Under the Stars - Pythagria document/scribe text

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Under the Stars - Pythagria
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# Under the Stars - Pythagria ((Under the Stars))
Two hundred years ago, a curse spread across the world of Arcturus as divinely appointed kings warred over religious differences. The curse afflicted great pain upon any who tried to rule over others beyond a mere family. This has left some places in ruins, and some holding on with strong friendly bonds.

During this time, a piece of the sky fell across the Horizon, crashing into the mountains. Like all things that cross the Horizon, this has caused a profane change, corrupting the mighty Stronghold in the mountains into a place of evil and monsters. And a white dragon has been recently seen in the area…

Sunflower, an ancient dwarven queen who survived the August Curse, has magically sent each of you a letter filled with great promises.

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## The Letter ((+Letter))

I am Sunflower, once dwarven queen. The August Curse will soon end, and I intend to see this land of my youth prosper once again. I have confirmed where to acquire a great deal of wealth in order to start up a proper realm, but I need adventurers like yourself to aid me. Meet me in three months, on the third of the early winter. See the directions I have included. I have sent this to the four I think have the skills necessary.

I am not long for this world, you will profit from this, not I. Set yourself to higher aims, take the challenge, and bring peace and prosperity to my once-land. If you know any advisors, bring them, and I will supply the rest.

Sunflower, the once queen

# A Conspiracy in the Shadows

As new nations are born and rub each other the wrong way, a dark conspiracy is hiding in all the nations, corrupting the new system to work against the interests of mortals. Will your new realm fall to this threat, hiding in your neighbours and your own land? Or will your wise rule defeat this threat and unite the land?

# You will be rulers

After conquering Sunflower’s mission, your characters will create a new nation in this north eastern land. You will have the chance to shape your realm as you see fit. and your realm will have a unique feature, one thing it shall always be remembered for. This may be an ancient ruin, a vast library, the knights of the round table - whatever unique feature you wish.

# Your character in the world

Characters in this campaign begin at level 1. After the first adventure, Kingdom rules will be used, and we may add in the free archetype rules.

For this campaign you can select character options from any official PF2e book. You may select common, uncommon, or rare options, but not unique ones (unless an ability specifically gives it to you).

Your characters may or may not know each other, but should be closely enough aligned to think sharing a realm with each other is a good idea - the exact details are up to you. Expect a few years time skip to get your realm started after the prologue.

# World Brief
The sky is magical. The order of stars matters to magic, though the details are not well known anymore.

This campaign will be focused on the present and future, not the past. While you will go through ancient ruins, these will be set dressing for this campaign. You will be restricted to a specific region.

The world tone is not **dark**, but it is **dangerous**. Think of it as the start of a golden age, having just left a devastating dark age.

The forces of darkness are just as disorganized as you to begin with, but with the great curse gone, they also can make their move. Expect a theme of **corruption** to oppose and contrast the theme of you building a new world.

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This new kingdom was named **Hypatia**.

# House Rules / Clarifications ((+House Rules))
* Anadi are banned (No spider people)
* Skilled leaders’ variant (Moved to "Mechanics" section)
* Earn income clarifications
* Half-X heritages: If the original ancestry for the heritage has Darkvision, and you have low-light vision from your ancestry, and you take the heritage, you get Darkvision (this works like other heritages)
* You can't use Half-X heritages on that ancestry (no 150% elves / orcs, yes rules wise it isn't good).

## Third Party Content
Anything I have access to may be allowed, but the ones that are definitely allowed are:
1. Team+ Content (Archetypes+, Barbarians+, Clerics+, Inventors+, Magus+, Oracles+, Witches+)
2. Battlezoo Eldamon
3. Battlezoo Ancestries: Angels, Demons, Doppelgangers, Dragons, Dungeons, Evil Eyes, Gremlins, Intelligent Weapons, Mimics, Minotaurs, Nymphs, Oni, Sidhe, Slimes, Sphinxes, and Sthenos

## Earn income

1. Tasks always come in whole number of weeks duration.
2. Always available: Tasks of settlement level or lower, can do for a week. Must use a skill that by default has earn income
3. Always available: Poor tasks for other skills. These are usually level 1, but may level these up at some point. This lets you use athletics, etc. These tasks take a week.

4. When doing tasks that are not usually allowed for Earn Income, you only ever count as trained unless you get a feat to let you earn income with the skill.
5. We are ignoring the interrupting tasks rules generally, unless you were available in town and started ignoring the job you took.
6. **Extra Preparation** - you can spend 3 days to prepare on a weeklong task, to lower the DC by 2.  You may reduce a week-long task to two days, to reduce the DC by 5. The used days are for preparing and are used up without gaining income. If the task is longer then a week you need to respend the preparation time to keep the DC low (EG on a two-week task, you would spend 10 days to have the DC -5 for all 4 remaining).
7. Looking for Jobs downtime activity is available. See the homebrew - Downtime section.

# The Region - Pythagria ((+Region))
![Region Map](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/5/5c/Region-Map-Rough.png)

Blue line = Rivers
Brown lines - old roads
Blue hexes = water (of varying depth)
South teal hexes = swamp
Brown hex = Mountain
Yellow hex = hill
Green hex = Forest
Pale green - grassland



You start the campaign at the blue dot. You can think of each hex about 12 miles across. The time to cross a hex is constant based on its terrain type, for ease. This makes the top of the map to the bottom around the size of Edmonton to Calgary.

All these places once had names, but individual communities call them various things right now. Part of your job will be unifying this. Your PCs can come from anywhere in the region, or from further about - though that means problems from back home are going to follow you, and you will not be able to go back to deal with them.

You can also start your kingdom anywhere in the region, after the first adventure.

The location chosen was just below the eastern forest.


## Subregions ((++Subregions))
* Fairmark Forest - A coniferous forest on the east edge
* Barrial Steppe - The plains area south of Fairmark Forest, including some of the hills and mountains
* Stoneroad Plains - The vast plains that surround the old roads
* Gum Mounds - Some of the Hills and mountains north of Fairmark Forest
* Evergraves - In the swamps, filled with undead. Magical Mangroves.
* Coniferous forests
* Underground dwarf ruins
* Foreign kingdom fort

### World Map
![World Map](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/6/69/Pythagria-Map.png)
[World Map Link](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/6/69/Pythagria-Map.png)


### Ley lines
There are four ley lines that run through the region.
1. Teleport Leyline - Passes north to south through the region (level: 11)
2. Memory - passes west to east through the region (level: 3)
3. Undiscovered ley line 3 (level: <>)
4. Undiscovered ley line 4 (level: <>)

### Cities / Freeholds
1. Polis - Hypatia capital
2. Spiral Stronghold - Kobold allies
3. Stokras - Independent city, with some Demonic heritage.
4. Ironwell - Independent city
5. Gennefort – Independent city

### Relevant Links
* [Calendar](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HhvwGdhNHdkNoFzG9VdOxnfPgWWPzDelPY7YgmcM2I4/edit#gid=0)
* [Session 0 doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fylWXkXUK70ztYm9Hgew9tdaH36xarnLEQBZanqUlDo/edit)
* [Player Campaign Notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UImOHpmD3emTSO0Sy1p51CRMAsPwiinpbSg6O7cgaz0/edit#heading=h.egu6kxlu67sk)

### Underground
There is also an underground region map available. This is a more difficult, optional, area, with larger rewards, such as relics.


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## World Guide ((World Guide))
The world of Arcturus is a strange one. I do not expect you to know or read all of this, but it is knowledge that your characters may know or call upon.

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AI Generated art, and some internet has been used throughout the document. Its goal is to give you a feeling for the character.

# What everyone knows ((+What everyone knows))
This section contains a list of facts meant to give you a high-level idea of the setting, things pretty much everyone knows.

* The world is named Arcturus
* You are in the north eastern part of the world, a colder location.
* The time of divine kings was ended by the words of a few. These uttered words created the August Curse. (This conflicts with Sunflower's telling)
* Over the last two hundred years, the August Curse has been in effect, causing great pain, and then even death to any who tries to rule over another, more than a parent over a child.
* The August Curse has left few small communities. Small spots of light in the darkness, with many falling to disease, monsters, poor food supply, etc.
* Almost all great cities were abandoned.
* The sky is magic. The sky is mystical. The night sky is important.
* The planets (which are planes) rotate around the sun on giant celestial disks, which can sometimes be seen in the sky. These in turn, rotate around Arcturus.
* The Horizon, a barrier between the planes and the world itself, was built in ancient times to protect the world.
* Ancient magic would allow people to enter the sky in ways we cannot anymore, allowing mortals to do dangerous things.
* When parts of the sky fall to the planet, they contain rare materials. However, they also tend to twist the realm, creating dungeons.
* Many creatures are attracted to these dungeons, that are too dangerous for others to live in.
* Magic has never left the world, but it changes how its presents with the time.
* Local folklore and stories, some of which contain a nugget of truth. Everyone is different, and I encourage coming up with some!
* An idea of one or two of the gods, even if not much of their doctrine.


**Example groups that are likely to survive the August Curse:** A druidic circle with no clear leader, a family, democratic bandit groups, an anarchic commune, a small business, an orphanage.

**Groups that did not survive you may think did:** A family with a clear "leader" over multiple generation. Most learning institutions with a professor / student. Most religious groups.

As with many things, the above is not hard and fast rules, the August Curse was an ill will upon the world, and what it decided to hit, and not hit, could feel arbitrary.

**Names:** Names associated with stars, galaxies, etc. in the real world are common naming patterns in this world.

# Historical Timeline ((+Historical Timeline))

## The Ancient Era (1000s of years ago)
* Thousands of years ago - creation of the universe. Ancient empires rise and fall
* The void wakes - Horizon is created to protect the world.
* Arcane magic is at its greatest
* The Raven Queen and The Beaver Lord ascend (claimed, disputed by Zaara)

**Known Empires** (2/6)
* North East - L'Aurelian Republic, Think of an ancient Greek / Rome philosopher state.
* North islands - Principality of Linaria, lots of floating islands, these islands are now gone.

**Example Ancient NPCs:**
* A Brilliant wizard, explorer, adventurer
* A famous prophet king
**Known Ancient Artifacts:**
* Artificial / shaped floating islands
* Buried ruins of ancient powerful families
* Hanging Gardens of Nolyba

### The Upheaval
Something went wrong, and the ancient empires were lost. There were six of them at the time. The details of this destruction are only speculated.

## The Lost Ages (over 1000 years ago)
* Divine magic at its strongest
* Somewhere along the way, a great hero failed in their duty.

math(**Known Lost Age NPCs**
* An engineer warrior
* A revolutionary martyr

**Known Lost Age Artifacts**
* Mighty city controlled by a famous guild
* Mighty city that some trace their lineage back to today

### The Deluge (about 600 years ago)
The end of the Lost ages was the Deluge, a massive flood. Like the Upheaval, there was 6 empires at this time.

## Age of the Previous Empires (~600 to 200 years ago)
### The great bounty
The land was greatly fertile after the Deluge, causing a large amount of plant growth.
### History
* Primal Magic at its greatest
* Discovery of Purification of Luminiferous Steel
* 6 empires of note rise, ruled by kings/queens appointed directly by gods. No state / church separation.
* Exploration, Expansion, Colonization
* Peace treaty signed between nations
* Heretical religious text discovered

**The Empires**
* The north east - Once known as Pythagria
* The middle east
* The south east
* The south
* The north west - The Hallean Accord
* The south west
**Known Previous Empire NPCs:**
* A World-class idiot commander
* An evil writer
**Known Previous Empire Artifacts:**
* The Bone Spear
* Songs of Blood Feuds


### Troubled Times
* Conflict for hundreds of years
* Rise of Shadow magic
* Eventually a major assassination occurs. The target mutters the words that would become The August Curse.

## The August Curse (200 years ago, to 0 PC)
* 200 years 
* In addition, illness sweeps through crops and livestock throughout this time.
* Empires fall apart, many settlements die off
* Small areas keep hope and light alive

## Today (0 PC+)
* Rise of Psionics
* The August Curse has ended, new nations begin.

# Ancestries & Heritages ((+Ancestries & Heritages))
These are samples for the ancestries, as always you can come up with your own flavor / justification, this is just to get a starting point. And individuals are always unique. If we want to get in-depth on a specific racial heritage, we can.

In terms of culture, I am trying to avoid “Race hides on its own and has its own culture” generally, though for some races it might make sense.

**Third party ancestries**: Battlezoo has a number of ancestries available. All of these will be marked with †, with the exception of Minotaur which will soon have an official release. ‡ will be used on ones that I have changed the name of in setting.

## Ancestries

### Android
Ignore base fluff of spaceship. You may take the flavor of an Automaton or a Conrasu. Otherwise, you may be from the future and stranded in the past. Your knowledge of the future may be limited.

### Angel†
From Battlezoo. This is an extraplanar entity (from Zuwei) that has come to Arcturus after straying from your path. You have an easier time hiding your true nature then others, but others will be suspicious of you if they learn your true nature.


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# Ancestry Table
The demographics of the region for this game are as follows (roughly) (For NPCs / not players):
Ancestry | Percentage | d100 roll
--- | :---: | :---:
Abundant Table|40%|01-40
Common Ancestries|54%|41-94
Rare Ancestries|5%|95-99

## Abundant Ancestry Table
Ancestry | Percentage (overall) | Percentage | d100 roll
--- | :---: | :---: | :---:
Dwarf | 20.000% |50.0% | 01-50
Elf | 12.000% | 30.0% | 51-80
Human | 8.000% | 20.0% | 81-100

† = Battlezoo. * = Exists as Battlezoo and Official, combine

1 in 6 have a Versatile Heritage, most (80%) half ancestries.

### Arboreals†
These wooden creatures tend to take things slowly - some say they just started forming an opnion on the curse when it went away. They tend to prefer things remain how they were, slowly and patiently cultivating whatever final form they desire from within the system.

### Athamarus
Athamarus live under the sea, and they were devasted by the August Curse. Although they have strong communities without a formal hierarchy, their communities were too large, had too much power, and caused many to get hit by the curse. Many of them splintered into smaller communities, surviving on their own. Now they hope to recreate their communities, having not learned many good lessons about outsiders.

### Automaton
Either you are from the far past, and recently activated (your knowledge of the past might be corrupted), or you are a recent creation.

### Awakened Animals
Awakened Animals are becoming more common, as something has clearly shifted after the August Curse. Animals are awakening - similar to what is happening to Poppets a spark of the cosmos is somehow coming to rest in these "normal animals". However, they don't have the innocent of Poppets nor the spiritual enlightenment of Kitsune, instead the animal instinct remaining strong. Many mistake awakened Animals for werecreatures.

### Azarketi
Stick on the coasts, migrating south when the seas freeze in the winter. Small families of Azarketi can be found in areas, and are happy to live with others, though sometimes live in the vastness of the ocean.

### Bogeys†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Catfolk
Pretty common, everywhere. Catfolk greatly enjoyed the August Curse, as their small but tight-knight communities were small enough to avoid the curse. However, the cost of this was keeping the band small, and hard choices to split groups. Many are now hoping to recombine these groups in the new cities starting to be built. Also known as Amurruns.

### Centaur
Centaurs are proud nomads and many have held onto their ancestral territories. They have managed to hold onto larger communities than many, perhaps due to how "free" they are and able to run off and be on their own. Centaurs are considering if they should expand their lands, but jealously protect them from outsiders, unlikely to give much over to others unless they rule the kingdom.

### Cerebrophages†
Battlezoo mindflayers. They hunger for sentient brains, and cannot sustain themselves else wise effectively. These needs put them into a rather cruel position by default - they need to consume, and those they consume from surely perish. And since they need a brain a month, that necessitates there are few on top to consume, and many to be consumed. As such, Cerebrophages are rarely allowed in other settlements and they were devstated by the curse. That said there are some benefits - Cerebrophages psionics powers and way of consuming minds have given them a distinct advantage in understanding others. A Cerebrophage is often able to guide a charismatic speaker to great power, and create a stable powerful kingdom as a result. Unsurprisingly, the symbiotic nautilus that creates these creatures comes from Ginnungagap.



### Common Ancestry Table
Ancestry | Percentage (overall) | Percentage | d100 roll
--- | :---: | :---: | :---:
Athamarus | 0.540% | 1.0% | 01
Azarketi  | 0.540% | 1.0% | 02
Catfolk  | 3.240% | 6.0% | 03-08
Centaur | 0.540% | 1.0% | 09
Fetchling  | 0.540% | 1.0% | 10
Gnoll/Kholo | 3.240% | 6.0% | 11-16
Gnome  | 1.620% | 3.0% | 17-19
Goblin  | 1.080% | 2.0% | 20-21
Goloma  | 0.540% | 1.0% | 22
Grippli  | 4.320% | 8.0% | 23-30
Halfling  | 4.320% | 8.0% | 31-38
Hobgoblin  | 0.540% | 1.0% | 39
Kitsune  | 1.080% | 2.0% | 40-41
Kobolds  | 2.160% | 4.0% | 42-45
Leshy  | 2.160% | 4.0% | 46-49
Lizardfolk  | 1.080% | 2.0% | 50-51
Merfolk | 0.540% | 1.0% | 52
Minotaur* | 0.540% | 1.0% | 53
Nagaji  | 1.620% | 3.0% | 54-56
Orcs  | 0.540% | 1.0% | 57
Poppet  | 3.240% | 6.0% | 58-63
Ratfolk  | 2.700% | 5.0% | 64-68
Sarangay | 1.080% | 2.0% | 69-70
Shisk  | 1.080% | 2.0% | 71-72
Shoony  | 2.160% | 4.0% | 73-76
Skeleton  | 2.160% | 4.0% | 77-80
Snowsoul† | 3.240% | 6.0% | 81-86
Sprite  | 1.620% | 3.0% | 87-89
Strix  | 1.080% | 2.0% | 90-91
Surkis | 0.540% | 1.0% | 92
Tanuki | 0.540% | 1.0% | 93
Tengu  | 0.540% | 1.0% | 94
Vanara  | 1.080% | 2.0% | 95-96
Vishkanya  | 0.540% | 1.0% | 97
Wayang | 1.080% | 2.0% | 98-99
Werecreatures† | 0.540% | 1.0% | 00

† = Battlezoo. * = Exists as Battlezoo and Official, combine

### Conrasu
You are a servitor of Etris, sent down via an asteroid for a mission. You are lucky to have survived the process.

### Cyclops†
Battlezoo to be released.


### Demons†
From Battlezoo. You are a demon that has escaped from The Sun, and somehow rebelled against your own nature. Expect people to not be friendly to you - you are actually an embodiment of sin after all.

### Devils†
These beings from the Sun manipulate people for their own benefit. Their beliefs on politics are greatly varied, but they will manipulate themselves into a position of strength regardless of the system. Some have allegiances to devils on the sun who play them as pawns to take over Arcturus. Others have left on their own, thinking themselves very clever. Either way, they are likely to have baggage from the sun.

### Doppelgangers†
From Battlezoo. Doppelgangers are rare, and their existence to others is very problematic. It becomes difficult to trust what you see before your eyes. Greater secrecy is needed. In some settlements, Doppelgangers are able to "register" themselves and live normally, but may need a greater alibi to avoid issues.

### Dragons†
From Battlezoo. Dragons tend to live away from others, and these more "humanoid" dragons are rare. These don't even line up with the more powerful Dragon monsters, but insist they are also Dragons. 

### Dullahan†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Dungeons†
From Battlezoo. You are likely a unique being, with the core of your dungeon being an awakened piece of Luminiferous Steel. Some might think of you as a piece of Ginnungagap itself. Work with the GM.

### Dwarf
Very common, renowned smiths and builders, very common around mountains. While slow to trust, have eventually allowed all into their homes.

### Einherjar†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Elf
Common in the forests in the region, elves have a signature sense of superiority. While they allow anyone if they respect nature, you will never truly be part of their group. Usually less insufferable when they are forced to leave their settlements. Elves are more normal fantasy elves, then quite as much space elves.


### Rare Ancestry Table
Ancestry  |  Percentage (overall) | Percentage |  d100 roll
---  |  :---:  |  :---:  |  :---:
Angel† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 01
Arboreal† | 0.200% | 4.0% | 02-05
Awakened Animals | 0.200% | 4.0% | 06-09
Bogey† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 10
Cerebrophage† | 0.200% | 4.0% | 11-14
Conrasu  | 0.200% | 4.0% | 15-18
Cyclops† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 19
Demon† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 20
Devil† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 21
Doppelganger† | 0.100% | 2.0% | 22-23
Dragon† | 0.200% | 4.0% | 24-27
Dullahan† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 28
Einherjar† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 29
Evil Eye† | 0.100% | 2.0% | 30-31
Fleshwarp  | 0.650% | 13.0% | 32-44
Gargoyles† | 0.100% | 2.0% | 45-46
Ghorian  | 0.500% | 10.0% | 47-56
Giant† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 57
Gremlin† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 58
Kashrishi  | 0.400% | 8.0% | 59-66
Lamia† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 67
Nymph† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 68
Ogre† | 0.100% | 2.0% | 69-70
Oni† | 0.100% | 2.0% | 71-72
Psychopomp† | 0.150% | 3.0% | 73-75
Redcap† | 0.050% | 1.0% | 76
Samsaran | 0.050% | 1.0% | 77
Satyr† | 0.150% | 3.0% | 78-80
Sidhe† | 0.150% | 3.0% | 81-83
Slime† | 0.150% | 3.0% | 84-86
Sphinx† | 0.100% | 2.0% | 87-88
Sthenos (Medusa)† | 0.200% | 4.0% | 89-92
Yaoguai | 0.400% | 8.0% | 93-100

† = Battlezoo. ‡ = Official name vs setting name

### Evil Eyes†
From Battlezoo. These off-brand Beholders are considered extreme cases of Fleshwarps, yet a scholar would be able to find enough similarities to categorize them as their own ancestry. They are so few they don't have a clear identity.


### Fetchling
Fetchlings were created by the August Curse, never seen before then. Some say they are those who angered the curse, doomed to be reborn into this lowly form. Others claim they have ties to the dark in the night sky.

### Figment†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Fleshwarp
A feared and misunderstood race. Sometimes a wizard did it. Sometimes, a result of a village being near a buried asteroid, whose Luminiferous Steel warps creatures over a long time.

### Fusions†

Fusions suffer from a rare and significant problem: Usually their multiple heads each have different opinions, especially on politics. Two-Headed Giants are the worst at this almost always bickering with themselves when the topic comes up. Cerberi are relatively similar, but they are risk adverse - their guardian nature often means they don't want to risk losing what they have, even if they could gain. Hydras often find themselves with strong positions on each head, and as each is cut off the new head has a different perspective.

