (Su): As the Spell, DC (10+Accursed Adept levels+Cha Modifier). Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh

  • Binding DC: 43
  • Sign: A swarm of flies is constantly flying around the Accursed Adept.
  • Influence: Baalzebul requires the Accursed Adept to constantly crave more power in any way available to the Accursed Adept. When facing a large group, the Accursed Adept must attempt to sway them, by making a Diplomacy check against any new NPC they meet with an attitude better than Hostile.
  • Special Note: Baalzebul counts as two vestiges for binding purposes.

Baalzebul grants the Accursed Adept the Following Abilities:

Aura of Stench (Ex): Aura of Stench is always active. At the end of the Accursed Adept's turn anything within 20ft of the Accursed Adept must make a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels +Con Modifier) Fort save, or become Sickened for 5 rounds. A creature who saves against the Aura of Stench cannot be affected by this aura for 24 hours.

Cloud of Flies (Ex): This ability can only be used if Baalzebul's sign is not hidden. the Accursed Adept gains concealment from the flies (20% Miss chance). This is a constant effect.

Disgorge Insects (Su): As a standard action the Accursed Adept may unleash a swarm of insects from the Accursed Adept's mouth. This functions as a 60-ft cone that deals 1d6 damage per Effective Binder Level + 1d6 per level in this class. A DC (10+Accursed Adept levels +Cha Modifier) Reflex save can be made for half damage. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Regeneration (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to your level in this class. Good weapons and spells and effects with the good descriptor, deal normal damage to the Accursed Adept. This ability does not allow the Accursed Adept to reattach limbs, though the lost portion regrows in 1d6 rounds.

Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth

  • Binding DC: 45
  • Sign: The image of dark flames appear in the pupil of the Accursed Adept's eyes.
  • Influence: Mephistopheles gives the Accursed Adept a vicious almost uncontrollable temper. Any time the Accursed Adept is threatened, put down, or attacked, they must immediately attack the source of the aggression with any weapon at hand. If a weapon cannot be gained within a Free action, (If the Accursed Adept is not carrying a weapon in their hand or doesn't have Quick Draw) then they attack with unarmed attacks. The Accursed Adept continues to attack for 3 rounds if armed or 5 if not, (Unarmed Strikes with the Improved Unarmed Strikes abilities, Natural Weapons, Flaming Fists, ect. cause the Accursed Adept to count as armed for the purpose of this Influence), until they are grappled away, or until the target submits they are wrong.

Mephisopheles grants the Accursed Adept the following abilities:

Evoke Hellfire (Su): the Accursed Adept may create a burst of hellfire as an immediate action. Any creature within 10 feet must succeed on a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels+Cha Modifier) Reflex save for half or take 1d6 points of fire Damage per level in this class.

Flames of Hell (Su): This ability cannot be used if Mephistopheles' Sign is hidden. The Accursed Adept's may swash his body in dark flames. Any creature that strikes, touches or grapples the Accursed Adept take 2d6 points of damage. A creature takes damage from this ability any amount of times per turn. This effect lasts five rounds, and Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Hellfire Storm (Su): As a standard action, the Accursed Adept may cast the Hellfire Storm Spell (FC2 p. 101). Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Immunities (Ex): This ability cannot be used if Mephistopheles' Sign is hidden. the Accursed Adept gains immunity to cold and fire.

Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth

  • Binding DC: 55
  • Sign: Asmodeus leaves no sign.
  • Influence: Asmodeus makes the Accursed Adept into a natural leader, and guides the Accursed Adept towards his own ends. Must attempt to make any NPC they deem as "Worthy" a member of their own personal army through Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Bluff, and will take every chance to speak to large groups of people and sway them to their cause.
  • Special Note: Asmodeus does not allow the Accursed Adept to bind any other vestige or Archdevil.

Asmodeus grants the Accursed Adept the following abilities:

Aura of Submission (Ex): At the end of each of the Accursed Adept's turns, any creature within 20 feet of him must succed on a DC (10+Accursed Adept levels + Cha Modifier) Will save or submit to all of the Accursed Adepts commands for 1 day, doing whatever he asks as if every request of his was a suggestion spell against which the target cannot resist. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Faustian Pact (Ex): Asmodeus grants the Accursed Adept an extra feat for the duration of his binding. You lose the feat when the binding ends.

Hounds of Hell (Su): As a standard action the Accursed Adept may summon 2d6+2 Nessian Warhounds for 1 minute. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again for 5 rounds.

Lord of the Nine: Asmodeous allows the Accursed Adept to choose any three individual abilities of the previous Archdevils or Geryon, that do not rely on the pact's sign. The Accursed Adept may use any of those powers.

Tongues (Ex): As the spell, always active