### Gargoyles†
From Battlezoo. Gargoyles are guardians, bound to a specific person, structure, place or community or object. This essentially put any person they were protecting to being hit by the August Curse, sometimes even a whole community. As such many Gargoyles feel a profound sense of failure and betrayal. Many of these are resentful against those who were not subjected to such sights, and a profound rift between gargoyle clans can form from these feelings. Many are now searching for a new place to protect.

### Ghoran
Ghoran were rare, even before the recent times, coming into being as part of "The Great Bounty" when primal magic was at its strongest. When people are desperate, they probably tried to eat you. Ghoran's keep to themselves, where possible, hiding in the forests across the world.


### Abnormal Ancestry Table

Ancestry  |  Percentage (overall) | Percentage |  d100 roll
---  |  :---:  |  :---:  |  :---:
Android | 0.050% | 5.0% | 01-05
Automaton | 0.050% | 5.0% | 06-10
Dungeons† | 0.040% | 4.0% | 11-14
Figment† | 0.100% | 10.0% | 15-24
Fusion† | 0.050% | 5.0% | 25-29
Golemborn/Homunculus†‡ | 0.040% | 4.0% | 30-33
Intelligent Weapon† | 0.040% | 4.0% | 34-37
Kraken† | 0.050% | 5.0% | 38-42
Living Spell† | 0.030% | 3.0% | 43-45
Mimic† | 0.050% | 5.0% | 46-50
Otherworlder† | 0.010% | 1.0% | 51
Swarmblood† | 0.150% | 15.0% | 52-66
Titan† | 0.120% | 12.0% | 67-78
Troll† | 0.120% | 12.0% | 79-90
Yaksha | 0.100% | 10.0% | 91-100

† = Battlezoo. ‡ = Official name vs setting name

### Giants†
From Battlezoo. These proud creatures care about their legend - which is also what has utterly destroyed them so. For their legend is a way for the August Curse to hit them, and many died as a result. With the curse gone, is this a chance for your legend to be told?

### Gnoll / Kholo
These cunning people are frequently welcomed by poor communities who see them as loyal protectors. Traditionally, their lack of honor offends nobility, who may try to purge them, though sometimes that goes poorly. The August Curse was a boon to their acceptance.

### Gnome
Ancestors are ancient fey from the moon. The Bleaching appeared with the August Curse. Many Gnomish lives were lost, with their population only once again starting to recover.


### Goblin
Goblins do not care about their history, and are currently leading advocates to not having new leaders when the Great Curse lifts. They like the life they have had under the anarchistic confines. For those who crave a greater sense of safety, Goblin’s are dangerous extremists.

### Golemborn† (Homunculus‡)
From Battlezoo. Not yet released. Using "Golem" as a term is something RPGs are moving away from, since it has Jewish significance. This is meant to be a Frankenstein, and as such using the term Homunculus, in a Fullmetal Alchemist style. Golemborn are constructed, and are rare - like many of the construct ancestries, it is difficult to bind the soul. Many slip into repeated patterns of some kind, perhaps embodying a specific trait. These rare creatures are all essentially unique constructions, with little "culture" of their own.

Homunculus Servitors share your name, but the distinction between your kind and them is obvious - like the difference between a human and an Ape.

### Goloma
This is a race that does tend to stick to itself, for all others are predators. The August Curse has been a mixed bag for Golomas, as some desperate people noting them in an area have indeed turned to hunting them for food. Some see the end of the August Curse as a way to protect all their packs.

### Gremlins†
From Battlezoo. These fey beings have avoided the world during the curse, but are some of the first fey to make the trip back to the world. Officially given a mission to figure out what Fey can conquer and expand their realm, these servants are busy breaking things, tinkering, and playing pranks. As Gremlins do so, they might come to like the society on Arcturus, more then they like their fey masters.

### Grippli/Tripkee
Friends to the elves, this rarely seen race is full of noble people, that many respect. They believe in bonds of honor, putting them on bad terms with the gnolls.

### Halfling
Halflings having few rulers, along with providing places of comfort, have come out well in the August Curse. Halflings tend to want democracy, finding some political allies with Goblins, though they find them a bit a too extreme politically.


### Hobgoblins
Regions ruled by Hobgoblins still remember the violence they once inflicted. Many do not trust them, which is fine with Hobgoblins, who do not trust them back. They despise the political views of both Goblins and Halflings.

### Human
Humans have been itching under the curse, unable to create the large ordered community structures that define them. Many are now looking to create their own legacy and empire in the world.

### Intelligent Weapons†
From Battlezoo. Like many constructs, there currently isn't a consistent way to give an object a soul. As such you are a one-off creation, a single miracle or act of genius. Other intelligent items usually are intelligent, but not ensouled.

### Kashrishi
Some have acted successfully as meditators and brought peace to small communes. The rest relax away from everyone else, content to live a hermit lifestyle.

### Kitsune
Instead of being a biological ancestry, Kitsune are spiritual, transforming into the fox creatures. Some born to any settlement feel a particular spiritual connection with the stars, and become Kitsune. Some keep this personal and the people around them may never know, others become great spiritual leaders.

### Kobold
The August Curse freed many kobolds from servitude to the ancient and powerful dragons. Now many Kobolds wish to become the dragons in their memory, powerful creatures sitting on hoards of gold, with servants. Others follow along with others plans, becoming hardworking members of their movements.

### Kraken†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Lamia†
From Battlezoo. Lamia believe themselves to be cursed from long ago, and see that the gods have betrayed everyone else with the August Curse. Many see this as an opportunity to restore the world to its rightful state - with them on top, of course. And the fact this lets them more easily feed their addiction, well that’s just a nice side benefit.


### Leshy
Many Leshy now exist, with the rise of primal magic. They at first were just seen outside of nature, but over the length of the August Curse, they have become common inhabitants of cities, greenifying them. A Leshy might seek to become a ruler to create a model for all to follow.

### Living Spell†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Lizardfolk
Lizardfolk have been greatly pleased with the August Curse, bringing the destruction of others civilizations, like their ancient one was destroyed. A Lizardfolk is likely to want to create a nation matching one of their ancient ones. Also known as Iruxi.

### Merfolk
Merfolk’s underwater kingdoms, resembling those of the largest countries above ground, where entirely shattered by the August curse. They seek to re-establish their power over the seas, with mages in the lead again, of course. This has given some more martial oriented Merfolk reason to leave the sea and search for better fortunes on land.

### Mimics†
From Battlezoo. You are an especially intelligent and moral version of your kin, or perhaps you are a very strange awakened being. Either way, your existence is unsettling to many. As there are so few mimics, its hard to draw conclusions on how they tend to act.

### Minotaurs*
There are Battlezoo minotaurs, as well as some being released in Howl of the Wild. One group (Battlezoo) turned towards intellect and their humanoid side. For those, many assume you a monster, but perhaps you are from a more reasonable settlement that can see you for the intelligent being you are. Your strange love of puzzles and mazes can be useful to many communities and those who are lucky enough to have a Minotaur count themselves lucky. Other groups of Minotaurs (Howl of the Wild) instead double down on the "bull" aspect of their kind, and live in small enclaves. However, unlike some groups, both see each other as friends and allies, if strange ones.


### Nagaji
Once priests common throughout the realms. Many felt it was their deceptions that caused the religious wars and the great curse. Now they live where they ended up, but have great respect for Kitsune and Poppets, seeing them as similar spiritual beings to themselves. Their Naga guardians have largely fled to other planes, but some still visit Horizon, and whisper to those who once served. Some will mistake Nagaji for Vishkanya.

### Nymphs†
From Battlezoo. You are similar to a Ghorian; however, you are from Ellypso, having traveled the planes to get here. Unlike many extraplanar travelers, your innate beauty wins you an easier time being accepted.

### Ogre†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Oni†
From Battlezoo. You were once a Kami, but have been punished and turned into an Oni. These are almost always done by deities to some purpose, but other powerful beings might incarnate you. Very few know you aren't a demon, or a devil, and you are often mistaken for them.

### Orc
Orcs were almost destroyed by the August Curse, their attempts to form natural aggressive hierarchies running afoul of the curse commonly. But that just made those who survived all the stronger, and it is those who are strong who should rule.

### Otherworlders†
Otherworlders are distinct from many different worlds. How they have reached Arcturus and the Celestial Sphere is confusing, leading to one probably correct opinion: these people are invaders from within Ginnungagap. Whatever their opnions they are considered beings of ill fortune and likely need to hide themselves.

### Poppet
Poppets are mysterious to all even now. These awakened constructs have a spark of the cosmos within them. Kitsune and Poppets tend to get along, finding deep truths that only the two races have in common. Poppet’s views vary as wildly as humanity.


### Psychopomps†
These creatures are from Rubone, the plane of the dead. Many are used to the strong beucracy that the Raven Queen's court is made out of, and find Arcturus positively messy. Some find great freedom in this - others feel the distinct need to clean up. Few Psychopomps leave Rubone under the Raven Queen's orders, though a few exist - most are here due to accidents or their own desires. Some realms welcome them, others treat them as unholy monsters, though for most of them that couldn't be further from the truth. Morrignas evoke spider tropes, but are allowed as long as it doesn't go too far.

### Ratfolk / Ysoki
The ratfolk have amassed great wealth in their warrens, acquiring pieces that others considered too cursed to touch. They are unafraid of the August Curse, for their family dynamics fall just underneath it.

### Redcap†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Samsaran
Samaran uniquely see the great cycles of the universe, seeing the patterns reapeat. The question for each individual is - what pattern is currently repeating? This question will form Samsaran's opnions on how to act. Most will reinforce this question, but a few see something terrible about to happen, and will take drastic actions to stop it, some of which may in fact be the harm they are trying to prevent, regressing in their cycles.

### Sarangay
Often confused for a minotaur, these people tend to be focused on pretty small family structures. Most are excited about the chance to once again have a large village with a clear datu or ratu, and don't mind making their homes in others settlements... so long as they can form a small community within it.

### Satyr†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Shisk
Reclusive Mountain peoples, they have become great friends to Dwarf’s, sharing their cultural structure and breaking the Dwarf’s rigid hierarchies. But they remain separate otherwise. A Shisk adventurer seeking rulership would likely be advocating for some kind of anarcho-communism, and be unprepared for the large-scale others might wish to create.


### Shoony
Shoony’s see the August Curse as a blessing from the gods, showing their way of life as correct. They now wish to share with those who have been negatively affected, as they themselves once were exploited by Hobgoblins and others.

### Sidhe†
From Battlezoo. You are somewhere between a fey and an elf. Many would consider you just an elf. Some have recently arrived on the plane, but more interesting are those young ones who thought they were just elves - but as the Fae start once again investigating Arcturus, many are discovering their true heritage, as they are found by their kin. Their parents had hidden as elves and hid their true nature, but why?

### Skeleton
Necromancy has an odd interaction with the August Curse: you would expect it to hit necromancers, who are ruling over undead servants. Strangely, this was not the case if they did not try to expand their operation too largely. Most skeletons are from the years of the August Curse, raised by necromancers, and eventually gaining sentience and becoming free of their control. Some raised elsewhere.

### Slimes†
From Battlezoo. These Ooze people are an unusual occurrence. Are you a particularly strange Fleshwarp? Are you a very advanced Mimic? Are you something more unique? Many will assume you are unintelligent, and at best, a pet.

### Snowsoul†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Sphinxes†
From Battlezoo. Most Sphinxes are old, intelligent beings, but you are a particularly young one - who may still easily be over hundred years old. With the August Curse, the existing structures sphinxes used to educate their kind failed, and now there are many exploring sphinxes finding new ways to live, that their elders **do not** approve of.

### Sprite
Sprites, like Gnome’s ancestors, came from the moon. The mightiest of sprites are renown as “Moonlight Butterflies”. Sprites were not affected by the August Curse the way gnomes are, save that none have grown wings for a long time. With the curse lifted, perhaps the Moonlight Butterfly will be reborn. Their political leanings are mercurial by nature.


### Sthenos (Medusa)†
From Battlezoo. Yet another snake person - you look like a Medusa and others fear you. These artist people have close knit communities of travelling troupes. Since most performances are solo, many find them unsettling people who break a taboo. They simply see themselves as lovers of art - and art is imperfect from a single artist.

### Strix
Like many “Savage” races who have close knit communities, Strix were basically untouched by the August Curse. They likely see taking power to spread the great art of their people, and to give succor to these lost people who need guidance. Many find this arrogant, even if it may be true.

### Surki
Surki individual focus means that although large families, such as those who had many grubs ran into trouble, for the most part, they barely noticed the curse, the most isolated would probably think it was just complications from having too many children. Surkis' sees this new era as a chance to show their own individuality, and encourage other ancestries to break free from their assumptions.

### Tanuki
These joksters tend not to have strong political opnions - they focus more on the day to day than the future. What sort of a system that will end up generating is anyone's guess

### Tengu
Tengu are less insular than ratfolk, but also as likely to not care about the August Curse. Their nests have grown wealthy in the years. They share these treasures with those around them, who do fear the curse, so many see Tengu gifts as cursed now. Tengu who seek to rule likely want to share the wonders of the world they find with their friends, and this rulership thing is kind of secondary.

### Titans†
Battlezoo to be released.

### Trolls†
Battlezoo to be released.


### Vanara
Vanara are one of the few races disappointed that the August Curse is ending. It was a time of self expression reigning king, and if the peasants at the farmhouse did not like your pranks, well that is on them. The Vanara are one of the most active ancestries exploring during the curse, which also meant a lot of them were eaten by monsters.

### Vishkanya
For better or for worse, Vishkanya are survivors, and not solitary ones. Many Vishkanya perished after accidentally running afoul of the August Curse while community building, but your people endured. This has left them ostracized in many communities - the snake people who bring the curse down upon us. Some will mistake Vishkanya for Nagaji.

### Wayang
The August curse freed the Wayang on Arcturus, and many of them fled from Rubone to the plane. This makes Wayang more common than usual, though they still count as uncommon. They have strong opnions on tyrants, and have a tradition of gurus who live in solitude but are beseeched by others for their wisdom.

### Werecreatures†
From Battlezoo. Not to be confused with the Werecreature Archetype. As you might expect, some Werecreatures are cursed others are natural. But sometimes people decide to be cursed of their own reasons. Many live amongst the general population, never revealing their odd natures, and there isn't any consensus among themselves about the curse.

### Yaksha
These people with deep connection to primal magic are rare. Their protector magic is well regarded though, and they often dislike trampling over others, but sometimes it must be done for their own benefit - nature is harsh after all.

### Yaoguai

Yaoguai are a sort of mirror to Kitsune - but where the Kitsune are spiritiually enlightened, extraplanar beings, objects, and sometimes humanoids turn into Yaoguai due to a powerful psionic influence. It could be said that where a Kitsune is spiritual, a Yaoguai is cognitive. Their wish to transcend their beings are tied into this psionic influence. As these creatures are rare there isn't many groups of them, but some do exist, and as you might expect, each has diverse opinions with no clear common opinion. There has been a distinct increase in Yaoguai after the curse, for some reason.



## Versatile Heritages ((++Versatile Heritages))

Versatile Heritages tend to be tied to planes. Last updated: **Player Core 2**.

When it comes to the Half-X races that Player Core 1 gives rules for, any are allowed to be made, though some might be quite unusual nature.

Aasimar, Aphroite, Ganzi, Tiefling, and Nephilim are combined under Nephilim. All are available mechanically.

### Ardande
You have an ancestral connection to Ellypso's forests, and may have affinity for those here. Consider how you fit into the element of Wood. Do you like the genies of wood, care mostly for sycophants and flatterers?

### Beastkin
A strange biproduct of Arcturus usually, though maybe tied to a constellation in some cases. As a beastkin you should think carefully of how you fit into the beast kind.
* Some features may have certain switch outs here if it makes sense. For instance, a frog beastkin maybe has less of a hybrid jaw, and instead has some Grippli features.

### Changeling
Most hags are on Arcturus, though some call other planes their true home. Most often, changelings are the result of a hag's ritual magic, not directly a birth child, though the second do happen. Consider what Hag you are fundamentally connected to.

### Dhampir
The child of vampires, you are tied to Rubone and Arcturus in equal measure by birth.
* Svetocher comes from Moroi, which are the most common types of vampires, turn into bats drink blood etc. They tend to be in old abandoned manors at this point, hunting for food. Most "noble" vampires did not survive the curse.
* Straveika come from Nosferatu, which continually age. Nosferatu are thriving a bit more than normal, since they were willing to feast on animals. They often are more Primal.

The following Vampire strains also exist:
* Jiang-shi - These "Asian vampires" drink qi instead of blood.


* Vetalarana - These psychic vampires are supposedly unable to create spawn, and its unclear if that includes natural born children like a Dhampir. Some say there is a variant known as a Vetala, that consumes spiritual energy instead.
* Vrykolakas - These are more closely related to shadow power-source then others.

### Doppelborn†
From battlezoo. You are part Doppelganger. Your progenitor is likely manipulative and self-serving, and you may not even know who they are. Its possible the doppelganger passed through your family and you were born without anyone the wiser. Or perhaps you have done this to yourself, as you tried hard to fit into so many masks, you became one yourself. In rare cases you may have a registered parent in a settlement that allows that, though such cases are rare, you likely cherish yet struggle with knowing who you are, yet shifting all the time.

### Draconic Scion†
From battlezoo. What is different between a Draconic Scion and a Dragonblood? This is meant to be a "Half-Dragon (Battlezoo)" heritage. You are tied therefore to the Battlezoo dragons, while a Dragonblood themselves is tied to the True dragons of the setting.

### Dragonblood

A Dragonblood is different than the Dragon ancestry, as these creatures are the offspring of a dragon and another being, while the Dragon ancestry insist, they themselves are dragons. Your exemplar may have interest in you... or not. And you may have interest in them, or not. Either way, Dragonblood are often considered likely to do great things.

### Duskwalker
Servants of the Raven Queen, and tied to Rubone. Brought back for a purpose, but not always made clear to them what it is. Your birth place usually has some significance to the Raven queen. Why did you specifically return?

### Faerie Scion†

From battlezoo. Unlike a normal feytouched being, you are more directly connected to the Sidhe, with stronger powers. In general, use this instead of half-Sidhe. You likely have a strong connection to Fate, one way or another.


### Hungerseed
You are partially Oni. Many mistake you for a part demon or devil, though those who know better generally appreciate you existance. Your hunger makes it difficult to fully hide who you are.

### Naari (ifrit)
Your ancestors are from The Sun. Are you descended from oppressors, or from escaped slaves, and does it matter with how bright you burn? Consider how the element of fire plays into your character, and whether you are as tyrannical as an Ifrit genie.

### Nephilim
You have extra planar blood, or have been influenced by the beings of another plane. Are you true to your heritage, or forging a new path?
* Angelkin are usually from Tabion.
* Aphroite - Tied to Aeons on Voyager.
* Faultspawn - Tied to Asuras, fiends who are divine accidents that live in Ginnungagap.
* Ganzi - Tied to Proteans on Tabion.
* Grimspawn - Tied to Daemons on Zuwei
* Hellspawn - Tied to Devils on The Sun.
* Kjosas / Battleblooded - Tied to valkyries and einherjar on Rubone.
* Lawnbringer - Tied to Archons on Zuwei.
* Musetouched - Tied to Azatas on Ellypso.
* Pitborn - Tied to Demons on The Sun.

### Nympthouched†

From battlezoo. Much like other feytouched beings, the primal magic of the fey has affected you. You are tied directly to nymphs though, giving you a distinctive appearance, and may or may not know what nymph has touched you. For most cases, use this instead of constructing a "Half-Nymph".

### Oread
Your ancestors are from Voyager, the discs upon which all sit, the great earthen basin of which all other planes use for safety. Most think of you as a dependable sort, but what is hidden in your depths? Consider how you tie to the element of Earth. Are you like the proud Jabalis, caring about bargaining, games of chance, and working metal and stone?

### Reflection
Overwhelmingly individual singular unique creations, and yet they keep happening. What drives their creation? The fundamental questions you must answer as a reflection is: Who is your original, and why were you made? Perhaps you know the answer, perhaps not.


### Slimeheart†
From battlezoo. Somehow, you have ended up part Slime. In general, use this instead of Half-Slime. You should be ready for all the assumptions normally made about Slimes to also apply to you, and likely seek to hide your nature from those who don't understand. If you even understand.

### Suli
You are descended from Jann, a mix of genie found on Arcturus, largely locked away from their ancestral homes by Horizon. The mortal body isn't as integrated as a true Jann, and your powers should be more chaotic by their nature. And wouldn’t that effect who you are and how you act?

### Sylph
Your ancestry is related to the airs of Talos. Where will the wind take you? Consider how you relate to the element of air, and whether you resemble the Jaathoom - who care about dreams, nightmares, and time. Many Sylph claim the Wind speaks to them, guiding them where to go, but whether this is but a dream, or real, has never been proven.

### Talos
Your ancestry is related to The Horizon, how did your kind fall to Arcturus, and what potential is there in you? Consider how you relate to element of metal. Zuhra, the genie you are most likely related to, tend to be bold, imposing, love attention, but keep distant from others. Are you, like them, lonely?

### Undine
Your ancestors are from the seas of The Moon. Can you bring your dynamism to bear on this world? As mercurial as the seas, you should consider your relationship to the element of water, and perhaps even how it changes and has changed. Your closet genie are the Faydhaan, and they tend to be diplomatic and flatters, working to forge alliances. Do you likewise bring peace?


## Racial Archetypes
Some Races are represented as Archetypes. Anything special about these are listed below.

### Demonic Marauder†
From battlezoo. Is your style based on servitude on the sun? Or is it based on what you found you could do once you left?

### Draconic Ravager†
From battlezoo. These dragons attempt to take the form of a much older dragon in combat directly. Many mistake a Draconic Ravager for a true dragon pretending to be a lesser being, not the other way around. Which likely suits you fine.

### Dragon Mage†
From battlezoo. You reach into your own nature for spellcasting, draconic magic. These are seen much the same as Draconic Ravagers.

### Draconic Diehard†
From Battlezoo. This is essentially a way to make your class "Dragon", and flavorfully is considered the same as Draconic Ravager.

### Ghost

Ghosts are seen as an especially profane type of undead, bound to the plane and not eventually becoming one with the stars. Choosing to become a ghost means that many will try to exorcise you, either by helping you, or by force.

### Ghoul

Ghoul are cannibalistic - frowned upon and generally hated. But outside their hunger, they are just distasteful - how would you like to see a walking result of a funeral that is stubbornly fighting off the birds trying to eat it? People won't generally go out of their way to do something about you, but likely aren't going to like you living there.

### Lich

Lich have committed a great evil to create their soul cage. Essentially, they have arrogantly decided to prevent themselves from merging with the cosmos, keeping their soul to themselves. Despite this, the Raven Queen especially smiles upon Liches, because Liches fundamentally are pushing their potential.


### Mummy

Mummification isn't a usual rite, and the spools of cloth used to create a mummy are easy to compare to the cursed shadow magic ribbons. As such, many assume mummies are profane and dangerous beings, but ones that are relatively easy to get along with.

### Nymph Queen†

From Battlezoo. You are a powerful fey who claims rulership over a territory. Whether those in practice who are in charge agree with you is a different concern, but as a nymph queen, you will force them to work with you, whether they want to or not. The Primal magic of the land itself will help enforce your claim.

### Ostilli Host

This unique archetype for Sukris is purely symbiotic. Nothing has changed here.

### Werecreature (Howl of the Wild)

This variant of werecreatures should consult the ancestry from battlezoo - they are assumed to be the same thing in world, just different levels of investment.

### Vampire

Vampires are a rare breed - they were heavily damaged by the August Curse, their "regal nature" leading them to be easy targets. Many of the remaining vampires have lived in relative squalor, and have had a tough time feeding. Perhaps this has given them a humbler opinion and the need to work with others. Perhaps it has wounded their pride and they have doubled down.

### Yai Adept†

From Battlezoo. Oni who follow the path of the Yai Adept have learned to channel their inner power and, in a way, regain some level of their kami abilities... or fall into the temptation of the void. These beings are so rare that most won't have an opinion on them, though deities will almost always consider them dangerous. But a knife is also dangerous, yet can be a great tool.

### Zombie

Most people can't tell you apart from a ghoul. And really you aren't that different, just what part you crave for is different.


# Languages ((+Languages))
It keeps being a pain to lookup languages, so here are the base ancestry and creature languages of note:

Language | Speakers
------ | ----------
Aklo | Evil fey, otherworldly monsters, Plane: Ginnungagap
Alghollthu | Not-aboleths
Amurrun | Catfolk
Androffan | Androids
Chthonian | Demons, Plane: The Sun
Common | Almost everyone
Daemonic | Daemons, Plane: Zuwei
Diabolic | Devils, Plane: The Sun
Draconic | Dragons
Dwarven | Dwarves
Elven | Elves, half-elves
Empyrean | Angels and other celestials, Plane: Zuwei
Fey | Fey, centaurs, plant, and fungus, Plane: Ellypso
Gnomish | Gnomes
Goblin | Goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears
Goloma | Goloma
Halfling | Halfling
Iruxi | Lizardfolk
Jotun | Giants, ogres, trolls, cyclops
Kashrishi | Kashrishi
Kholo | Gnolls
Kitsune | Kitsune
Muan | Wood elementals, plane: Ellypso
Nagaji | Nagajis
Necril | Ghouls, intelligent undead, Plane: Rubone
Orcish | Orcs, half-orcs
Petran | Earth elemental creatures, Plane: Voyager
Protean | Creatures of chaos incarnate.
Pyric | Fire element creatures, Plane: The Sun
Requian | Courts of Psychopomps, Plane: Rubone
Sakvroth | Subterrain civilizations, serpentfolk (was undercommon), Kobolds
Shadowtongue | Nidalese, Netherworld creatures, Plane: Rubone
Shisk | Shisk
Shoony | Shoony
Sphinx | Sphinxes
Strix | Strix
Sussuran | Air element creatures, flying creatures, Plane: Tabion
Talican | Metal element creatures, Plane: The Horizon
Tengu | Tengu
Thalassic | Aquatic creatures, water elemental creatures, Plane: The Moon

Language | Speakers
------ | ----------
Tripkee | Grippli/Tripkee
Utopian | Axiomites, and inevitables, Plane: Voyager
Wildsong | Druid only
Vanara | Vanara
Vishkanya | Vishkanya
Voidspeak | "Alien" creatures. Plane: Ginnungagap
Ysoki | Ratfolk

**Regional specific languages**:

* *L'Aurelian Republic*: Aurlan
* *Linaria* used *Utopian*, but also had a regional tongue: Linarli
* Ancient empires 3
* Ancient empires 4
* Ancient empires 5
* Ancient empires 6
* Lost Empires 1
* Lost 2
* Lost 3
* Lost 4
* Lost 5
* Lost 6

Some creatures have unique languages, that I am likely to never use this includes: *Adlet, Anugobu, Boggard, Caligni, Destrachan, D'ziriak, Girtablilu, Grioth, Jyoti, Kovintus, Minkaian, Munavri, Orvian (Xiomorn), Ratajin, Samsaran, Sasquatch, Wayang, and Wyrwood*. Some that I may use, like **Alghollthu**, are above.

* **Cyclops** language no longer exists, it is always *Jotun* instead.
* **Arboreal** language no longer exists; it will just use *Muan* instead.
* **Akitonian**, **Elder Thing**, **Formian**, **Ikeshti**, **Mi-Go**, **Shobhad**, and **Yithian** are combined into *Voidspeak*.
* **Vishkanyan** is just *Vishkanya*, kind of sad they screwed this up.
* Any Battlezoo specific language can be traded out for an equivalent language from the above list, if it makes sense.


# Power Sources ((+Power Sources))

Power sources are a major building block of how I look at this world, and different powers wax and wane with the times. 
Each power source has a trait, like this: 
; Power Source (Arcane)

Whatever you declare your character to be using is effectively added to abilities. Many characters may use more then one power source. Most will be focused on one as their primary though.

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The Implements are not set in stone, they are just trying to give a visual uniqueness to the source. Something that as a player, you can immediately go “that enemy is using Shadow”. Same for the preparation, casting, terms, and refocus. Most of this comes from inspiration on PC2 p 237. The terms are related to old D&D editions.

## Arcane ((++Arcane))
; Power Source (Arcane)

The ability to tap into ambient magic, like primal, but born from your blood or careful study. Arcane magic is focused on the physical and observable, and is poor at affecting the spirit or soul. Commonly tied to the patterns of the stars, as they move throughout the year.


**Associated traits:** Arcane

**Implements:** Wands, Staffs, Rods

**Preparation:** Tend to consult books or study

**Casting:** Using motions and incantations. Magic is barely contained power, swirling energy. Crackling energy.

**Refocus:** Class specific, iconic wizard studying and magical refocusing.

**Cantrip Term:** Cantrip

**Spell Term:** Spell

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Most classes using the Arcane spell list will use this power source. Some Kineticists will as well.

**Typical Classes** Magus, Wizard, Sorcerer (Arcane bloodlines), Witch (Arcane patrons), Summoner (Arcane tradition)

## Divine ((++Divine))
; Power Source (Divine)

Power gifted from the gods themselves, and therefore from the planets in stars.



**Associated Traits:** Divine

**Implements:** Holy symbols, Chalices, Lanterns (like a normal lantern, but holding divine magic)

**Preparation:** Prayer

**Casting:** Incantation heavy, usually involve some kind of prayer pose. Magic is Soft, glowing light or darkness. Harmonious sounds.

**Refocus:** Class specific, iconic cleric refocusing

**Cantrip Term:** Orison

**Spell Term:** Prayer

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**Typical Classes** Cleric, Champion, Sorcerer (Divine bloodlines), Witch (Divine patrons), Summoner (Divine tradition), Oracle

## Martial ((++Martial))

; Power Source (Martial)

Martial is a catch all for skill with the purely physical world. It is not a form of magic. However, those focusing on internal alignment may be psionic.

A sub power source, “Ingenuity” is sometimes used for classes such as the Inventor. Currently there is not enough to make more out of this.


**Associated Traits:** None

**Implements:** Weapons, alchemy, technology

**Preparation:** Exercising or tinkering

**Casting:** Physical effort or finesse. Purely physical action.

**Refocus:** Katas or tinkering.

**Cantrip Term:** Technique

**Spell Term:** Exploit

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**Typical Classes** Alchemists, Most Barbarians, Fighters, Investigator, most Rogues, Swashbucklers, Gunslinger, Inventor

## Primal ((++Primal))

; Power Source (Primal)

You gain your power from the natural world, from raw magic that suffuses it and tap into it like any natural thing does. It is linked to nature and instinct, seasons, predator, and prey. Especially tied to the moon.



**Associated Traits:** Primal

**Implements:** Tattoos, Tokens (an artistic representation of a spirit/nature), ritual knives

**Preparation:** Commune with nature

**Casting:** Directed, incantations that sound like animal sounds or mimic waves crashing etc. Magic appears as powerful displays of natural power, or nature spirits directing actions. Often the incantations mix with the spell such that they are difficult to tell apart.

**Refocus:** Commune with local spirits

**Cantrip Term:** Essence

**Spell Term:** Evocation

note (
**Typical Classes** Animists, Some Barbarians, Druid, ERanger, Kineticist, Witch (Primal patrons), Sorcerer (Primal bloodlines), Summoner (Primal Traditions)

## Psionic ((++Psionic))

; Power Source (Psionic)

You have a piece of the cosmos inside you. You can use that to turn yourself into a god incarnate, a shaper of your own personal universe, which infringes upon everyone else.

Things to do with Enlightenment or other similar states, that are not explicitly Divine, fall into Psionic. In setting, any Occult user is Psionic by default, but individual cases may not be.


**Associated Traits:** Concentrate, Mental, Occult

**Implements:** Orbs/Crystals, Crowns, Origami (shaped paper, prepared while meditating that can focus your mind towards a single feeling again)

**Preparation:** Mediation, emptying the mind, or burning their mind on a hard problem (such a deciphering a cryptic message)

**Casting:** Mental focus, eyes flashing different colors. Magic manifests as Complex Geometric shapes, and whispers or mental echoes.

**Refocus:** Practicing an activity that allows self-reflection

**Cantrip Term:** Talent

**Spell Term:** Disciplines

Typically prepare by mediating or focusing their mind on a hard problem (such as deciphering a cryptic message). Many call a cantrip a Talent.


note (
**Typical Classes** Bard, Monk, Psychic, Sorcerer (Occult bloodline), Witch (Occult patrons), Summoner (Occult traditions), Some Thaumaturges.

## Shadow ((++Shadow))

; Power Source (Shadow)

Power that lurks in the darkness. Corrupt, hateful power. A being using shadow is calling to the void, Ginnungagap.

While no source is evil, shadow is the closest to it.

Many claim that this is the power of Ginnungagap, others claim it is from Rubone. Either way, your power is not from here.


**Associated traits:** Curse, darkness

**Implements:** Grimoires, ritual knives, ribbons (small pieces of cloth meant to be tied together, or quickly discarded)

**preparation:** Channeling dark thoughts

**Casting:** Posing to create a shadow shape, with incantations and blood drops being common. Magic manifests with the sound of bells and the creation of writhing darkness.

**Refocus:** Indulge fully in a character quirk.

**Cantrip Term:** Jinx

**Spell Term:** Shrouds

note (
**Typical Classes** Some witches, some Wizards, some alchemists especially poisoners, some thaumaturges.

Holy/Unholy are not tied to any power source, outside of some level of Divine.


## Magic subtopics ((+Magic))
### How to Curse someone ((++How to Curse Someone))
With the August Curse (better name pending, a grand curse cast by an unknown individual that has, for two hundred years prevented the establishment of nations) being a prominent part of the setting, its important to establish how curses work. Many curses are elaborate rituals. Some are simple spells. However, all tap into the power of shadow - no matter if its a Celestial Brand of an Angel. This is ill-will directed, and this ill-will comes from somewhere. See below for more details.

Three sample ways to curse people (these are not rituals in the book… for now, but are ways I may describe an NPC using a curse):
1. **With a Grimoire:** Often a Grimoire will include directions to curse, magical words, symbols to draw out, expensive regents to use. Notably curses from a Grimoire will generally not include burning the result of the ritual, or the use of blood. This a refined way to direct your ill will, without that crassness.

2. **With a Ritual Knife:** While a grimoire is technical, a ritual knife is very intent based. A ritual knife user will create blood - either by attacking their target, or slicing themselves - and use that to draw symbols, and shape their will. The actual shape is unimportant, so long as the feeling directly gets across. This is often used by cultists.

3. **With a Ribbon (small pieces of cloth meant to be tied together, or quickly discarded):** The ribbon is a far more desperate implement to call upon the shadow. It is the implement for one who wishes for ease of disposability, who cannot afford to get caught. Several ribbons of cloth are used in this ritual, each somehow tied to the target. Perhaps one is their favorite color, another has a piece of their hair glued to it, another matches the targets eyes, etc. Once enough is brought together, they are tied together and ill will is invoked against the target. Once accomplished, the ribbons will glow magical, and they can either be burned, or presented to the target (such as left on their front door), to begin the curse.


Where does the magic for the curse from though? The initial ill-will the user generates may remind one of psionics - for it is your mind that directs it. However, it would take an incredibly powerful psychic to have that will linger. Instead, this ill will connects with something else, and there are two main places it can come from.

1. **Rubone, the realm of the dead**. This realm of shadow and darkness is ruled over by the Goddess of Death, and sometimes she is the one who hears the ill-will of individuals, how they have been wronged. And sometimes, she decides to inflict the curse, causing the curse to be part of the plane itself, for a while. That power echoes down from the sky, the curse appearing as though directed by the gods.

2. **Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void**. This is the darkness between stars, and generally you do not want anything from here giving you, its attention. Where Rubone is a curse that appears from the gods, Ginnungagap is like being cursed by Cthulhu - its disturbingly close by at all times, and may have brought the world to the attention of a being that once slept.

### Death and Resurrection ((++Death and Resurrection))
* When a character dies there are cases where someone may want them to live, but become an NPC.
* Note the nonlethal trait, and needing to take a -2 on attack rolls to do nonlethal attacks in this system!

A dead character can be revived with magic. Technically anyone can revive anyone, so permakilling is a consideration. 

When a character dies, after seven days, the connection from the body to the soul deteriorates enough that its impossible to revive normally (possible to extend by preserving part or all of the body).

At this point, the soul makes its way to *Rubone, the Realm of the Dead*. The soul then spends some time here passing on its mortal experiences, and becoming a new form - raw star stuff. Once enough of this is accumulated, it is put together into a new star in the *Stellar Nursery*. The Raven Queen will visit all who die this way, and she sees it as her most sacred task.


The following are the rituals to revive, and how they interact

* Reincarnate creates a new body, but it needs to have a way to reach the soul, so something preserved of the body is needed for the collection. If The Raven Queen has sent the soul to the stars, or the soul is trapped or does not want to return, this will fail. The heightened level gives a better chance of pulling it back, but does not ensure it.
* Resurrect uses the body itself. Again, after 7 days (instead of a year as per RAW), this needs to be cast, so keep the body preserved somehow. Similar conditions to reincarnate applies here. Its the same basic solution here, pulling the soul back to a mortal vessel.

* Revival (Spell 10) is short lived. This does not care about length, and the way this works is it does not actually bring back the soul. Instead, it creates a facsimile, rebuilding the last connections of a soul. If you ask a question of a creature revived this way, its impossible to know if their answer is even true to the original's experience. It is essentially like an AI running an algorithm of the dead.
* Raise Dead (Spell 6) is within 3 days and requires the body, because its not as powerful as the rituals. Also, this spell is missing the bits about if the person does not want to come back or is trapped, add those.

Souls can end up in other places, through methods such as lichdom. Sometimes souls end up stuck on the material plane as ghosts and similar undead. And sometimes they become Shades on other planes (see the note on shades in the section on  Planes)

The following are possible effects of being in *Rubone* for a time. Some of these are positive, some are negative, which is appropriate depends on the story. This list is not exhaustive:

* Staring into eternity - Having seen the world from the perspective of the dead, your perspective has significantly shifted. This will affect personality, and may change alignment.
* A new fear - What killed you, or perhaps something else, has left you with a new fear.
* Lost Dreams - Your connection to dreams have been severed, you no longer dream.


* Parasite - Something latched onto you when you were revived, and is now connected to you.
* The Queen's Perspective - You saw the wasted potential of the dead, and now are reluctant to kill.
* Tongue of the Stars - You now speak all languages. But you find all of them limiting and frustrating. You take a penalty on all social checks.
* World Wanderer - You spent your time dead exploring the reflection of a region, and have now gained Lore (that region).
* Strange markings - You are revived with marks upon your body, with an unknown meaning. Best if several revived characters all have the markings, and need to combine them.
* Rejected by nature - Animals are frightened of you.
* Not fully back - You sometimes disassociate, leaving your body. As a result, when some spells are cast on you, unexpected effects happen (as per a Rod of Wander)
* Food of the dead - You hate mortal food, and now require a special diet.
* Genderless - You lost your concept of gender entirely. You can no longer differentiate between them, and have no concept of it personally. Variants can target other parts of your identity.
* One of the dead - Mindless undead see you as one of them, unless attacked.
* Death wish - You yearn to return, and now have a death wish.
* Dead Best Friend - you made (or met) a friend while dead. They had a profound effect on you, and you miss them.
* Time of the Dead - You now have a better sense of time then normal - you can recall exact time of day, and can measure time exactly.
* Cosmetic effects - Various changes to your body are possible if all you want is a cosmetic effect.

**To perma-kill:**
* Destroy the body entirely.
* Destroy the connection between the body and the soul. This can be done by waiting, or could be forced with some spells (such as some death effects, or the *eject soul* focus spell)
* Make a deal with The Raven Queen.
* Perform the Imprisonment ritual on a body. While it does not exactly perma-kill, it adds a significant obstacle.
* If you wait for their soul to be part of a star, then destroy that star somehow, no coming back from that. Bit overkill though.


### Kineticist's Gates ((++Kineticist's Gates))
The existing lore for Kineticist are pretty clear: The gates that fuel their abilities are essentially small planar portals. With the existence of Horizon in the setting, this poses a problem. The following are  suggested fixes for the gate:

1. Your magical source is actually the elements on Arcturus instead, essentially acting as a generator to proliferate that element, instead of bringing more in. (Default Primal explanation)
2. You, or another's studies of the stars have let you create a source that mimics the planes through magical means. (Default Arcane explanation)
3. the gate does bypass Horizon, making it a significant danger.
4. Your gate somehow does pass through Horizon - though how it does that might be interesting. Horizon may somehow manifest on your body where the gate is as a result.

Essentially, treat this problem as a fun bit of lore that needs to be explained, instead of a problem.

### Eldamon ((++Eldamon))
Note, Eldamon aren't a focus of the setting, but are allowed. As such choices are made to make them more mysterious.

All Eldamon are from Battlezoo, see the Battlezoo Eldamon supplement.

Eldamon are primarily Primal beings, but the "Elements" that they use extend outside of the primal domain, to cross all magic. As such perhaps something more like an "Order" would be an appropriate term. Being out-of-phase is something needing more study, this mechanism is confusing, especially how it avoids force damage.

* **Assumption 1: Eldamon are Present Everywhere but Elusive and Phased Out** - Holds mostly true, see below
* **Assumption 2: People Know about Eldamon and Can See Them** - Changed. While anyone can see them, they aren't well known. They are mostly only known by scholars, ancient beings, and some other lucky individuals. For everyone else they are assumed to be fey, spirits, or other beings without knowing the differences between them. "The Eld" religion, if it exists, is very small.
*  Eldamon battles are rare. But a secret "league" of sorts would be possible.

**Eldamon are Extraplanar** beings’ variant is active.


**Eldamon and languages:** It is assumed any bonded Eldamon shares a common language (whether Common, or another). When this is not a case, use their Element and Plane to determine the default language.

Eldamon are determined on the fly, unless there is an area of high elemental energy, in which case I might note them.

Element | Plane | Power Source
--- | --- | ---
Air | Tabion | Primal
Body | Arcturus | Martial
Darkness | Rubone | Shadow
Death | Rubone | Divine
Earth | Voyager | Primal
Electricity | The Moon | Primal
Fire | The Sun | Primal
Force | Tabion | Arcane
Ice | The Moon | Primal
Life | The Stellar Nursery | Divine
Light | The Sun | Arcane
Metal | Horizon | Primal
Mind | Arcturus | Psionic
Music | Arcturus | Occult
Poison | Arcturus | Martial
Space | Ginnugagap | Occult
Spirit | Rubone | Divine
Time | The Moon | Psionic
Water | The Moon | Primal
Wood | Ellypso | Primal

We would roll for discovery generally. I would need to program the tables, but that’s not to bad to do.


# Deities ((+Deities))

The Deities images below are generated with AI, all as humans. Ethnicity of each god determined randomly, think of it as a representation of what each group might imagine them as, less than a "true form".


## Ezdon ((++Ezdon))



**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** Speed 60 feet, immune to immobilized. **Melee :A:** Silver Spear (Agile, reach 20 feet, thrown 40, silver). **Damage:** 5d6 Force damage. **Ranged :A:**  Wind Strike (120 feet), automatically hits. **Damage:** 8d4 force.

**Titles:** The Trickster, The messenger. The Knife-Sharp wit. Master of the wind and clouds.

**Symbol:** A maze in the shape of a cloud

**Category:** Major Deities

**Edicts:** Have fun with life, serve your community, follow the wind

**Anathema:** Keeping people in bondage (slavery or prison) indefinitely, rob another of their greatest joy.

**Areas of Concern:** Air, Freedom, Roads, Travels

**Follower Alignments:** N, NG, CG, CN

**Follower rituals:** required to read his text daily.

**Divine Attribute:** Dexterity or Charisma

**Divine Font:** Heal

**Divine Skill:** Deception

**Favored Weapon:** Spear / Long Spear, I could be persuaded to do a similar reach weapon

**Domains:** Air, Trickery, Travel, Indulgence, Freedom

**Alternative Domains:** Introspection, Magic

**Holy / Unholy:** Can choose Holy

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: Fleet step or Jump, 2nd: Invisibility, 3rd: Wall of Wind, 4th: Dimension Door, 5th: Hallucination, 6th: Collective Transposition, 7th: Project Image, 8th: Wind Walk, 9th: Foresight

**Traditional Enemies:** Devils, Orcs and Lizardfolks, Slavers.

**Sacred Animal:** Most migratory animals, generally birds, though prominently reindeer.

Ezdon could be in charge of the gods… but instead spends his time tricking others and following the wind. He generally is well regarded by all the gods, and acts as the messenger. He is associated with the Caribou, and the element of Force.


Ezdon is married to Etris, and is close allies with Bemris. He is the father of Atyx, and Father-in-Law of The Beaver Lord. He really wants to trick The Beaver Lord to revealing his name.


In battle, Ezdon wields a stone and silver spear, which can only be wielded by the pure of heart, and is capable of piercing defenses.


## Etris ((++Etris))

**Titles:** The goddess of Love and Family. The Bearer of Fruit.

**Symbol:** A tree with stars for leaves, surrounded by laurels.

**Category:** Major Deities

**Edicts:** Maintain the sanctity of a home, take in those without families, remain patient with others.

**Areas of Concern:** Love, family, Marriage, Community

**Anathema:** Abandon your family, fail to defend your neighbors.

**Follower Alignments:** LG, NG, LN

**Follower rituals:** Followers must have a shrine detected to her at home.

**Divine Attribute:** Con or Wis

**Divine Font:** Heal

**Divine Skill:** Society

**Favored Weapon:** Staff

**Domains:** Cities, Family, Protection, Vigil, Duty

**Alternative Domains:** Wealth, Plague

**Holy / Unholy:** Must choose Holy

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: Endure, 2nd: Magnetic Repulsion, 3rd: Earthbind, 4th: Shape stone, 5th: Wall of Stone, 6th: Dominate, 7th: Magnificent Mansion, 8th: All is One, One is All, 9th: Resplendent mansion

**Traditional Enemies:** Demons, Goblins, Fleshwarps, Criminals 

**Sacred Animal:** Ants and Bees, sometimes apes.

Etris provides the sense of righteous order needed in the pantheon. Like Ezdon, her husband, Etris could easily be the leader of the gods, however she is much more concerned with mortal lives. She is associated with the Cow, and the celestial discs the planes lie on.


Etris is the mother of Atyx, and mother of law of The Beaver Lord. She is disappointed in how violent Atyx is, but is encouraging of his relationship with The Beaver Lord, hoping it is a stabilizing influence. Etris and Ezdon are married.


In Battle, Etris uses an adamantium staff, with a shard of crystal at the end. It causes rapid natural growth.




**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** Speed 50 feet, burrow speed 30 feet, air walk. **Melee :A:** Adamantium Staff (reach 15 feet, two-handed d8). **Damage:** 5d6 bludgeoning and 1d6+6 vitality damage. **Ranged :A:**  Rapid Growth (30 feet, versatile vitality). **Damage:** 5d6+3 piercing damage, and target is immobilized.


## Bemris ((++Bemris))



**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** Speed 40 feet, dimensional Speed 60 feet (Dimension door as a single action innate divine spell at will to move 60 feet). **Melee :A:** Bear Claw (reach 15 feet, grapple). **Damage:** 4d6+6 slashing and 2d6 acid damage. **Ranged :A:** Bronzewire Bow (deadly 3d10, range increment 150 feet). **Damage:** 3d8+3 piercing and 3d6 persistent acid damage.


**Titles:** Goddess of the Hunt/woodlands. The Maiden of the Woods. The healer.

**Symbol:** A bear in leaves

**Category:** Major Deities

**Edicts:** Never leave someone suffering, respect the savageness of nature, give thanks for what you take

**Areas of Concern:** Hunt, Nature, Cycle of Life, Acid

**Anathema:** Torturing a being, creating undead.

**Follower Alignments:** NG, N, LN, CN, NE

**Follower rituals:** Followers must grow something in or at their home.

**Divine Attribute:** Str or Dex

**Divine Font:** Harm or Heal

**Divine Skill:** Survival or Nature

**Favored Weapon:** Shortbow

**Domains:** Nature, Healing, Earth, Swarm, Luck

**Alternative Domains:** Wood, Wyrmkin

**Holy/Unholy:** Neither

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: Acidic Burst, 2nd: Acid Arrow, 3rd: Meld into Stone, 4th: Murderous Vine, 5th: Acid Storm, 6th: Flesh to Stone, 7th: Corrosive Body, 8th: Earthquake, 9th: Storm of Vengeance

**Traditional Foes:** Aberrations, Androids, Automatons, Defilers of Nature

**Sacred Animal:** Bears

Bemris tries to otherwise stay out of the politics as gods. Bemris is associated with the Bear, and the element of Acid.


Bemris is close allies with Ezdon, who she sees a kindred spirit of nature, despite Etris.

Bemris and Zaara are likewise close… though Zaara secretly despises Bemris, and wishes to destroy her.


Bemris uses a bow with bronze wire. It allows her to teleport and duplicate.


## Atyx ((++Atyx))

**Titles:** The War god, The Unyielding Tyrant, the master of the sun and light

**Symbol:** A chained or enclosed sun

**Category:** Major Deities

**Edicts:** Inspire with your zeal. Destroy your foes with Fire. Take power that others leave open.

**Areas of Concern:** War, Tyranny, Sun, Fire

**Anathema:** Become stagnate. Extinguish a destructive blaze.

**Follower Alignments:** LE, NE, CE

**Follower rituals:** Followers must ritualistically brand themselves.

**Divine Attribute:** Str or Int

**Divine Font:** Harm 

**Divine Skill:** Intimidation

**Favored Weapon:** Dagger

**Domains:** Destruction, Sun, Fire, Zeal, Tyranny

**Alternative Domains:** Ambition, Might

**Holy/Unholy:** Must choose Unholy

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: Burning hands, 2nd: Summon Elemental (fire only), 3rd: Fireball, 4th: Wall of Fire, 5th: Blazing Fissure, 6th: Phantasmal Calamity, 7th: Fiery Body, 8th: Boil Blood, 9th: Implosion

**Traditional Foes:** Azata, Goloma, Halflings, Rebels

**Sacred Animal:** Dragons, sometimes Lizards.

Atyx is associated with Dragons, and the element of Fire.


Atyx is the son of Etris and Ezdon, and married to The Beaver Lord. Atyx has a strained relationship with his mother, though does not mind his father who allows his tyranny to go unhindered… for now.


Atyx’s weapon of choice is a Dragon’s fang that appears as if obsidian, fashioned into a dagger. Those who wield it fall to evil and go berserk, their blood literally boiling, which for Atyx only makes him more dangerous.




**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** Speed 70 feet, fly speed 70 ft. Automatically apply the effects of a Barbarian's Rage (if you have the ability, you can use your Rage instead of the default rage) **Melee :A:** Dragonfang Dagger (Agile, finesse, reach 15 feet, thrown 40 feet, versatile P). **Damage:** 4d6+6 slashing and 2d6 persistent fire damage. **Ranged :A:** Sun's Flame (range 120 feet, Splash). **Damage:** 3d6+6 fire and 3d6 void damage.


## The Raven Queen ((++The Raven Queen))

(Look I tried to get the AI to cleanup the open dress bottom, it refused.)

![Raven Queen](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/2/25/RavenQueenPf2e.png)

![Raven Queen Symbol](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/4/49/RavenQueenPf2eSymbol.png)

**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** Speed 70 feet, fly speed 70 ft. **Melee :A:** Deathscythe (deadly d10, trip, reach 15 feet). **Damage:** 4d10+3 slashing and 2d10+3 cold damage. **Ranged :A:** wandering snowflakes (60 feet). **Damage:** 6d6+3 cold damage.


**Titles:** The Goddess of Death and Magic, the Ascendant Mortal.

**Symbol:**  A Raven's head

**Category:** Major Deities

**Edicts:** Aid others in coming to their true potential, use the dead with respect

**Areas of Concern:** Death, Rebirth, Potential, Magic

**Anathema:** Treat gravesites irreverently, end a powerful potential

**Follower Alignments:** LG, LN, N, LE

**Follower rituals:** Must always use salt to season their food

**Divine Attribute:** Con or Wis

**Divine Font:** Heal or Harm 

**Divine Skill:** Performance

**Favored Weapon:** Scythe

**Domains:** Death, Cold, Perfection, Undeath, Void

**Alternative Domains:** Toil, Repose

**Holy / Unholy**: Must choose Holy or Unholy.

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: Chilling Spray, 2nd: Spectral Hand, 3rd: Threefold Aspect, 4th: Chroma Leach, 5th: Shadow Walk or Cone of Cold, 6th: Zero Gravity, 7th: Frigid Flurry, 8th: Horrid Wilting, 9th: Unspeakable shadow

**Traditional Foes:** Undead, Monitors, Proteans, Deserters

**Sacred Animal:** Ravens

She was a mortal. The Beaver Lord and her collaborated, they figured out how to gain great power and ascend to the heavens. Now the Raven Queen is trying to build a path for mortals to follow her, as she sees every death and loss of talent to eternity. However, The Beaver Lord stole essential secrets she is missing and she does not even know fully how she did it anymore. She is associated with the Raven, obviously, and the element of Cold.

The gods who held her domain earlier, if they existed, are no longer known to any, all records having vanished with her ascendance.


Spurned ex lover of The Beaver Lord


In battle, she wields a Scythe made of enchanted wood, both the blade and the weapon are one piece. It cannot be sheathed without tasting blood, and it freezes all it touches.


## The Beaver Lord ((++The Beaver Lord))

**Titles:** The master of secrets and Craft

**Symbol:** A beaver tail on top of a dam

**Category:** Major Deities

**Edicts:** Seek knowledge, hold secrets from those who do not need to know, follow your heart.

**Areas of Concern:** Knowledge, Secrets, Craft, Poison

**Anathema:** Leave yourself wanting, reveal a secret for no gain

**Follower Alignments:** CG, N, CN, CE, NE

**Follower rituals:** Must keep a lamp burning

**Divine Attribute:** Con or Int

**Divine Font:** Harm 

**Divine Skill:** Crafting

**Favored Weapon:** Javelin (May change to a better suggestion)

**Domains:** Secrecy, Passion, Creation, Change, Star

**Alternative Domains:** Knowledge, Decay

**Holy / Unholy:** Can choose Unholy

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: Illusory Object, 2nd: Misdirection, 3rd: Hypercognition, 4th: Creation or Confusion, 5th: Prying Eye, 6th: Feeblemind, 7th: Contingency, 8th: Summon Archmage or Disappearance, 9th: Weird

**Traditional Foes:** Aeons, Dwarves, Kobolds, Aristocrats

**Sacred Animal:** Beavers

The Beaver Lord was a mortal, and the previous lover, now spurned, of The Raven Queen. Together they figured out how to gain great power and ascend to the heavens. Now he holds onto the names of both himself and The Raven Queen, keeping them from mortals, as well as the secrets of how to follow in their footsteps. He is associated with the Beaver, and the element of Poison.


Spurned ex lover of The Beaver Lord

He is now the husband of Atyx.

He is the bitter enemy of Zaara, who claims that when he ascended, he killed gods no one else remembers.


The Beaver Lord welds a Javelin of a strange blue metal. It always is poisoned and emits it passively, and creates a gravity well where it lands.




**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** The Avatar of the Beaver Lord cannot move, but can attack from any ally's space in a 300-foot range as if they were in that space. **Melee :A:** light hammer (agile, reach 15 ft, thrown 20 ft). **Damage**: 6d6+3 bludgeoning damage. **Ranged :A:** Otherworldly Javelin (range increment 60 feet, thrown, reform in hand as a free action). **Damage:** 6d6+3 poison damage, ignores poison resistance of less than 20.


## Zaara ((++Zaara))


![Zaara Symbol](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/1/11/ZaaraSymbol.png)

**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** air walk, Moon phase speed 60 feet (New moon 30 feet, first/third 60 feet, full moon 120 feet). **Melee :A:** Golden Flail (reach 15 ft, disarm, sweep, trip, versatile mental). **Damage**: 4d10+4 bludgeoning damage and 2d4 lightning damage. On crit, the enemy becomes confused for one round. **Ranged :A:** Moon Tiara (range increment 60 feet, thrown). **Damage:** 6d6+3 lightning damage.


**Titles:** Moon Princess. The Lady of the Storms and Seas

**Symbol**: A Crescent moon above the sea. Sometimes a wave will be shaped like a crescent moon.

**Category:** Major Deities

**Edicts:** Treat others as if you were the sea and storms, protect time. Winning love by daylight, fighting evil by moonlight.

**Areas of Concern:** Moon, Sea, Storm, Time

**Anathema:** Temporal paradoxes, running from a real fight.

**Follower Alignments:** Takes all

**Follower rituals:** Requires followers to pray at sunrise and sunset.

**Divine Attribute:** Dex or Cha

**Divine Font:** Heal or Harm 

**Divine Skill:** Diplomacy

**Favored Weapon:** Flail

**Domains:** Moon, Lightning, Water, Time, Truth

**Alternative Domains:** Nightmare, Sorrow

**Holy / Unholy:** Can choose Holy or Unholy.

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: sleep, 2nd: Obscuring Mist, 3rd: Haste or Slow, 4th: Fly, 5th: Dreaming Potential, 6th: Chain Lightning, 7th: Time Beacon, 8th: Prismatic Wall, 9th: Disjunction

**Traditional Foes:** Constructs, Leshy, Poppets, Spies

**Sacred Animal:** Wolves, Rabbits, 

Zaara is the only god who remembers, if not fully, gods from before The Raven Queen and The Beaver Lord’s ascension. Zaara is associated with Wolves and Lighting.


Zaara hates The Beaver Lord. She does not mind The Raven Queen, who at least has managed to be cordial with her. She has a fake pretense of liking Bemris, but seeks to also destroy her. 


Zaara wields a golden flail shaped as a cat o’nine’tails with stars as the spikes, which drives those it strikes insane.


## The Celestial Cycle (Zodiac) ((++The Celestial Cycle))

**Titles:** The Celestial Cycle, The Stars Above

**Symbol**: A 12 segment wheel

**Category:** Pantheon

**Edicts:** Spend time stargazing, be present in the moment

**Areas of Concern:** Constellations, fortune telling, night, the present

**Anathema:** Destroy astronomical or astrological equipment, become stuck in the past

**Follower Alignments:** Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral

**Follower rituals:** Check your fortune everyday

**Divine Attribute:** Dex or Cha

**Divine Font:** Heal or Harm 

**Divine Skill:** Occultism

**Favored Weapon:** starknife

**Domains:** Confidence, Darkness, Fate, Soul

**Alternative Domains:** Dreams, Glyph

**Holy / Unholy:** Can choose Holy.

**Cleric Spells:** 1st: object reading, 2nd: revealing light, 3rd: ???, 4th: ???y, 5th: ???, 6th: Blanket of Stars, 7th: ???, 8th: ???, 9th: ???

**Traditional Foes:** None

**Sacred Animal:** Any animal in the costellations

The Celestial Cycle is made out of the major constellations the sun passes through. Although not itself a god, their combined power is string enough that divine power can be pulled from them.


The Celestial Cycle serves the major gods, and is subservient to them.


Constellations are formed from the shape of the guardians of the Stars, various intelligent animals. What they fight against in the darkness is anyone’s guess. Consider these as demiplanes that are also giant combination robots.


![Constellation Map](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/1/18/ArcturusConstellation.png)

**[Avatar](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=16) abilities:** air walk, speed 70 feet, ignore difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain. **Melee :A:** Zodiac Claw/Bite (reach 15 ft, agile, finesse). **Damage**: 6d10+6 slashing damage. On crit, the enemy becomes confused for one round. **Ranged :A:** Starbeam (range 120 feet, thrown). **Damage:** 6d6+3 vitality damage.

## Zodiac members
1. Sarabi the Gryphon
2. Meloku the Rabbit
3. Medved the Bear
4. Zeong the Deer
5. Maccus the Cup (ancient ruler)
6. Cavernus the Shark
7. Mehen the Snake
8. Proteus the Frog
9. Foster the Beaver
10. Morgana the Cat
11. Rayleigh the Scroll/Banner (associated with groups)
12. Sif the Wolf


## Lesser Gods
Lesser gods exist in setting as small satellites on the major god’s divine realm. They, at this point, haven't been well defined.

## Dead Gods

There are also dead Gods.

## Unusued Domains

# Space reserved for lesser and dead gods


# Planes & Solar System ((+Planes & Solar System))

### Quick pathfinder planar References

## Material
**The Universe (Material plane)** - *Arcturus*

## Inner Sphere
**Plane of Air** - *Tabion*

**Plane of Water** - *The Moon*

**Plane of Earth** - *Voyager*

**Plane of Metal** - *Horizon*

**Plane of Wood** - *Ellypso*

**Plane of Fire** - *The Sun*

## Transitive Planes

**Astral Plane** - Effectively the closest part of *Ginnungagap*, filled with nebula and other parts of the night sky.

**Ethereal Plane** - *The Horizon*

**First World** - *Lost in Ginnungagap*, some creatures from *Ellypso*

**Creation's Forge (Positive energy plane)** - A large nebula known as *The Stellar Nursery*.

**The Void (negative energy plane)** - *Rubone*

**The Netherworld (Shadow Plane)** - *Rubone*

## Outer Sphere

**Abaddon** - *Zuwei*

**Axis** - *Voyager*

**Elysium** - *Ellypso*

**Heaven** - *Zuwei*

**Hell** - *The Sun*

**Nirvana** - *Tabion*

**The Boneyard** - *Rubone*

**The Maelstrom** - *Tabion*

**The Outer Rifts (Abyss)** - *The Sun*

## Dimensions

**Dimension of Time** - *The Moon*

**Dreamlands** - *The Ginnungagap*

**The Harrow Court** - Demiplanes such as this will tend to be something like a star, a nebula, or a dwarf planet. In this case, a star.


**Shades (Petitioners):** When a mortal dies, their soul goes to Rubone. There they tend to become part of a star, after shedding their mortal identities. Some souls are sent to a specific gods domain to become a Shade instead. Or, is often the case for The Sun, the god captures the soul through some method (such as an infernal contract)

## Arcturus

The planet is in a celestial sphere. Other objects in this sphere are the domains of gods in the large space. Some of these have great effect on the land below. This is a geocentric model - the sun rotates around the planet itself. In the sky, celestial disks can be seen, on which the planets rotate.

It is important to stress that only the actual planet of Arcturus is a physical world as we know it. The sky is made up of spirit and mind, and may shift from individual to individual. This leaves some planes a bit more complex then “all evil things are here”.

**Divinities** None
**Native Inhabitants** Most mortals
**Pathfinder Planes** This is the Material plane (The Universe)

## The Horizon, Heavenly Protection ((++Horizon))

The Horizon (capital H, vs little h) can be considered a shifting band across the sky of Arcturus. This realm both protects, and damages the world below. In times long past, it did not exist, and the gods created it to both protect the world from Ginnungagap, and vice versa.

It provides a way of transitioning between the heavens and the planet, preventing the full damage of each from affecting each other, for they are taught to be anathema to each other, but the truth is a bit more complex than that - its different between mind and spirit and physical body. What something is, vs what the core of that thing is.

When one plane shifts, they must first plane shift to Horizon. Doing otherwise is a very risky procedure on both sides, but may allow mortals a great deal more power than they otherwise possess. Generally, the plane shifting will be safe if one goes from here to Arcturus, or a god’s domain, directly. It is generally experienced as technological platforms beyond mortal knowledge, with great trees of fruit dotted across the landscape.

There is a secret corridor, to Zuwei that bypasses the Horizon. This is done via a plasma fluxtube (this is a real scientific thing). Travelling this way is dangerous.

**Divinities** None
**Native Inhabitants** metal elementals, night hags, shades (metal pneuma, terrorized), taloses, zuhras
**Pathfinder Planes** Anything specific to the **Plane of Metal** should use Horizon. This is also the **Ethereal Plane**.

## Voyager, The celestial disks ((++Voyager))

These are the tracks the other planes rotate on. Aeons and Archons operate mostly from here, battling against Ginnungagap. During the day, you can see the Celestial Disks in the sky.




**Divinities** Etris
**Native Inhabitants** aeons, crystal dragons, earth elementals, inevitables, jabali (shaitans), shades (earth pneuma, remade)
**Pathfinder Planes** Voyager represents both **Axis** and the **Plane of Earth**.

## The Sun, Hateful Hell ((++The Sun))

The sun is the realm of demons. Sunlight filtered through the Horizon allows plants to grow. Sunlight without this protection irradiates and burns through life. The Sun is generally imaginable as depictions of hell. It is a huge domain, with nine distinct parts, with the very outer parts emitting light.


**Divinities** Atyx
**Native Inhabitants**demons, devils, fire elementals, hellhounds, ifrit (efreet), magma dragons, munsahir (azer), qlippoth, shades (fire pneuma, larvae, the damned)
**Pathfinder Planes:** The sun represents the **Plane of Fire**, **Hell**, and **The Outer Rifts (Abyss)**.


## The moon, Kingdom of eternity ((++The Moon))


The moon is in truth, the realm of time.

The moon glows green, and those who live on it are immortal. Mortals visiting are often caught in time storms, as the moon shifts between waxing and waning cycles. Those who visit often come back mad, unable to comprehend what they have seen.

The Aurora Wolf is a unique servant of Zaara, which can cross into the mortal realm from the moon, going very quickly through Horizon. This allows Zaara to


influence the mortal realm in unique ways.

**Divinities** Zaara is the Princess of the Moon. There is not a queen or king, she just chooses to call herself that, and lives in an elaborate castle.
**Native Inhabitants**  brine dragons, couatls, Faydhaan (marids), hounds of tindalos, shade (water pneuma, the unbound), water elementals
**Pathfinder Planes** Anything associated with the **Dimension of time** would generally come from here. As would most things associated with the **Plane of Water**, for the moon has vast seas.

## Tabion, the shifting skies ((++Tabion, Shifting Skies))


Tabion is the closest planet to Arcturus, and stands between it and the sun. It is a gas giant, with powerful storms. Anyone who visits gains the ability to fly, by shifting relative gravity however one wishes.

**Divinities** Ezdon, though he frequently travels to other planes, including Arcturus.
**Native Inhabitants** air elementals, angels, cloud dragons, Jaathoom (djinn), proteans, shades (air pneuma, the cleansed, the shapeless)
**Pathfinder Planes** **Plane of Air**, **Nirvana**, and the **Maelstrom**. Angels hail from here.

## Ellypso, the unfettered greenery ((++Ellypso, unfettered Greenery))

Basically, the Feywild from D&D.

Ellypso orbit is different then other worlds, and it goes between Arcturus and Rubone.

**Divinities** Bemris rules Ellypso, and she has many groves she moves between.
**Native Inhabitants** ardande, azatas, most fey, forest dragons, linnorms, kizidhars, kodama, shade)


(the chosen, wood pneuma), wood elementals
**Pathfinder Planes** Ellypso is the **Plane of Wood**, as well as **Elysium**, and some creatures that would normally be from **The First World**.


## Rubone, the Realm of the Dead ((++Rubone, Realm of the Dead))


Rubone is where souls go to start the cycle of rebirth into stars. Souls lose parts of themselves, but not all at this point, shedding into matter which is collected and merged into a “Star seed” which is then placed in the *Stellar nursery*. The plane itself seems barren, and often like a sick reflection of Arcturus.

**Divinities** The Raven Queen rules Rubone, with a palace. She enjoys meeting with mortal visitors.
**Native Inhabitants** caligni, d'ziriaks, kayals (fetchlings), psychopmps, sceaduinars, shades (the dead, the mutilated), umbral dragons, velstracs, wraiths, and other


**Pathfinder Planes** Contains **The Void**, **the Netherworld**, and **the Boneyard**.

## Zuwei, the Clockwork Library ((++Zuwei, The clockwork library))

A realm of clockwork and books, all secrets are written somewhere in Zuwei. However, the organization is known only to The Beaver Lord, and to find your way is often as much as challenge as anything else. There are five layers to the library.

**Divinities** The Beaver Lord rules Zuwei, and often walks its halls.
**Native Inhabitants** archons, daemons, night hags, nightmares, shades (the elect, the hunted)
**Pathfinder Planes** Zuwei is made up of both **Abaddon** and **Heaven**.

Friendly relations between Atyx and The Beaver Lord means many travel between Zuwei and The Sun.


## Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void ((++Ginnungagap))

What lurks in the darkness? It is from here that many Aberrations come, and other things, such as Asura. Black holes and darkness are in the realm of Ginnungagap.

**Divinities** None, we hope
**Native Inhabitants** animate dreams, Denizens of Leng, shades (dreamers), many aberrations, some messed up fey.
**Pathfinder Planes** the **Dreamlands**. **The First World** is lost in the void, though many of its denizens are instead on Ellypso.



## Minor Planes / Demiplanes
Everything else in the sky acts as a minor or demi plane

### The Stars / Constellations

Stars are the results of death - when souls die, they eventually become stars. And when stars die, they eventually become new lives - a cycle of cosmic rebirth.

Constellations are formed from the shape of the guardians of the Stars, various intelligent animals. What they fight against in the darkness is anyone’s guess. Consider these as demiplanes that are also giant combination robots.

Starlight is harmless when it passes through the horizon, though something generating it directly on the planet would be dangerous.

**Notable Stars**:
* The Harrow Court - a Star in the area of Audumbla, the cow constellation.

### Asteroids 

Asteroids form naturally and float through space, around a core of magical material known as Luminiferous Iron, essentially raw dark matter from Ginnungagap. This material is very dangerous on Arcturus. Eventually, they fall onto the world, and pass through the Horizon, transforming it to Luminiferous Steel. This form is less damaging, though has the consequence of creating dungeons.

Luminiferous Iron reaching the plane would have drastic effects. A small amount of it would likely instantly change a group of creatures in the area into Fleshwarps.


**Notable Asteroids**:
* Currently None

### Nebula

Nebula are many things - the birthplaces of stars, their protectors, small demiplanes. Anything that would otherwise need to be on an Astral Sea or similar, can happen in a nebula.

**Notable Nebula**
* The largest Nebula is *The Milky Way*, created by Etris.
* The second largest is in the horns of Zeong, the deer constellation, and is known as the *Stellar Nursery*.

The Stellar Nursery
![Stellar Nursery](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/0/09/StellarNursery.png)



## Constellations ((++Constellations))

![Constellation map](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/1/18/ArcturusConstellation.png)


The constellations in the sky above Arcturus can move, and often wonder the sky, though at a slow pace. They are not as static as our own, and when they do so, it like a 2d image moving across the screen, no ability to turn in 3d space. This is essentially a reflection of what is truly happening, in a way that mortal minds can comprehend it. Some stars exist that are not part of constellations (such as the Sun). Many traditions claim that the strength of a constellation has to do with the number and size of stars that make it up, but it is unclear if that is true or not - though if that is true the dragon Gostir would still be the clear champion of that tradition.

Constellations can be created over time, with legends claiming that the most recent constellation is Sarabi, the Gryphon.


See the next page for a list of constellations.

### Zodiac

Star charts are relatively useless when its possible for your constellations to decide to move on their own, however, the following can be treated as the twelve normal zodiac signs, determined by where the Sun tends to rotate around the sky, all of which last about 30 days. Note that with the sun being on Voyager, and the rotation of the disks, and the movement in the sky, this path is a little more erratic than one may otherwise expect.
This current chart tries to equalize days, but I may revise this to be unequal in the future.


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## The 17 constellations
1. [Cup] Maccus: a past ruler immortalized in the stars, bringer of summer. Patience.
2. [Banner / Scroll]: Rayleigh, some claim this as a scroll, others a banner. It is associated with groups and intuition.
3. [Skull + Raven]: Nevermore: The endless toil. The perfect trickster. The spying prophet.
4. [Beaver] Foster: A powerful spirit. Associated with teachers and intellectual.
5. [Ape]: Andross: Fair but Forceful
6. [Bear]: Medved: tough, and earnest
7. [Cow]: Audumbla: The self-manifest. The dutiful one.
8. [Cat]: Morgana:  Grace of the gods. Bringer of Luck. Playful thief.
9. [Deer]: Zeong: Love, and parents.
10. [Frog]: Proteus: The one of narrow view. The healer of courage. Associated with dreams.
11. [Shark] Cavernus: the maw, seeker of revenge, terror of the deep, shredder of flesh. In the positive sense, associate with being dynamic.
12. [Snake] Mehen: Secretive one. The quick thinker.  The player of games.
13. [Wolf]: Sif: The protector of the north. The winter miracle. Associated with spirituality. 
14. [Dragon]: Gostir: The center of the sky. The outspoken. The ruler of short lives.
15. [Parrot]: Iago: Vengeance and greed.
16. [Rabbit]: Meloku: Dignified Storyteller. Mountaintop survivor.
17. [Gryphon]: Sarabi. The loyal companion. The fierce protector. The unlucky lot.

1. Jan 18th - Feb 17th: Sarabi (Gryphon)
2. Feb 18th - Mar 19th: Meloku (Rabbit, Includes leap day on leap years. I tried to avoid the bad pun but failed)
3. March 20th - April 18th: Medevd (Bear)
4. April 19th - May 18th: Zeong (deer)
5. May 19th - June 18th: Maccus (cup)
6. June 19th - July 19th: Cavernus (shark)
7. July 20th - Aug 18th: Mehen (Snake)
8. Aug 19th - Sep 17th: Proteus (Frog)
9. Sep 18th - Oct 18th: Foster (Beaver)
10. Oct 19th - Nov 18th: Morgana (Cat)
11. Nov 18th - Dec 18th: Rayleigh (scroll)
12. Dec 19th - Jan 17th: Sif (Wolf)

### Zodiac Bound
When using the Zodiac Bound background, you can use this zodiac instead of the standard options.
* **Sarabi - Gryphon** (Constitution) - Sanctuary, 1/day
* **Meloku - Rabbit** (Dexterity) - Warp Step, at will
* **Medved - Bear** (Strength) - Enlarge, 1/week
* **Zeong - Deer** (Wisdom) - Spirit Link, 1/day
* **Maccus - Cup** (Wisdom) - Command, 1/day
* **Cavernus - Shark** (Strength) - Sure Strike 1/day
* **Mehen - Snake** (Charisma) - Figment, At will
* **Proteus - Frog** (Intelligence) - Sleep, 1/day
* **Foster - Beaver** (Intelligence) - Knock, 1/week
* **Morgana - Cat** (Dexterity) - Thoughtful Gift, 1/day
* **Rayleigh - Scroll** (Charisma) - Synchronize, 1/day
* **Sif - Wolf** (Constitution) - Clear Mind, 1/week

### School of Aetheral Astrologia
This is the same order as the constellation table in wizards+
* **Meloku - Rabbit** +15-foot status bonus to all speeds
* **Maccus - Cup** Fire resistance equal to twice the spell's rank
* **Zeong - Deer** +1 status bonus to will saves; +2 against emoption effects
* **Mehen - Snake** Ignore natural difficult terrain
* **Foster - Beaver** +1 status bonus to reflex saves and to AC against ranged attacks
* **Medved - Bear** +1 Status bonus to melee attack rolls and perception
* **Cavernus - Shark** +1 status bonus to intimidation and to saves against fear
* **Proteus - Frog** +1 status bonus to athletics and to saves against forced movement
* **Proteus - Frog** +1 status bonus to acrobatics and basic saves
* **Rayleigh - Scroll** An additional reaction to aid
* **Sarabi - Gryphon** Temporary hit points equal to the spell's rank
* **Sif - Wolf** +1 status bonus to nature and to attack rolls against off-guard enemies


## Planar Tradition
For a Wizards+ Using Quasiplanar Fusionist, the following map should be used to abilities. You may chose multiple aspects from the same plane, but may not choose any that map to the same ability:

* Ellypso - the Forest aspect -> Plane of Wood
* Ellypso - The Passion Aspect -> The Celestial Planes
* Ginnungagap - The night sky aspect -> Astral Plane
* Ginnungagap - the lost world aspect -> The First World
* Horizon -> Plane of Metal
* Rubone - The dead aspect -> Boneyard
* Rubone - The Barren aspect - -> The Netherworld
* Rubone - The Soul Well aspect -> The Void
* Tabion - The clouds aspect -> Plane of Air
* Tabion - paradise aspect -> The Celestial Planes
* The Moon - Lunar Oceans aspect -> Plane of Water
* The Stellar Nursery -> Creation's Forge
* The Sun - Hell Aspect -> The Fiendish Planes
* The Sun - Abyss aspect -> The Fiendish Planes
* The Sun - fire aspect -> Plane of Fire
* Voyager -> Plane of Earth
* Zuwei - The Angels Light Aspect -> The Celestial Planes
* Zuwei - The Silence Aspect  -> The Fiendish Planes


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# Regions ((+Regions))
## Pythagria / Hypatia ((++Pythagria))
The North East region of the world, once known as Pythagria, and home of the kingdom of Hypatia in the current day.

This is the region that the campaign takes place in, and has a number of towns and factions, and NPCs of note.

# Culture of Pythagria ((+++Culture))

## Ethics
Ethics are practicality based, with a family first view

## Taboos
* The Ginnungagap is considered taboo
* Theater / troupes are taboo. Solo performance is the norm, duo is unusual
* Thievery is taboo
* Forgery is considered a high crime
* Gift giving: Relatively recent taboo. Sprung from fear of the curse activating by showing superiority to another. Instead, token trading where you receive a gift you pay for it with something of much lesser value. Considered rude to ‘pay’ with something of equal or greater value. More prominent in shorter lived races.
* Necromancy is frowned upon my short-lived races. Incorporeal undead are a big problem for all.

## Architectural Style
* "Dwarven style" - Practical, built to last, for ruins from last empire. Abandoned Holds
* Wooden shacks essentially for recent. Log cabins. Family homes, not manors.
* Ruins from older empires
* Underground pathway. Kind of Deep Roads
* Seasonal village, fishing in the summer, abandon when freeze

## Resources of note
* Salt
* Limestone
* Charcoal

## Scarce resources
* Few special metals, because dwarves mined most of them.

## Fashion and dress
* A lot of fur above ground?
* Wool, sheep / llamas


* Fancy clothing - old elven styles, old dwarven styles, etc. Now suddenly a new lease on life? Long flowing dresses.
* Embroidery common as a winter activity
* Working clothes is the average.
* Norwegian style clothing

## Prominent art and entertainment styles
* Solo entertainment
* Carvings over paintings, statues, etc. 3d vs 2d.
* Music very common. Percussion vs horn or string. Woodwinds still common.
* Oral history over statues

## Small details
* Everything is barter right now
* Decent amount of nomads
* Literacy kept alive by parents and families
* Personal Crests being common
* Tipping culture is not a thing.

## Transition to adulthood (ceremonies, rites, etc.)
* Children leaving home (poor 2nd and 3rd children…)
* Dwarves of the area have a tradition called the long night. The week before they come of age, they must take up a project * and finish it using no more light than what can allow their Darkvision.
* Child crest -> adult crest
* Always a celebration.

## Death / Burial rites
* Air burial for dwarves. Burning the bones is an outright insult.
* Race dependent? God dependent?
* Cremation cult
* Embalming would be a problem

## Marriage
* Parental decided arranged marriage, but circumstantial.
* Encouraged to travel marriage.

* Opposite gender spouse because they need heir, but relationships outside that not unusual.
* No Taboos here
* 3 parent households not uncommon.

## Food
* Meat: Fish in the north, pastoral sheep/goats in the south or reindeer/yaks/llamas if we want something more unique.
* Lots of grain & potato/root vegetables
* Baklava as the one pastry?
* Comparatively low fruit and spice yields.
* Beverages: Milk, Beet Juice, Infused Vodkas (Every family has their own recipe), Mead in summer
* Honey, syrup, beet juice, as sweeteners, berry jam.
* Hunting and gathering common. Wild berries, mushrooms.
* Pickling, drying, freezing in the winter
* Potatoes - What’s taters precious?

## Factions ((+++Factions))
Below is a list of faction, some have more information available, see the sections below.

* Hypatia, a new kingdom on the east end of the region
* The Ironbound Scales - A Lizardman kingdom in the southwest end of region
* The Obelisk Grove - A Druidic circle in the region.
* Cloudspell - A group of kobolds in the north of the region, in the remains of a dungeon known as The Spiral Stronghold
* Shieldmoor - A skeleton heavy, Militant democracy run by Bonelord Reginald Fitzwilliam III.
* Nosewound Warren - a group of ratfolk in an old Dwarven Hold
* The Stoneborn - Dwarven hardliners / racists inside Hypatia.
* Cult of Thulcandra - The familial resurrection cult.
* The Red Boar Raiders - A bandit coalition, kinda Anarcho-syndicate ish.
* Cielo Shepherds - A remnant of previous factions that were wiped out
* The Astraea Ironspears - A remnant of previous factions that were wiped out
* Ironwell - An independent city
* Gennefort - An independent city
* Stokras - An independent city



### Hypatia ((++++Hypatia))
The first kingdom after the August Curse

# One-line NPCs
The following are NPCs players have seen / know about, but without much additional information.

• Ursula - an awakened bear that does a circus act
• Poppet's from Spiral Stronghold that moved to Polis
• Were-rat commune - just outside Polis. Sor Polol (F) is the Tengu wererat in charge, then has a Nagaji (M), Halfling (F), Strix (F), and Human (M)
• Cartographers - Inside Polis, you can buy maps from them to get landmarks in a region, priced similarly to a magic item of that region's level.
• Church of Atyx healer - undermining Berbuil.
• The Jade Circle - a Druidic circle in the forest
• Henri Cavefill - Male Dwarf Aphorite, huge nerd, loves wargaming, lives in Polis mansion, has a bookcase hidden door. Still comes off as a noble.
• Cassra, an occult witch in Polis
* Seraphina - A female halfling troublemaker turned into Xan's assistant viceroy

## Larping Kids in Pollis 
• Weasel, Ratfolk girl, character: White Rose, rogue archer
• Jakke, Human boy, character: Bertrand the Mighty, two-handed sword fighter
• Quas, Kobold boy, character: Kirk Bloodmane, cleric of Ezdon
• Alyndra - Elf Girl; character: Meia, Arcane sorcerer

# Cities ((+++++Cities))
* Pollis - The capital city on the eastern coast.
* Kapileio - The second city founded, has a popular tavern

# Characters ((+++++Characters))

# NPC Rules

If these NPCs stick around, expect them to give side quests. Side quests will give extra loot and XP and may put you in danger. These side quests will always be tied to the story arc of these NPCs.

However, some of these characters will grow in negative ways - sometimes helping them along to their goal will make things worse for them. With a theme of corruption, having negative growth can help contrast with those who successfully stand against it. If you do not want to be tied to a character who goes in this direction, I can reveal this in advance.

Some PC created NPCs may be promoted to this status (such as ones added to the advisor roles for kingdoms). If they are, I will do similar treatment for them, but work with you with how we want to take them.

## Side quests and becoming Overpowered

If you do enough side quests that you become ahead of the curve, I do not mind. But it is possible I may increase the challenge of future encounters if things become too easy.

If you want more resources, side quests are the best way to get them. I will generally try to make them at least neutral on consumables, and likely positive.

## Side quests may complete without you

If you do not do some side quests, they may become completed anyway. Possibly with worse results, and no rewards for the group. For example, Nikawiy is an active adventurer in her own right, and is likely to strike out on her own.

## NPCs in Battle

If one of these NPCs are required to battle, then they will use a monster style stat block, for example, see Sunflower on the next page. I have stated out the NPCs with a PC style build to 20, which will be used to help generate the stat blocks.


## Leaders and other PCs ((++++++Leaders))

### Adar Reynald ((+++++++Adar))
![Adar Reynald](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/8/86/Adar.png)

**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry:** Human
**Class:** Thaumaturge
**Power Source:** ???
**Deity:** ???
**Status** Alive, Retired PC

Eccentric yet empathic.  An aimless buffoon or a wandering caretaker.  Adar Reynald has been called these things and more.  A man of thirty-five years, he’ll happily admit upon asking that he is a traveling undertaker.  Be it tending the graves of the ancestors, preparing a body for their service beyond death, or lighting the pyre that ushers a departed soul to the stars, Adar has performed all these and more (though less said about the goblin funeral rites the better).  The living find him a curious (and very loud) fellow, always willing to dispense snippets of wisdom or facts about anything asked (although these ‘facts’ can range from accurate to somewhat taken out of context to fabricated on the spot, depending on the subject).  He has answered Sunflower’s call for a new kingdom, knowing that his skills will be needed.  One way or another.

Adar used to be part of a cult that attacked some goblins.



## Ayana Abbasova ((+++++++Ayana))
![Ayana Abbasova](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/7/7c/Ayana.png)
info (
**Gender**: Female, She/her
**Ancestry**: Stehno, with clear dwarf blood
**Class**: Investigator
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alignment:** Lawful Neutral
**Deity:** Etris/Bemris
**Status:** Alive
Artist: `_Z eD_`, see their artstation here .............................. `https://www.artstation.com/trungbui42`

A young woman who has entwined herself in the workings of the Council’s remaining members while you were away. An exceptionally pale woman with red eyes, and the stature of a dwarf. Her eye’s share a curiosity with the golden vipers than make up her locs. Her manner is respectful and her accent for those who have traveled suggests she is from the island people to the east. 

She says she is here to meet Rîstheliel of House Uigûren. 



### Belenos Nosewound ((+++++++Belenos))


info (
**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry**: Ratfolk
**Class**: Investigator
**Power Source**: Martial
**Alignment**: Neutral
**Deity**: The Beaver Lord
**Position**: Emissary
**Pronunciation:** Bel-in-os
**Status:** Alive

A rural rat folk, of simple means. Belenos (Bel) is a charismatic figure, though he speaks plainly, and is clearly not well educated. Despite this, he has a great intuition, able to notice what many would miss.

He comes from a burrow of Ratfolk, a very large family. He is the runt of the family, and feels he owes his brothers and sisters a lot.

He has contacts in Gennefort, in the sewers. This turned out to be Gak, and he had solved and ignored a mystery there, getting the group to solve it instead.



## Berbuil Hornrock ((+++++++Berbuil))

**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry:** Dwarf
**Class:** Druid
**Power Source:** Primal
**Alignment:** ???
**Deity:** No Specific
**Position:** Warden
**Status:** Alive
Berbuil is a relatively young dwarf who wanders the mountains helping people with his knowledge of nature and medicine. He frequently disappears for long periods of time, exploring the mountain ranges and the secrets held within. He has a gruff demeanor, and acts oddly often talking to himself and making odd comments about others. He was bolder once when he was younger, but a mining accident left him changed and his best friend dead.

Berbuil Knows Ristheliel, via his cousin Koren. He grew up with stories of Sunflower. Has a business-like relationship with Eridanus. Knows Belenos, having helped the Nosewound warren. They aren't close but have respect. He also has a giant goat named Prince.



### Berehynia Grassfall ((+++++++Berehynia))

info (
**Gender**: Female
**Ancestry**: Halfling
**Class**: Bard
**Power Source:** Psionic
**Alignment:** Neutral Good
**Deity:** Zaara
**Position**: Ruler
**Pronunciation:** Ber-hyn-ia
**Status**: Alive, currently Ruler of Hypatia

A halfling woman that is pedantic - she would say exacting. Her family has been in the hospitality business for generations, and keeps herself always kept together. She has no wish to fight, and instead sees this as an opportunity to ensure that her home will be a kind place.

She still has obligations with her family back home, and at some point, those obligations may be called upon.

She has a friend in Ironwell, essentially a foster sister.



### Ducas Ortensio ((+++++++Ducas))
![Ducas Ortensio](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/0/09/Ducas.png)

**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry:** Human Duskwalker
**Class:** Champion
**Age** 35
**Power Source:** Martial / Divine
**Alignment:** Lawful Good
**Deity:** The Raven Queen
**Position**: General
**Status:** Alive

An Itinerant Historian and Champion of the Raven Queen, Ducas Ortensio is a strange figure. Enraptured with the stories of civilizations long gone, he seems to want to live in another time altogether, back in the days before the August Curse.

Even though Ducas is an eager and helpful soul, in quiet his eyes often veer toward the horizon as if contemplating bigger destinies and to the stars from which he came back from. But get him talking around the fire and he will be more than happy to share notes, diagrams and transcriptions from his latest dig or research, or to revel in old stories of heroics and adventures from ages long ago.

(And if you get to know him really well, you may hear him speak the name Dux Hortensius Maximum, an ancient hero king of a long-gone Human civilization of the coast, of whom he says he is the reincarnation of.)

Ducas appears to be possessed by some form of Protean.

Ducas stayed with Sunflower for a while after coming of age. He has met Nikawiy at archaeological ruins.


His first horse, Ambrosia has died, his second horse, Dleoff is still alive, gifted by Berbuil.


## Malkuth ((+++++++Malkuth))

**Gender**: Male presenting?
**Ancestry:** Automaton
**Class:** Magus
**Power Source:** Arcane
**Deity:** ???
**Position:** Treasurer
**Status** Alive
An Automaton craftsman, from an ancient empire to the east. Trying to forge a new future for himself. Wished alived by genies, sometimes his disruptive family visits.
* Aunt Gizi, a Jann \[All elements] (met), wants Malkuth to grow, and secretly holds some fear in her heart of him.
* Uncle Keni, a Jaathoom \[Air] (mentioned)
* Aunt Terrastri, a Jabalis \[Earth] (not known)
* Uncle Omostoosh, an Ifrit \[Fire] (mentioned), businessman
* Uncle Asfoon, a Faydhaan \[Water] (met), thinks blobfish are elegant creatures. Wants Malkuth to become an artist or diplomat.
* Uncle Zassu, a Kizidhar \[Wood] (not known)
* Aunt Kuhtah, a Zuhra \[Metal] (met), obsessed with battle and wants Malkuth to become a warlord and die in battle.



## Rîstheliel of House Uigûren ((+++++++Ristheliel))

info (

**Gender**: Female
**Ancestry:** Elf
**Class:** Swashbuckler
**Power Source:** Martial/Arcane
**Alignment:** Neutral Good
**Deity:** The Raven Queen
**Status:** Alive
**Position:** Councillor
**Pronunciation:** (Ree-stel-e-el Oo-e-gur-en)
Art from Artbreeder

Formerly a member of a ruling house in the Hallean Accord, Rîstheliel left the empire around 200 years ago, not agreeing with the actions her family was taking to gain and retain power. Her departure, 1 year before the August Curse took effect, meant that while the curse almost entirely destroyed the rulers of the Accord, she was left unaffected.

Rîstheliel has spent the last two centuries wandering Arcturus, making her way from the lands of the Hallean Accord to the area of Pythagria. She has done a lot over this period, doing her best to make a living without the society she had grown up in, and rarely stayed in one place for more than a few years. The brief magical training of her youth has gone mostly unused over this time, with Rîstheliel preferring to focus on her martial skills in the Hallean style. With the message from Sunflower about the end of the curse, she now wonders if helping to build a nation is what she has been searching for, but worries that she will end up repeating the mistakes of her former empire.


Knows Berbuil Hornrock, via Koren his tailor friend (Berbuil is his cousin). 



### Spook

**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry:** Goblin
**Class:** Gunslinger
**Power Source:** ???
**Alignment:** Evil
**Deity:** ???
**Status:** Alive, Ex-PC, Wanted
A goblin that took over for Nika when she stopped doing her job, turns out to have been a goblin from where the cult Adar was part of attacked.

Tortured and murdered a cultist to do with the Desert Bringer, and then ran off.



### Vulpeculae ((+++++++Vulpeculae))
(Vulpeculae has many forms, each will have their own box for clarity)
**Hybrid form**

info (
**Gender**: Female
**Ancestry**: Kitsune
**Class**: Wizard
**Power Source:** Arcane
**Alignment:** Neutral
**Deity:** Claims to worship both The Raven Queen and The Beaver Lord
**Position**: Magister
**Pronunciation:** Vul-pick-you-lay
**Status:** Alive

A haughty Kitsune woman, of great learning. She is a rare case of a wizard - she is the rare inheritor of arcane knowledge, with access to many books on the subject. She is working on tracking down a mystical item, but sees no reason she cannot help others a bit in the process. Plus, the missing clues she needs might come up in other work.

She has a Koi familiar, named Hamab.

Her full tailed form is taller, and she uses it while in the Zuwei Branch Library. She has a library card to access it, having trained there and her thesis is stored in the library. She is currently trying to research the location of the Tristar Bracelet.



**Non-tailed form**

Currently unknown.

**Fox (full tailed) form**
Currently 4 tails (of max 9)

![Vulpeculae Fox](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/5/53/VulpeculaeFullTailed.png)


### Xansendan ((+++++++Xansendan))


info (
**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry**: Gnome
**Class**: Witch
**Power Source:** Psionic
**Alignment:** Chaotic Good
**Deity:** None
**Position:** Viceroy
**Status:** Alive, Retired PC
Art from Pillars of Eternity

A young-looking gnome eager to see what he can do for the world. On introduction he seems more interested in the August Curse than any tales of treasure. He always seems happy to share an idea for a ritual that would work great and only take four days to get it started, tops. [Redacted] is always somewhere nearby but it does not seem to move much, or blink.

When it comes to nation building Xan is interested in connecting everyone together and making sure everyone gets a fair shake. He sees the past as something best known so as to be able to do “not that” at all. They have a chance to do something brand new, so why not get a little weird with it?

Has a riding dog named Coaxe, and a frog familiar named Que, who might have been the partner of his mother Nol, before they sent the child away for some reason.


**Frogman form**
![Xan Frogman](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/5/5a/XansendanFrogman.png)



**Xan Frog form**
![Xan Frog](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/7/7d/XansendanFrog.png)



## Quest NPCs ((++++++Quest NPCs))
note (
This section contains NPCs with defined quests

## Eridanus Zuam ((+++++++Eridanus))


info (
**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry**: Gnome
**Class**: Alchemist
**Power Source:** Martial / Primal
**Alignment:** Chaotic Neutral
**Deity:** Ezdon
**Pronunciation:** ih-rid-nis
**Status:** Alive, hanging around Polis

Eridanus \(Eri) is a gnome merchant of some renown. Those who know him would call him ambitious - looking for rare materials and getting ready to take advantage of the end of the August Curse. Eridanus would call any willing to work with their own hands
and make their own ambitions come true a friend.

He has had a few odd occurrences happen around him, and he tends to keep on the move. Perhaps he is running from something?

He had some of his goods stolen by a Dweomercat. You got them back.



## Fulu Stot ((+++++++Fulu))

info (
**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry**: Dwarf
**Class**: Barbarian
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alignment:** Chaotic Neutral
**Deity:** Ezdon
**Status:** Alive, hanging around Polis

A drunk, a fool. A strong man. Fulu is almost all the negative dwarf stereotypes in one. And yet, he was selected as a possible advisor by Sunflower. What does she even see in him?

Fulu is happy to tell any that ask about him - his boring life in a small village, until a group of raiders wiped it out. He ended up joining up with a group of misfits, known as The Revellers, who he has since been separated from - though he wishes to find them. (Think like a Dionysian cult, but without the religious aspect)



## Nikawiy Valven ((+++++++Nikawiy))

info (
**Gender**: Female
**Ancestry**: Human
**Class**: Rogue
**Power Source:** Martial / Arcane
**Alignment:** Neutral
**Deity:** The Raven Queen
**Pronunciation:** Ni - gah - wee
**Status:** Alive, sometimes around Polis

Nikawiy \(Goes by Nika, though technically incorrect) is an archaeologist, who searches through ancient ruins and dodges past dangerous traps. She is also a mother, and leaves her young daughter at home while she explores. She frequently returns to her daughter, but is very vocal that she wants her child to grow up in a small village - away from her work as an archaeologist, or with Sunflower.

Nikawiy tends to treat others like her child, its not unusual for her to play games with them. She has great reflexes.

She uses a hand crossbow as her weapon of choice. She has some ruins she would like to investigate, and perhaps once you prove yourself, she will work with you instead of braving them herself.

Nika and the group explored an ancient ruin that had to do with planar travel from before Horizon existed.


Her daughter is named Awasis (Ah-wah-sis). She likes to explore the woods near her home, and likes animals. She finds most people rude and tries to avoid them.



## Rana Asa-ex ((+++++++Rana))


info (
**Gender**: Male
**Ancestry**: Grippli
**Class**: Ranger
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alignment:** Chaotic Good
**Deity:** Ezdon
**Status:** Alive, around Polis

Rana is a hunter who was exiled from his village (though he will not go into details about it). Despite this dishonour, he is a resourceful individual, who is loyal to his friends. While he is jovial, he does not like to talk about himself. Those who know him well though can tell you - he is looking for something, watching. And whatever it is, he is afraid of it.

Rana helped save some towns folk from Kushtaka.



## Sunflower ((+++++++Sunflower))

info (
**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry**: Dwarf
**Class**: Champion
**Power Source**: Divine
**Alignment**: Lawful Good
**Deity**: Etris
**Status:** Dead
**Full Name:** Queen We Futh Azili the Snowstone, Sunflower 
[title], [full monarch name] the [epithet], [common name]

Sunflower was once a Dwarven queen, ordained by the gods, on the north eastern continent of Arcturus. Sunflower retired over 200 years ago, shortly before the August Curse. She is now about 432 years old and near their deathbed. They are using the time they have left in the world to try to start a new kingdom.

Her friends, if they were still alive would call her wise, and always looking towards the future. She is giving her all to make a better future.


## Vindemiatrix Zhineer ((+++++++Vindemiatrix))


info (
**Gender**: Female
**Ancestry**: Elf
**Class**: Oracle
**Power Source:** Divine
**Alignment:** Lawful Neutral
**Deity:** Zaara
**Status:** Alive, Ex-Treasurer
**Pronunciation:** Vin - De - My - a - trix

Vindemiatrix \(Vin) is an elf winemaker. It is through her craft, which she connects with the forces of the divine. Her friends know that she is selfless, giving freely to aid others, though she regularly tries to act tough.

Her primary concern is on future prosperity - convince her that you are worthy of this, you will have a loyal friend.

Like many others, she is reluctant to fight in battle, but may be willing to engage in less directly hostile activities.

She hosted a party to flush out some conspirators, you were able to figure them out. She is contemplating next steps.



## Notable NPCs ((++++++Notable NPCs))

### Amedee Bryvalur 
![Amedee Bryvalur](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/9/96/Amedee.png)
info (
**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry:** Elf Duskwalker
**Class:** Monk
**Power Source:** Psionic
**Alignment:** Chaotic Good
**Deity:** The Raven Queen
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Acquaintances

This muscular female elf wears very simple garb, clearly showing that she spends a substantial amount of time training. Also, she is blue.

Amedee is a monk who hunts undead. She was originally from the Principality of linaria, but has moved over to these lands. She has been reborn 5 times, as she is an effective method to kill undead.


## Dolag Sutharlainn
![Dolag Sutharlainn](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/d/db/Dolag.png)

info (
**Gender:** Nonbinary
**Ancestry:** Dwarf
**Class:** Barbarian
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alignment:** Neutral
**Deity:** Zaara
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Acquaintances

A Nonbinary Changeling Dwarf Barbarian living in Polis. Dolag Sutharlainn is a rugged non-binary Scottish dwarf, their broad frame and muscular build a testament to a life spent amidst the rugged mountains and untamed wilderness. Their blonde hair is tied back in a braided mane that cascades down their back, adorned with intricate beads and charms that rattle with every movement. Across their weather-beaten face, a network of scars tells the tale of countless battles and harrowing adventures. Despite their imposing presence, there's a warmth and intensity in their gaze that draws others to them.


## Ella Pasche
![Ella Pasche](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/d/dc/Ella.png)

info (
**Gender:** Nonbinary
**Ancestry:** Half-Elf
**Class:** Champion
**Power Source:** Divine
**Alignment:** Neutral Evil
**Deity:** The Beaver Lord
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Potential Foe

With the grace of an elf and the strength of a champion, she stands tall, her eyes alight with the fervor of faith and the glint of hidden knowledge. Working to take over Polis somehow, but lives there.


## Faird


info (
**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry:** Shoony
**Class:** Exemplar
**Power Source:** Psionic
**Alignment:** Lawful Good
**Deity:** Etris
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Acquaintances

Faird is a female Shoony, who has a short curly tail, erect ears, and short red fur, she has an eye-catching beauty mark under her left eye, and wields a gleaming Katar. Her dress is a simple layered gown made from red fabric, accented with bead work. At her waist, she has a metal belt, made to resemble daisies, with a clear heraldry symbol on the middle. She has a few pieces of Origami tied to the belt as embellishments.

Faird wants to change Pollis to not have any relationship with gods in politics.


## Sister Dianara
info (
**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry:** Gnome
**Class:** Cleric
**Power Source:** Divine
**Alignment:** Neutral
**Deity:** Zaara
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Part of the gossip circles

A spry gnome busy body, and Cleric of Zarra, Dianara is a well travelled gnome, whose collection of gossip is as eccentric as her boisterous hat. Happy to share whatever tidbit she hears' she is a world-class busy body and noisy neighbor. though she rarely tells you much about herself, though from scraps she has spilled, she has spent time in dwarvish royal courts, on merchant ships to far off countries ( possibly other continents) and once wooed an Elven Duchess. Nevertheless, she stayed tight lipped about herself beyond vague hints, though will tell you everything your neighbours have been up to for the past 6 months.


## Vulmar Rumble

info (
**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Halfling
**Class:** Kineticist - Metal
**Power Source:** Primal
**Alignment:** Lawful Evil
**Deity:** ???
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Potential Foe

This dark-skinned halfling wears fine clothing. Various bits of metal adorn his outfit, with a notable knife tucked into his belt. He hates things that are unclean. A potential foe, seeking to take over Polis.


## Intra-NPC relationships
These are the base relationships between the NPCs at the beginning of the game. (Ruler and Quest)

All the NPCs know and respect **Sunflower**. Sunflower has informed this about the general ideas of her plan, but has kept some details, and asked them not to share with the group, if any of them know you.

The other NPCs are paired up on knowing each other:
* **Nikawiy** and **Rana** know each other, but not well. They are likely to talk about exploration.
* **Berehynia** and **Eridanus** know each other. They tend to do small talk, and talk about business.
* **Vindemiatrix** and **Vulpeculae** know each other. Vulpeculae always brings the conversation to esoterica she is researching.
* **Fulu** and **Belenos** know each other

After the start of the game:
* Berehynia and Belenos have been spending a large amount of time around each other.


Below is Sunflower statted out as an old woman (level 3)

![Sunflower stats](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/7/7e/SunflowerStats.png)


### Castlespell (Spiral Stronghold) ((++++Castlespell))
This once dungeon is now ruled by Kobolds, thanks to your efforts.
* You have given Spiral stronghold lumber in exchange for information about the underground.

Castlespell is statted as a potentially friendly kingdom, though they have yet to expand.

Due to you helping found them, they have a DC 15 negotiation DC. This may increase as they level.

## Cities ((+++++Cities))
* Castlespell - The capital, built on a dungeon ruin. Free Castle. City 5.

## Characters ((+++++Characters))

### Bagga Roughgaze
The Whitescale Kobold mage last seen in charge.


### Stokras((++++Stokras))
A town with demons stuck in a tree

* Demons are still in Stokras
* Demonic cult has been removed
* Currently ruled by Bonnis.

Stokras is a Freehold mechanically, and functions as a level 4 city. Negotiation DC 18.

## Characters ((+++++Characters))

TODO: Fill out the art here

### Allisa Carnorin
Elf Daydreamer - Allisa is a female elf, who goes around town, day dreaming and being a layabout. By her age and her deference to Moondance, its clear she has joined Stokras in the last 20 years or so. That said, she is a big part of event planning in the town. A careful looker would notice she is trans. For an elf, adult age.

She is currently in a relationship with Dukas.

### Bonnis Hukunig
A female tailor from Stokras who is feuding with Stel's usual tailor. Is now the ruler of Stokras.

###'Smiling' Garland Grim
Azarketi Envoy - Who has been communicating with Polis, as the water there is a bit nicer than his old solution (which was being submerged in a well). Knows about mushrooms. His nickname is from some damage to his gills in his youth, the scars of which make it look like he is smiling from far away. Young. The scars are actually from an abyssal cult ritual.

### Liong Xiao
Human Miller - Liong is the local miller, and the most prominent brewer. He isn't always involved with the town events - tends to be bury himself in his work - but many enjoy the fruits of his labor, even if the man is a bit odd. Middle age. 

### Moondance
Shoony Elder - Moondance has kept the traditions of Stokras alive. She has some skill with divine magic. She wears no holy symbol. Quite old. Demon blooded and currently in jail.

### Morida
Vanara Swashbuckler - One of the primary guards in town, she used to climb everything in sight, and is still sometimes bugged about it by others in town. Middle aged.


### Gennefort((++++Gennefort))
This place is the worst
* Now ruled by a council made up of smaller "labourer" races from the underground and larger "martial" races that once ruled them from above
* Sits on top of multiple ancient orcish encampments.
* Fey bane weapons

Gennefort is a Freehold mechanically, and functions as a level 5 city. It has a negotiation DC of 19.

## Characters ((+++++Characters))

TODO: Fill out the art here

### Gak

The underground leader. Ratfolk with a gun, and ~~maybe~~ definitely shouldn't have it. Bit of an extremist.

### Grocis

The catfolk martial leader of the area. Definitely in over his head, is a jerk, but has a chance to improve.

### Jutyi

Grocis's daughter, was cursed to have her transgressions spread. Fell in love with Razdec and tried to run away with him.

### Leshy Thief Gang
A gang of 7 Leshy thieves that worked with Urueeda to steal from town. Now all captured except Yellow.
* Red poppy, the leader, puts people to sleep
* Black Wisteria, the grapple build bruiser
* Green Cactus, the tank
* Yellow Sunflower, the 'tactician' of the group, aoe attacks
* Blue Blueberry, healer and master thief.
* Pink Lotus, the heart of the group, tries to calm things down
* White Radish, the cool one (can intimidate)

### Modogam

This guy sucks, and he is stuck as a ghost. Razdec's friend, betrayed him and poisoned him, was also working with sol.

### Razdec

A prominent member of the underground group, who died trying to flee with his love, by poison.

### Tekhun

Grocis's right hand man, died while trying to convince Jutyi to try talking with her father, from Modogam stabbing him. His ghost has been released.

### Zoyza, Hobgoblin Smith

Zoyza just wants to do their job, and is not interested in all the politics. Feels for the underground labourers and is sympathetic to them.


### Ironwell ((++++Ironwell))
A city you haven't gone to yet

Ironwell is statted as a freehold. It has a negotiation DC of 20.


### The Ironbound Scales ((++++Ironbound Scales))
A lizardfolk empire you have heard of.

This is a rival kingdom.

## Sol
info (
**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Vannara
**Class:** Something with fullplate
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alignment:** Neutral Evil
**Deity:** ???
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** PCs are vaguely aware of them

Sol is a Vannara working with a lizardfolk kingdom, and seems to be making aggressive moves to destabilize and army build. Has taken on the sun as their personal symbol, an arrogant measure that Atyx would once upon a time punish, but not in this era.


### The Red Boar Raiders ((++++Red Board Raiders))
A group of bandits in your area.

You have heard a bit about their camp not being the best place.

## Halfling Bandit

info (
**Gender:** Male?
**Ancestry:** Halfling
**Class:** ???
**Power Source:** Martial (Presumed)
**Alignment:** ??
**Deity:** ??
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Unaware of you

A notable halfling Bandit the PCs have heard rumors of.


### Unaligned Foes ((+++Unaligned Foes))
Unaligned foes in the area.

## Eltanin
info (
**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Dragon
**Class:** Dragon
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alignment:** Neutral Evil
**Deity:** ??
**Status:** Dead
**Relationship with PCs:** Killed by you

Eltanin was the dragon in the Spiral Stronghold. He was still a White Dragon, perhaps one of the last ones.

## Uruueda


info (
**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Goloma
**Class:** Monk
**Power Source:** Martial/Psionic
**Alignment:** Chaotic Neutral
**Deity:** Ezdon
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Plans were foiled by you

Uruueda is a full of it monk, who scammed Gennefort for a good amount of time. Was working with a thieves guild to steal weapons for Sol.


### Unaligned NPCs ((+++Unaligned NPCs))
NPCs that don't belong to any faction, and may not be foes

## Minor
- Commonflow - A cleric of Ezdon that has been seen in the wilderness
- Hayyel, a Lantern Archon that spawned undead until banished?
- Platesion, an ancient philosopher, long dead

## Anna-Lisa Wilpert

![Anna-Lisa Wilpert](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/f/ff/AnnaLisaWilpert.png)

info (
**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry:** Dwarf
**Class:** None - Just a tinkerer
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alignment:** Neutral
**Deity:** The Beaver Lord
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Acquaintances

Anna-Lisa Wilpert is a stout dwarf with a mischievous glint in her brown eyes. Her hair, a rich shade of brown, is often tied back in a practical bun, though a few unruly strands always seem to escape and frame her face. She wears a long flowing dress of Elven origin.

She is a wandering tinkerer, who serves many towns.


## Blowden Vanillafeet
![Blowden Vanillafeet](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/4/43/BlowdenVanillafeet.png)

**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry:** Sprite
**Class:** Sorcerer (Fey blood)
**Power Source:** Primal
**Alignment:** Neutral Good
**Deity:** Bemris
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Acquaintances

Blodwen Vanillafeet is a petite grig, standing at a mere six inches tall. She wears a flowing robe adorned with intricate patterns that seem to dance with every step she takes. Her bright eyes sparkle with wisdom, and a warm smile graces her tiny features.

She came to this plane to provide sanctuaries and safe havens for creatures displaced by conflict.

## Mehdi Iman
![Mehdi Iman](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/8/80/MehdiIman.png)


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**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Dwarf
**Class:** Elemental Avatar
**Power Source:** Primal
**Alignment:** Chaotic Good
**Deity:** Bemris
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Saw each other at a party once

Mehdi is a wanderer, who adheres to a rather extreme political philosophy - while we can do good for each other, this is always in one-on-one interactions. Larger groups do nothing but create opportunities for harm.

This brown skinned, golden eyed dwarf is dressed in armor, a blue cape slung across their back. He wields a shield and a light spear, and constantly emit a sense of harmony. Occasionally there is a flicker of almost wings behind them. His voice is ragged, and honestly, he smells a little? On the back of his head is a large tattoo of a goat.

## Ruud Kamerling

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**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Dhampir Human
**Class:** Magus
**Power Source:** Arcane
**Alignment:** Neutral
**Deity:** Zaara
**Status:** Alive
**Relationship with PCs:** Rist and him are dating now, I think?

Ruud is an aristocratic human, with a ghostly pallor and eyes so light they have no iris and only pinpoint pupils. He has a pair of spectacles, and wears a striking green outfit. Despite his aged appearance, it is clear he is a strong man. He keeps an aged book at his side.


![Ruud Kamerling](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/3/37/RuudKamerling.png)


# Homebrew Mechanics ((Mechanics))
The following section contains mechanics that are allowed in this campaign. They haven't yet been ported to foundry or pathbuilder.

## Archetypes ((+Archetype))
The following archetypes are unique to this world.

### Starstruck Archetype ((++Starstruck))
You have been around unpurified Luminiferous Steel for so long, that you have started to gain some of the power of the stars. Starstruck is a colloquial term for someone who has been in this state.

Note: This was built before playing the system, balance might be off. Main motivation was so I could use it for monsters!

# Luminiferous Dedication
## Feat 2
; uncommon,archetype,feat,dedication
**Access** You have been around Luminiferous Steel for a while.

You gain the ability to cast a single occult cantrip of your choice (which is heighted to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up). If you were not already, you become trained in that tradition’s spell DCs and spell attack rolls, with intelligence as your spellcasting ability.

You become trained in Occultism, or an expert if you already were. You gain a +1 bonus to checks you attempt with Occultism for identifying magic.

**Special:** You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Luminiferous archetype.

# Pale Glow
## Feat 4
; archetype,feat
**Prerequisites:** Luminiferous Dedication

You have developed a pale glow. You gain a 5ft aura of pale light, emitting dim light. All creatures, including yourself, in the aura take a -2 penalty to stealth checks, this may reveal creatures that move into melee range with you.


# Photovoltaic Push :r:
## Feat 4
; archetype,feat

**Prerequisites:** Luminiferous Dedication

**Trigger:** Hit a foe in melee, or a target with the occult cantrip.

A ray of light following your attack pushes the target, despite not having any mass. Target makes a fortitude save against your occult spell DC. [Note this may be too strong, keep an eye on it]

**Success:** The target is unaffected

**Failure:** The target is pushed 5 feet away from you

# Spotlight :a:
## Feat 6
; archetype,feat

**Prerequisites:** Pale Glow

**Trigger:** Hit a foe in melee, or a target with the occult cantrip.

1/day, you can focus your light into a spotlight. Your target makes a will saving throw against your occult spell DC.

**Crit success:** The target is unaffected
**Success:** The target is Off-guard, until the end of your next turn.
**Failure:** The target is Off-guard, until the end of your next turn. In addition, the target is frightened 1.

# Knowledge of the Cosmos :a:
## Feat 8
; archetype,feat

**Prerequisites:** Luminiferous Dedication

1/day, gain training in any untrained skill of your choice, until the end of the current exploration (or day if used during downtime.)


#Breach the Horizon :a:
## Feat 10

**Prerequisites:** Luminiferous Dedication

**Frequency:** 1 / 10 minutes

You become incorporeal until the start of your next turn, gaining resistance 10 to all damage. If you start your turn inside an object, you are pushed outside the object, to the nearest exit, taking 1d6 damage per 5 ft traveled this way.

#Photovoltaic Master 
## Feat 12

; Archetype,feat

**Prerequisites:** Photovoltaic Push

When you use Photovoltaic push, you push them an additional 5 feet. If you have Pale glow, and they leave your aura, they also take damage equal to your intelligence modifier.

# Aspect of Perpendicularity :aa:
## Feat 12
; Archetype, teleportation, feat

**Prerequisites:**  Breach the Horizon
1/day, For one minute, you can teleport 10ft as a Stride action. You gain resistance 3 to all damage (except force).
# Permeating Light
## Feat 14
; Archetype

**Prerequisites:** Pale Glow

Your Pale glow aura increases to 30 feet. In addition, you may choose to “dim” or “brighten” your aura as a free action on your turn in combat. While brightened Creatures starting their turn in your aura must succeed at a reflex save against your occult spell DC, or be blinded until the start of their next turn.

# Bright Escalation
## Feat 14
; Archetype

**Prerequisites:** Spotlight

The target of your spotlight takes 5 persistent mental damage. As long as this damage persists, any strike or cantrip you make that hits the target increases the persistent damage by 5.



## Materials  ((+Materials))
These precious materials are unique to the campaign setting.


### Luminiferous Steel (Starsteel) ((++Luminiferous Steel))
; Precious
Luminiferous Steel is a magical material that is in Asteroids. The metal causes the formation of dungeons, and can turn creatures into monsters. This is a technical term; most would call it simply Starsteel. It is a simple ritual to cleanse Starsteel, once you get to it. Getting to it is the problem.

Starsteel is a precious material, and is different from the similar Adamantine in base Pathfinder 2e. You can think of Adamantine as Starsteel that has lost its magical potency.

Item | Hardness | HP | BT (Broken Threshold)
--- | :---: | :---: | :---:
**Thin Items**
Standard-Grade | 9 | 38 | 19
High-Grade | 12 | 50 | 25
Standard-Grade | 13 | 54 | 27
High-Grade | 16 | 66 | 33
Standard-Grade | 27 | 110 | 54
High-Grade | 33 | 134 | 66

Starsteel should be priced similarly to Adamantine. And while you case its just slightly worse for many materials, its benefit comes from a few main use cases:

**Refinement into Residuum** - Starsteel can be refined to become the potent Residuum, a powerful material that can be used for material spell or ritual components in place of the actual component, of equal gold value. This makes it incredibly versatile, instead of having to hold onto twenty different components, you just have to hold onto one, and use parts of it as needed. From a chunk, ingot, or object, you generally lose 10% of the value when refining it, though a critical success will reduce this to 5% or even 0%.

**Armor / shield / weapons** - The cost to inscribe runes remain as it is, but you get a rebate in Residuum equal to 25% of the cost of the rune.


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**Similar materials:**

* Abysium (feverstone)

* Adamantine (Numerian steel)

* Djezet (Quickiron)

* Inubrix

* Noqual

* Orichalcum

* Siccarite

* Sovereign Steel (alloy)

### Moonsilver ((++Moonsilver))
; Precious
Moonsilver is mined from mountains that have had the moonlight fall into a cavern, on a silver vein, for a long period of time. It is associated with time and werewolves. It is somewhere between Silver and Mithral, more on Silver than Mithral. It counts as Silver for weapons and armor. The bulk is unaltered, unlike Mithral.

Item | Hardness | HP | BT (Broken Threshold)
--- | :---: | :---: | :---:
**Thin Items**
Low-Grade | 3 | 12 | 6
Standard-Grade | 5 | 20 |10
High-Grade | 8 | 32 | 16
Low-Grade | 5 | 20 | 10
Standard-Grade | 8 | 32 | 16
High-Grade | 11 | 44 | 22
Low-Grade | 10 | 40 | 20
Standard-Grade | 15 | 64 | 32
High-Grade | 21 | 88 | 44

# Moonsilver Chunk
## Item 0
**Price:** 50 gp

**Bulk:** L

# Moonsilver Ingot
## Item 0
**Price:** 500 gp

**Bulk:** L


# Moonsilver Object (Low-Grade)
## Item 2
**Price:** 50 gp (per Bulk)

# Moonsilver Object (Standard)
## Item 7
**Price:** 300 gp (per Bulk)

Note this Standard grade, but had to cut -grade due to space limitations.

# Moonsilver Object (High-Grade)
## Item 15
**Price:** 5,000 gp (per Bulk)



## Custom Ley Lines ((+Ley Lines))
These may appear in the world somewhere, and present more ideas for jumping off of if we need to create a new one for some reason. The following are all the "base" level of the ley lines.

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# Subtle Ley Line
## Ley Line 5
; Rare,Abjuration, Divine, Primal
**Benefit:** You are affected by Nondetection for the duration of the ley line benefit.

**Backlash:** You are blinded for 1 minute. If you are blind, choose an equivalent sense.

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# Teleport Ley Line
## Ley Line 11
; Rare, Conjuration, Arcane, Occult
**Benefit:** You may cast Dimension Door.

**Backlash:** The direction you Dimension Door is random - including possibly vertical.

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# Tongues Ley Line
## Ley Line 9
; Rare, Divination, Occult
**Benefit:** For the duration of the Ley Line Benefit, you can speak, understand, and read one language.

**Backlash:** Your next diplomacy, deception, intimidation, or society check that the DM calls for is an automatic critical failure.

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# Memory Ley Line
## Ley Line 3
; Rare, Enchantment, Occult, Primal
Low level versions of this give a bonus to recall knowledge checks. Higher level allows altering memories.

**Benefit:** You get a +1 status bonus to recall knowledge checks.

**Backlash:** Become stupefied 1 until the end of your next turn.

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# Mirage Ley Line
## Ley Line 8
; Rare, Illusion, Arcane, Primal

**Benefit:** You can cast Hallucinatory Terrain in the area.

**Backlash:** You still cast the spell, but you are convinced it is real, and suffer the effects of the terrain type.


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# Temporal Ley Line
## Ley Line 20
; Rare, Transmutation, Arcane, Divine
This is the lowest level stable ley line of this type. Temporary ley lines may exist that are lower level.

**Benefit:** You can cast Time Stop, but only gain 4 immediate actions instead of 9.

**Backlash:** You gain stunned 4.


## Rituals ((+Rituals))
These rituals are available for characters to learn and may be useful.

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# Draw Ley Line
## Ritual 1
; Uncommon, Evocation
**Cast** 1 hour; **Prerequisite** Within 200 feet of a ley line

**Primary Check:** Matching tradition of ley line (Trained)

You may use a Ley line to make a ritual you cast after this one easier. The Ley line's tradition must match that of the next ritual you cast.

**Critical Success**: You and secondary casters gain a +3 status bonus to checks for the next ritual you cast.
**Success**  You gain a +1 status bonus to checks for the next ritual you cast.
**Failure** No effect.
**Critical Failure** Immediately suffer from the ley line as if you critically failed to tap it.

**Special**: You need to heighten this ritual to be no less than half the ley lines level. For example, for a level 17 ley line, you need to heighten this to Ritual 9.

**Special**: You can heighten this by 1 level for the above requirement without actually heightening the level. It takes 1 week to do this for each level you heighten.
**Heightened (+1)** By making this ritual one level higher, increase your status bonuses by 1.

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# Purify Luminiferous Steel
## Ritual 1
; Uncommon, Transmutation
**Cast** 1 day; **Cost** 5 gp of medicinal herbs; **Secondary Casters** 1

**Primary Check:** Religion (Trained) or Nature (Trained); **Secondary** Arcane, Crafting, Nature, Occult, Religion, Performance

You purify a piece of Luminiferous Steel, preventing it from warping reality. For the purposes of this ritual, a piece is any one single chunk from a single asteroid.

**Critical Success**: The piece is purified, and increases in value by 10% of its current cost (for crafting or selling).
**Success** The piece of steel is purified.
**Failure** No effect, the herbs are wasted.
**Critical Failure** The ritual has revealed a problem with the metal. Decrease its value by 10% of its base cost. The herbs are wasted, and you need to cast the ritual again to purify.



**Special** The effects of this can be cumulative, the critical failures reduce the base cost (10 critical failures in a row will destroy a piece of Luminiferous steel). The critical success will increase by 10% after this. So, if you Critical fail, then critically succeed, you end up with 100% -> 90% -> 99%.

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# Alarm
## Ritual 1
; Rare, Abjuration
**Cast** 1 hour; **Cost** 5 sp, plus a set of locuses; **Secondary Casters** up to 3

**Primary Check** Arcana; **Secondary Checks** Crafting, Occult, Perception, Stealth

**Area** An enclosed area up to 50 x 50 ft and up to 20 ft high

**Duration:** 8 hours

You ward an area, and designate a spoken password that allows a creature to enter the warded area without triggering an alarm. This alarm can send a mental signal to you or make an audible ringing sound.

If a Tiny or larger creature enters the warded area without speaking the password, the alarm you set triggers, and the ritual is discharged. However, an insubstantial creature or any creature that succeeds on a Stealth check (DC 10 + your Arcana check modifier) does not trigger the alarm.

The result of triggering the alarm depends on the type of alarm. When an audible alarm triggers, all creatures in the warded area that are capable of hearing can hear the ringing. If they are sleeping, the noise awakens them. When a mental alarm triggers, a mental ping alerts you of the intrusion and awakens you from sleep. In either case, the alarm informs you where the warded area was breached.

**Locus:** While holding a tiny bell (5 sp), you use a fine silver wire (5 sp) to scribe runes on the warded area’s perimeter.


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# Explorer's Fire
## Ritual 1
**Cast:** 1 Hour **Cost:** 10 sp 

**Primary Check:** Occult 

**Target:** 1 Fire no larger than medium size **Range:** 25 ft

**Duration:** 8 hours

You alter one fire of bonfire size or smaller within 25 ft of you. Light cast by the fire cannot be seen from more than 25 ft from the fire. The fire’s light is unchanged within that radius, and the ritual does not diminish or contain the fire’s heat or sounds.

**Note:** You only need to succeed at this ritual to get its effect.


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# Create Campsite
## Ritual 1
**Cast:** 1 Hour **Cost:** 15 sp **Secondary Casters** 1-4 

**Primary Check:** Nature **Secondary Checks:** Crafting, Occultism, Perception, Performance, Stealth

**Area:** An enclosed area up to 25 X 25 ft

**Duration:** 8 hours

You summon hundreds of diminutive leshy to assemble a campsite in a 25 ft radius around you. The leshy clear the area, set up tents, unroll bedrolls, gather water, and prepare a nourishing meal. They also conceal the campsite, with your Nature check result serving as the DC for Perception checks to notice the hidden camp.

The spirits utilize your and your allies' gear to make the campsite. If you and your allies lack the appropriate gear, the spirits gather raw materials from the environment to make the campsite.

At the end of the ritual's duration, the spirits break down the campsite, pack up your gear, and restore the site to its original state, removing evidence that you and your allies camped there.

**Note:** You only need to succeed at this ritual to get its effect.



## Items  ((+Items))
Unique items for this campaign

### Custom Relic Aspects
These aspects represent relics that are possible in this campaign setting.

## Astral Aspect
# Star Arrows
## Minor Gift
; Astral
**Aspect** Astral **Prerequisites** ranged weapon

**Activate :A:** Command; **Frequency** once per day; **Effect** For the next two rounds (rest of the encounter at 9, for one hour at 17) this weapon has reload 0 instead of its normal reload value. This still allows loading magical ammunition.

# Star Surge
## Minor Gift
; Astral, Enchantment, Mental
**Aspect** Astral

**Activate :A:** Command/envision; **Frequency** once per hour; **Effect** Your skills are more impressive than normal. Choose a skill. Critical success with that skill requires 8 above success instead of 10 for one minute. The skill check gains the Mental trait. This doesn’t stack with any effect that also changes this threshold (I don’t think any exist).

# Starlight
## Minor Gift
; Astral, Aura, Light
**Aspect** Astral

**Activate :A:** Command; **Frequency** Any time; **Effect** Emit (or stop emitting) dim light in 15 feet.

# Stellar Orbit
## Major Gift
; Astral, Evocation
**Aspect** Astral

**Activate :AA:** Command; **Frequency** once per day; **Effect** You cast Gravity Well at rank 4. At level 11, cast it at rank 5, and increase the rank by 1 for every two levels thereafter.


# Constellation Form
## Major Gift
; Astral, Transmutation
**Aspect** Astral **Prerequisites** The relic is a worn item

**Activate :AA:** Command, envision; **Frequency** twice per day; **Effect** Your form mimics a constellation. Gain resistance 5 to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing. Gain weakness 5 to splash and area.
At level 10, increase the resistance and weakness values to 10, and the values increase by 5 every 5 levels thereafter.


# Starpath
## Grand Gift
; Astral, Conjuration, Teleport
**Aspect** Astral **Prerequisites** The relic is a worn item

**Activate :AA:** Command, envision; **Frequency** twice per day; **Effect** Cast Dimension Door as a 8th rank spell


## Curse Aspect

# Pass Curse
## Minor Gift
; Curse
**Aspect** Curse **Prerequisites** The relic is a weapon

**Activate :AA:** Command, envision; **Effect**  You fill your relic with bad luck. You may spend any number of stored curse points (see Curse Credit). Make a strike against a foe, dealing an additional damage die on a hit. In addition, the foe must make a Will save or become Enfeebled 1 for one minute. For each curse point spent, increase this value by one, or you may spend two to increase the DC by 1. (so if you spent 5 you could have DC +1 and Enfeebled 4, DC +2 and Enfeebled 2, or Enfeebled 6). This condition has the [Curse] trait.


# Curse Credit
## Minor Gift
; Misfortune
**Aspect** Curse

**Activate :f:** envision; **Frequency** once per hour; **Trigger** You critically fail an effect; **Effect** Store one curse point. Other curse gifts may use these curse points. You can store one at level 1, two at level 5, three at level 9, four at level 13, and five at level 17. You may retain one curse point through daily preparations, the others are lost.

**Activate :f:** envision; **Trigger** you fail a skill check and have a curse point; Effect you reroll the skill check, this is a fortune effect.

# Cursed Glare
## Minor Gift
; Curse, Emotion, Fear, Necromancy, Mental, Void
**Aspect** Curse

**Activate** :AA: envision, interact; **Effect** Your stare causes minor misfortune to a target in 30 feet. You may spend two curse points to make the damage below 1d6 (see Curse Credit). The target must make a reflex save. The target is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.

**Critical Failure:** The target is frightened 1 (you may sustain this frightened effect), and takes 1d4 void damage for every level the relic has.

**Failure:** The target is frightened 1 (you may sustain this frightened effect), and takes 1d4 void damage for every two levels the relic has.

**Success:** The target takes half of 1d4 void damage for every two levels the relic has.

**Critical Success:** The target is unaffected.


# Steal Misfortune
## Major Gift
; Contingency, Divination
**Aspect** Curse

**Activate :R:** envision; **Frequency** once per day; **Trigger** You or a creature within 30 feet of you rolls two d20s for a fortune or misfortune effect; Effect Note the lower of the two rolls, the target must use the higher result. If you have Curse Credit, gain one curse point. Until you make your next daily preparations, you can substitute that number for one d20 roll made against a saving throw caused by your action (you may spend curse points to decrease the value of the roll by 1 per curse point, minimum 1). Doing so is a misfortune effect.

**Note:** This is supposed to trigger on spells, abilities, but also things like pushing a foe into a hazard.


# Cursed Tide
## Major Gift
; Curse, Emotion, Fear, Necromancy, Mental, Void
**Aspect** Curse **Prerequisites** Cursed Glare

You can activate cursed glare with 3 actions instead of 2. If you do, it targets all living creatures within 30 feet except for you.

# Rotting Heart
## Grand Gift
; Curse, Necromancy
**Aspect** Curse

**Special:** A variant of this gift may be chosen for any curse 9 or below.

**Activate :AA:** Command, envision; **Frequency** once per day; **Effect** Target within 30 feet makes a will saving throw, with a penalty equal to the number of curse points you decide to spend. On a failure, they are inflicted with the Curse of the Rotting Heart.

## Metal Aspect
(Note: Wounding rune is allowed on metal)

# Metal Shell
## Minor Gift
; Abjuration, Metal
**Aspect** Metal; **Prerequisites** The relic is a worn item
**Activate :A:** envision; **Frequency** once per day; **Effect** use the Metal Carapace impulse.

# Conductive Path
## Minor Gift
; Concentrate, electricity
**Aspect** Metal

**Activate :R:** envision; **Frequency** once per hour; **Trigger** Hit by an attack that deals electricity damage; **Effect** Take damage as normal, but redirect a bolt at one target within 30 feet, using your normal ranged attack roll. On a hit or a critical hit, the target takes electricity damage equal to the full damage of the triggering effect.

# Metal Tongue
## Minor Gift
; Divination, Mental
**Aspect** Metal

Your tongue turns to metal. You learn Talican. In addition, you gain a +1 item bonus to fortitude against any effect that goes through your mouth, for example ingested poisons.


# Shift Metal
## Major Gift
; Transmutation
**Aspect** Metal; **Prerequisites** This weapon must be made of metal

**Activate :A:** Command/envision; **Frequency** once per day; **Effect** The weapon becomes made out of any metal material of the item's level or lower, until your daily preparations.

# Quicksilver Stride
## Major Gift
; Manipulate, Metal, Poison
**Aspect** Metal

**Activate :AA:** Command, Interact; **Frequency** once per day; **Effect** cast Mercurial Stride, as a rank 4 spell. At level 11, and every two levels thereafter, increase the spell rank by 2.

# Magnetic Field
## Grand Gift
; Aura, Metal
**Aspect** Metal
**Activate** :A: envision; **Effect** Create or (dismiss) a 10 foot aura. All squares in the aura are difficult terrain for creatures wearing metal armor or made of metal. Strikes with metallic weapons made by or against creatures in this aura take -2 penalty to the attack roll. If this is a weapon, attacks made with this weapon are immune to this effect.


### Lycanthrope Items ((++Lycanthrope Items))
These are unique items created to do with Lycanthropy.

# Moonsilver Crescent
## item 2
;Uncommon, Worn
**Price** 35 gold
It stores moonlight of the full moon, allowing a therianthrope to avoid transforming during a full moon, but transform later at a time of their choosing. It is either uncharged or charged, by the light of a full moon. It takes three actions to activate when charged.



### Celestial Armory ((++Celestial Armory))
As per Treasure Vault, page 35. **These are untested, and may be over or under powered**.

# Tyrant's Manacles
## Item 4
; Uncommon, Abjuration, Invested, Magical
**Price** 80 GP

**Usage** Worn Bracers; **Bulk** L

This item marks you as one who has broken hell's chains, and become a tyrant in oneself. You gain a +1 item bonus to intimidation checks.

**Activate** :a: interact; **Frequency** 1/day, **Requirement**: Ability to cast spells
**Effect** The other end of the manacle warps to a creature within 60 feet, marking them as your servant. You gain a +2 status bonus to AC and saves against your servant, as long as you cast a spell against them every turn.

# Boots of Shifting Skies
## Item 6
; Uncommon
**Price** 210 gp

These boots are covered in images of shifting storms, with four strong winds clearly shown.

**Activate** :f: envision

**Effect** Put a reminder on the current space only you can see. Then light up one of the four winds on the boots. You can only have up to four locations marked this way. These reminders fade after a minute.


**Activate** :a: Command

**Effect** Teleport to a reminder that is unoccupied. You are then immobilized for two rounds. All reminders clear.


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# Moonlight Tiara
## Item 6
;Uncommon, Invested, Magical, emotion, enchantment
**Price**: 210 gp

**Usage** Worn Circlet; **Bulk** L
This is a golden tiara with a ruby at its center. When you invest this tiara, you gain a +1 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, and the DC of aiding with diplomacy is reduced by two.
**Activate** :a: Envision

**Effect** You can telekinetically smash this tiara into a foe within 60 feet, wielding it as a +1 streaking returning club. On a critical hit, it dazzles the struck creature for 1 round, in addition to regular critical specialization effects of a club.

# Clockwork Grimoire
## Item 7
; Uncommon, Clockwork, Grimoire, magical, evocation
**Price**: 320 GP

**Bulk** L

This tome is covered in clockwork gears, and has a mechanism to wind it up.

**Activate** :a: Interact;

**Effect** You wind this tome and it gains one charge. It can have a max of five charges. The tome must be reachable by you (or by an active mage hand or similar spell) for this effect.

**Activate** :r: Interact; **Trigger** You deal damage with an evocation cantrip
**Effect** The cantrip you cast gains an item bonus to damage equal to the number of charges on this tome. The tome goes back down to 0 charges.


# Raven's Roost Scythe
## Item 8
; Uncommon, cursed, evocation, cold, magical

**Price:** 475 GP

This dark wooden scythe is formed entirely out of wood. It functions as a +1 striking frost darkwood (Duskwood) scythe. The top of the scythe looks like a Raven's nest.

**Curse:** This weapon cannot be dropped (without a disarm check) or stowed until it has tasted blood (by doing an attack roll that deals damage). Whenever its re-wielded, this curse reactivates.

**Champion Wielder** if you are a champion of the paladin cause, or of the tyrant cause, you also gain the following two benefits:

* When you critically hit an undead creature, the creature is slowed 1 and enfeebled 2 for 1 round
* You can activate the scythe in the following way:

**Activate** :a: command; **Frequency** once per day; **Requirements** You hit a creature with the Raven's Roost Scythe on your previous action

**Effect** You create an illusionary raven that perches on the target. It cannot take attacks of opportunity until it removes the Raven (by spending an action once per round and making a will save against your class DC), or a minute passes, whichever happens first.
**Craft Requirements** You are a champion of The Raven Queen. The raw materials must include 150 gp of darkwood (Duskwood).

# Cane of the Adamantine Order
## Item 9
; Uncommon, Magical, Plant
**Price**  600 gp

**Base item** Staff

This staff of adamantium has a shard of crystal at the end. It functions as a +1 Striking Adamantine staff. This item has the following additional traits: Backswing, Shove.

**Activate** :aa: Command, Interact; **Frequency** 1/day

**Effect** Cast Entangle as a level 4 spell (DC 25).
**Craft Requirements** 200 GP of adamantine


# Voyaging Ring
## Item 10
; Uncommon, Aura, Invested, Magical, Light, Teleportation
**Price** 700 gp

This ring is shaped like one of the Celestial Disks that the planes rotate on.

**Activate** :f: envision; **Requirement** on your turn

**Effect** You emit a 15 ft aura of dim light, that counts as Starlight for any effect that cares.

**Activate** :a: Command; **Frequency** 1/day, **Requirement** Able to cast fourth level or higher spells

**Effect** You can attempt to fling a target adjacent to you through space. They must make a Fortitude save.
**Critical Success** the creature is unaffected
**Success** The creature is pushed 5 feet in a random direction
**Failure** The creature is teleported 20 feet in a direction of your choice. This includes vertically. (cont'd)
**Critical Failure** As failure, but the creature is also stunned 2.

# Bronzewire Bow
## Item 11
; Uncommon, Conjuration, Magical Teleportation
**Price**: 1400 GP

**Base Weapon** Shortbow

**Usage** held in 1 hand; **Bulk** 1

This short bow appears to be made of bronze wire, but is formed into patterns of leaves. It functions as a +2 striking Short bow.

**Activate** :a: Command, Interact **Frequency** 1/hour

**Effect** Repeat a Strike you made with this weapon last turn; from a position you were at last turn. This attack does not count towards multiple attack penalty.
**Activate** :aa: Command, Interact **Frequency** 1/day

**Effect** Cast Dimension Door. The target location must be covered in unmanufactured wood (such as plants, or a tree).
**Craft Requirements** You must provide a casting of Dimension Door. 


# Gravity Harpoon
## Item 13
; Uncommon, evocation, poison
**Price**: 3000 gp

**Base Weapon**: Harpoon

**Usage**: Held in two hands, **Bulk** 2

This weapon is an eerie blue +2 greater striking returning harpoon which is dripping with poison. When you hit with the weapon, it deals an additional 1d8 poison damage. In addition, on a critical hit, the foe becomes clumsy 1 for 1 round. Finally, the weapon can have one contact poison set inside a slot inside of it. Usually, this weapon comes with Nettleweed Residue. It takes a minute to set this poison.

**Activate** :aa: Command, interact; **Frequency** 1/day

**Effect** You throw the harpoon into a space within range. This casts a Gravity Well heightened to level 7 (DC 31) starting from the location thrown. It becomes an object occupying the space.
**Activate** :r: command; **Frequency** oncer per 10 minutes; **Trigger** you take damage while holding the Gravity Harpoon, or a creature becomes adjacent to the center space of the Gravity Well effect from the above effect; **Requirements** A poison is slotted into this weapon

**Effect** The creature attacking you or has reached the center of the gravity well is affected by the contact poison, and the poison is consumed.
**Craft Requirements**: Ability to craft poisons


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# Maddening Luna
## Item 14
;Uncommon, Divine, Electricity, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental
**Price**: 4500 gp

**Base weapon**: Urumi

**Usage** held in 1 hand; **Bulk** 1

The Thalassic (aquan) word for "truth" is etched in silver letters on the shaft of this +2 greater striking fearsome mithral urumi (though its colored gold, and looks more like a Cat o'nine'tails). When wielded under moonlight of any strength, the Maddening Luna deals additional electricity damage equal to the number of damage dice.
**Activate** :aaa: command, interact; **Frequency** once per hour
**Effect** The next attack you make within a minute also triggers a confusion spell on the target(s), regardless if you hit or miss. The DC of this spell is DC 28. (This is a low DC of this level, compare Storm Flash)
**Activate** :aa: command, interact; **Frequency** oncer per day
**Effect** Your weapon becomes more deadly based on the phase of the moon. During the New and Crescent moon it gains deadly d8. During quarter moon, it gains deadly d10. And finally, during the gibbous and full moon it gains deadly d12.
**Craft Requirements** The initial materials must include 140 gp of mithral (Dawnsilver), and 50 gp of gold.

# Silverstone Lance
## Item 14
; Uncommon
**Price** 4500 gp

**Base item** Lance

This weapon functions as a +2 greater striking lance.

**Activate** :aa: Command; **Frequency** 1/day

**Effect** Your next attack before the end of your next turn ignores any resistance or hardness, but not immunities.

**Activate** :a: Interact; **Frequency** once per 10 minutes
**Effect** You gain temporary hit points until the end of your next turn equal to half the damage you did. If you are good aligned, gain temporary hit points equal to the full damage amount instead.


# Vine of Ellypso
## Item 14
; Uncommon, Divination, Magical, Staff
**Price**: 3000 GP

Druids who worship Bemris create these staffs made of vines that resemble those on the plane of Ellypso. This item functions as a greater Verdant Staff.

**Activate** :f: envision; **Frequency** once per day; **Effect** You gain 1 focus point, which you can spend only to cast a primal spell.

**Craft Requirements** You are a druid

# Nevermore's Promise
## item 15
; Uncommon, Evocation, Magical, Wand
**Price**: 5,500 gp

This dark wooden wand is carved into the shape of a raven. it acts a Level 5 Wand of Cone of Cold. In addition, it has the following abilities:

**Activate** :a: Interact; **Frequency** 1/minute

**Effect** You put a dark mark on target creature. Your allies gain the ability to use the Aid action on the target, even if they are unwilling. If they do so, they can choose to make the aid check to lower a target's saving throw when you cast a spell on the target. Follow the normal rules for aid, but flip the bonus you would normally get to be a penalty (and critical failure to bonus).

**Craft Requirements**: Must perform a consecrate ritual on an altar that contains at least 20% of the item’s materials. You must provide a casting of a level 5 Cone of Cold spell. 


# Obsidian Dragonfang
## Item 17
; Uncommon, evil, Magical
**Price** 15,000 gp

This +3 greater striking greater flaming dagger is crafted from the tooth of a great dragon.

**Activate** :a: **Requirements** You are not fatigued or raging

**Effect**: Perform the Rage action if you do not have it. If you already have the ability to rage, Rage as normal, but increase your damage by two while raging.

**Activate** :a: **Frequency** Once per 10 minutes

**Effect**: You are affected by haste. If you are not evil, your blood starts to boil, and you take 2d10 fire damage per round while haste persists, and must make a fortitude save every round. On a failure, you become drained 2, on a critical failure you become drained 3.
**Activate** :aaa: **Frequency** 1/day

**Effect**: Until the end of your next turn, this weapon gains deadly d10, and gains a rune depending on the breath weapon of dragon that the tooth came from:

* Electricity - Greater Shock
* Acid - Greater Corrosive
* Frost - Greater Frost
* Other dragon types - Keen
**Craft Requirements**: You must provide the tooth of an ancient dragon slain in cold blood.
**Variants**: This weapon can also be a Kukri, Corset Knife, Katar, Kris, or War Razor


## Downtime Activity ((+Downtime Activity))
These are special downtime activities that may be of interest.

# Find a Spellcaster
## Activity
; Downtime
Make a spellcasting skill check of the type you are looking for, against a standard DC for the spell rank you are looking for (maximum - city level usually, but up to level 3 items, so up to a level 2 spell). EG if you want a spellcaster capable of 2nd level occult spells, DC 18 occult check. If the type of caster matters for some reason, add +2 to the DC (E.g., if it MUST be a witch, or must be a bard), or +5 if it needs to be very specific (It must be a witch with the Baba Yaga patron).

**Critical Success:** You find a spellcaster and make a good impression. You can learn spells from them at no further cost. They know 4 spells of level you are looking for, and 2 spells of each lower level. You can also hire them for spellcasting or ritual work for half the normal cost.

**Success:** You find a spellcaster. You can learn spells from them at the full cost of casting that spell [(See here)](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?Category=2&Subcategory=5), or get them to do spellcasting / ritual work for you. They know 4 spells of the level you are looking for and 2 spells of each lower level.

**Failure:** You find the caster, but they are not fond of you. They require twice the cost of casting the spell [(See here)](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?Category=2&Subcategory=5), and only offer you one spell.

**Critical Failure:** You have offended your colleagues. Further checks will either be harder (stacking -2 status penalty),  or you will need to do something to win back trust.

**Special:** You can go to the same spellcaster you found multiple times, but unless they are a major NPC, they do not level up with you. 


# Looking For Jobs
## Activity
; Downtime
You can spend one day looking for higher level jobs. You can either look for any job, or for jobs for a specific skill - if looking for a specific skill, increase the DC by 2, or by 5 if its not a normal earn income skill. Roll either a Gather Information check (diplomacy) or another skill that is appropriate for trying to find work of this kind, for example if trying to find work on magical research with lore, Arcana may be relevant. The DC of the check is equal to the standard DC of the settlement level.

**Critical Success:** You find 2d4+2 levels worth of extra levels of tasks. No task can be more then settlement level +4 in difficulty. Tasks found this way last a week,  but two levels can be spent to extend it by a week. The GM determines the distribution of the tasks.

**Success:** As Critical success, but only 1d4+1 levels and the maximum level is settlement level +3.

**Failure:** Find 1d4+1 levels, but none can be higher than settlement level +2.

**Critical Failure:** You get tricked into a job of settlement level -1 for a week, the GM determines the relevant skill.


## Kingdom Rule changes ((+Kingdom Rules))

# Skilled Leaders ((++Skilled Leaders))
This variant of the kingdom rules will generally make the kingdom phase slightly easier. However, it also increases the penalty for having a vacant (or untrained!) leader. Each role is associated with several character skills. Choose the highest proficiency skill from the character among them. If that skill is at least expert, they gain the expert bonus. If that skill is at least master, gain the master bonus. If that skill is at least legendary, and the role is invested, gain the legendary bonus. These bonuses are only gained while actively in the role. If the highest proficiency is untrained, treat this role as vacant.

Many of the roles have one or more lore skills, that I think are generically useful to that role in any kingdom. At the GM's discretion, additional lores may be useful. For example, in a kingdom with a lot of horses, Stabling Lore may make sense in many roles. It may also make sense to allow other skills for flavor, a diplomatic ruler for a famous king, vs intimidation for an infamous king.

With this variant, the Civil service kingdom feat will still ignore vacancy penalty (the civil service is treated as trained). This makes Civil Service a bit more powerful. It will also make the Kingdom Assurance feat a worse skill selection. However, taking Kingdom Assurance can still be a useful way to avoid Vacancy penalties.

When using this variant, replace the kingdom roles with the ones listed below. (You can get the base kingdom roles from the free Player's guide to Kingmaker).

## Skilled Ruler
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**Key Ability:** Loyalty

**Character Skills:** Lore (Capital settlement), Performance, Society, Ruler Lore

**Vacancy Penalty:** -2 to all checks (these stacks with any other vacancy penalty); gain 2d4 Unrest at the start of the Kingdom turn; Control DC increases by 2. This also applies if untrained in any of the character skills.

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Arts, Industry, or Statecraft to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master Bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on Politics or Arts checks. Once selected this may not be changed.


**Legendary Bonus:** If invested, you may treat all checks as trained, instead of untrained.

## Skilled Counselor
**Key Ability:** Culture

**Character Skills:** Society, Diplomacy, Labor Lore, Counselor Lore

**Vacancy Penalty:** -2 to all Culture-based checks

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Arts, Scholarship, or Statecraft to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on any Statecraft or Folklore check. Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Legendary Bonus:** If Invested, Increase the invested status bonus to culture-based checks by 1.

## Skilled General
**Key Ability:** Stability

**Character skills:** Athletics, Warfare Lore, Gladiatorial Lore, Military General Lore, Intimidation

**Vacancy Penalty:** -6 to Warfare activities

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Defense, Industry, or Warfare to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master Bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on warfare skill checks.

**Legendary Bonus:** Once per kingdom turn, you may choose to reroll a warfare check, and keep the better roll.

## Skilled Emissary
**Key Ability:** Loyalty

**Character skills:** Diplomacy, Deception, Thievery, Stealth, Emissary Lore

**Vacancy Penalty:** -2 to all loyalty-based checks

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Folklore, Intrigue, or Politics to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master Bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on Intrigue skill checks.

**Legendary Bonus:** 1/kingdom turn, you may spend a fame to make a success against a negotiation DC a critical success instead.

## Skilled Magister
**Key Ability:** Culture

**Character skills:** Arcana, Nature, Occultism, Religion, Magister Lore

**Vacancy Penalty:** -6 to Warfare Activities

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Folklore, Magic, or Scholarship to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master Bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on Magic or Scholarship checks. Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Legendary Bonus:** If invested, treat any critical failure of a magic check as a failure instead. In addition, when the kingdom rolls for a random event, roll an additional die, and you may choose which of the two results to take.

## Skilled Treasurer
**Key ability:** Economy

**Character skills:** Crafting, Accounting Lore, Mercantile Lore, Treasurer Lore

**Vacancy Penalty:** -2 to all Economy-based checks

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Boating, Politics, or Trade to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master Bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on Trade or Industry checks. One selected this may not be changed.

**Legendary Bonus:** If Invested, Increase your maximum number of each resource by 2.

## Skilled Viceroy

**Key Ability:** Economy

**Character Skills:** Crafting, Society, Mining Lore, Engineering Lore, Architecture Lore, Viceroy Lore

**Vacancy Penalty:** -2 to Stability-based checks

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Agriculture, Engineering, or Industry to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master Bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on Engineering or Agriculture checks. Once selected, this may not be changed.
**Legendary Bonus:** If Invested, Increase the invested status bonus to stability-based checks by 1.

## Skilled Warden
**Key ability:** Stability

**Character Skills:** Medicine, Nature, Survival, Hunting Lore, Warden Lore

**Vacancy Penalty:** -6 to Region Activities

**Expert Bonus:** Choose one type of structure that uses Defense, Warfare, or Wilderness to build it. You may build it for 25% cheaper (round down on RP, but up on specific resources). Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Master Bonus:** You may take 10 (including any normal penalties or bonuses) on Defense or Wilderness checks. Once selected, this may not be changed.

**Legendary Bonus:** Instant defense: 1/kingdom turn, you may spend 1 fame to instantly produce a refuge on a hex inside your borders with an army, and automatically garrison the army.


### Kingdom Building Rule changes ((++Kingdom Building Changes))

We are using "Vance and Kerenshara's Comprehensive Pathfinder 2e Kingdom Building Rule Changes (Version 1.0)", which can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NHksCXkXbjtrv-26VgFHNbyYldatVwag9lM44IWxIXo/edit#heading=h.eubmwf9z6394). These are reproduced below.

When selecting a charter and heartland, you get a free extra granted skill, and a free skill. If you are already trained in a skill granted by this choice, you become trained in another skill of your choice.

# Step 2: select a charter
Charter | Ability Boost | Ability Penalty | Free boost | Granted Skill |Free Skill
Conquest | Loyalty       | Culture         | Any        | Warfare       | Any
Expansion | Culture | Stability | Any | Exploration | Any
Exploration | Stability | Economy | Any | Wilderness | Any
Grant | Economy | Loyalty | Any | Industry | Any
Open | - | - | Any | Any | Any

# Step 3: choose a heartland
Heartland | Ability Boost | Granted Skill | Free Skill
Forest or Swamp | Culture | Wilderness | Any
Hill or Plain | Loyalty | Agriculture | Any
Lake or River | Economy | Boating | Any
Mountain or Ruin | Stability | Defense | Any

# Step 5
Choose three different kingdom abilities to receive additional boosts (previously two).

## Kingdom Advancement
Updated table on next page.

**Skill Increase:** Change the text “At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, your kingdom gains a skill increase.” to “At 2nd level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill increase.” (KAP 513, KPG 17)

**Untrained Improvisation:** Your Kingdom has learned how to handle situations when it’s out of its depth. Your proficiency bonus to untrained skill checks is equal to half your level instead of +0. If you’re 7th level or higher, the bonus increases to your full level instead. This doesn’t allow you to use the skill’s trained actions.

**Ability Boosts:** Change the text “At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost two different kingdom ability scores.” to “At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost three different kingdom ability scores.” (KAP 513, KPG 17)


## Activities

### Changes to existing activities

**Capital Investment Activity:** Change the requirement from “You must be within the influence of a settlement that contains at least one Bank.” to “You must be in the Capital or within the influence of a settlement that contains at least one Bank.” (KAP 529, KPG 34)

**Request Foreign Aid Activity:** Change the text “When disaster strikes, you send out a call for help to another nation with whom you have diplomatic relations. The DC of this check is equal to the other group’s Negotiation DC +2” to “When disaster strikes, you send out a call for help to another nation with whom you have diplomatic relations. The DC of this check starts at the other group’s Negotiation DC +2, but every subsequent Kingdom turn you Request Foreign Aid from the same group, the DC increases by 2. Every Kingdom turn that passes without Requesting Foreign Aid from that Group reduces the DC by 1 (until you reach the other group’s Negotiation DC +2). You may only attempt to request Foreign Aid with a given group once per Kingdom turn regardless of the number of leaders pursuing activities.” (KAP 528, KPG 33)

### New General Activity

**Take Charge (Trained):**

You spend some time getting directly involved in helping your kingdom. Choose a skill that your Kingdom is at least Trained in, then attempt a basic check. You can never use the same skill for this activity twice in the same Kingdom turn.

**Critical Success:** Gain 1 RP. In addition, you get a +1 Circumstance Bonus to the next Check you make this turn with the chosen skill.

**Success:** Gain 1 RP

**Failure:** You fail to generate RP.

**Critical Failure:** You take a -1 Circumstance Penalty to the next Check you make this turn with the chosen skill.


**Kingdom Advancement Table**
Level | Control DC | Kingdom features
1 | 14 | Charter, government, heartland, initial proficiencies, favored land, settlement construction (village)
2 | 15 | Kingdom feat, skill increase, Untrained Improvisation
3 | 16 | Settlement construction (town), skill increase
4 | 18 | Expansion expert, fine living, Kingdom feat, skill increase
5 | 20 | Ability boosts, ruin resistance, skill increase
6 | 22 | Kingdom feat, skill increase
7 | 23 | Skill increase, Untrained Improvisation (full level)
8 | 24 | Experienced leadership +2, Kingdom feat, ruin resistance, skill increase
9 | 26 | Expansion expert (Claim Hex 3 times/turn), settlement construction (city), skill increase
10 | 27 | Ability boosts, Kingdom feat, life of luxury, skill increase
11 | 28 | Ruin resistance, skill increase
12 | 30 | Civic planning, Kingdom feat, skill increase
13 | 31 | Skill increase
14 | 32 | Kingdom feat, ruin resistance, skill increase
15 | 34 | Ability boosts, settlement construction (metropolis), skill increase
16 | 35 | Experienced leadership +3, Kingdom feat, skill increase
17 | 36 | Ruin resistance, skill increase
18 | 38 | Kingdom feat, skill increase
19 | 39 | Skill increase
20 | 40 | Ability boosts, envy of the world, Kingdom feat, ruin resistance, skill increase


### New Wilderness Activity

**Reconnoiter Hex:**

You send a team to spend time surveying and exploring a specific hex, getting the lay of the land and looking for unusual features and specific sites. Spend 1 RP and then attempt a Basic check. 

**Critical Success:** Your team successfully explores the hex and it is now Reconnoitered for the purpose of Claim Hex. Your team automatically finds one Special or Hidden feature if the hex contains one. If the hex contains multiple Special or Hidden Features the GM chooses one. If the hex contains an Encounter or Hazard, the team avoids it and reports back useful and detailed information on it. In addition, your team's reconnaissance of the hex goes so smoothly you may immediately attempt an additional Reconnoiter Hex activity on an adjacent hex. Treat a Critical Success on this additional check as a Success instead.

**Success:** Your team successfully explores the hex and it is now Reconnoitered for the purpose of Claim Hex. If the hex contains a Special feature your team may find it if your GM wishes. If the hex contains an Encounter or Hazard, the team avoids it and reports basic information on it.


**Failure:** Your team fails to explore the hex sufficiently. If the hex contains an Encounter or Hazard, the team escapes it and reports basic information on it. 

**Critical Failure:** Your team fails to explore the hex sufficiently and a number of the team are lost, causing you to take a -1 circumstance penalty to Loyalty-based checks until the end of your next Kingdom turn. If the hex contains an Encounter or Hazard, the team members were lost to it and the survivors can report back basic information on it.

### Kingdom Feats

Under the general rules for Kingdom Feats add the following: “Status bonuses granted by Kingdom feats are cumulative with status bonuses granted by invested Leadership Roles.”

**Practical Magic Feat:** Change the text “and you can use Magic checks in place of Engineering checks.” to “and if you have Expert Magic you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Engineering checks. If you have Master Magic, this bonus increases to +2.” (KAP 532, KPG 37)


### XP Award rules

**XP Rewards for claiming hexes**
Size | XP per hex claimed
1-9 | 100
10-24 | 50
25-49 | 25
50-99 | 10
100+ | 5


**RP to XP Conversion ratio**
Kingdom Level |	RP to XP Conversion
1-4 | 10
5-8 | 7
9-12 | 5
13-16 | 2
17+ | 1


**Event XP Rewards**
XP is rewarded based on the event level and the Pathfinder 2e XP rewards by level chart (Table 10-2, page 489 CRB).


# Changes to Settlement Rules

**Capital:** The Capital is allowed to grow one (and only one) size Category bigger than the normal restrictions. This does not increase the Max. Item Bonus or Influence of the Capital until the normal Level requirement is met. In addition, the Capital’s influence is minimum 1. 

**Maximum Item Bonus:** Change “Normally, item bonuses do not stack, but if you build multiple
structures of the same type in the same settlement, their item bonuses stack up to this limit.” to “Normally, item bonuses do not stack, but if you build multiple structures that grant an Item Bonus to a specific Kingdom Skill Activity, their item bonuses stack up to this limit.” (KAP 543, KPG 47)

# Structures

We’ve added item bonuses for some Kingdom Skill Activities that do not currently have Structures that
grant Item bonuses to that activity. These changes are intended to fix the math as PF2e rules and Kingdom Rules assume Item Bonuses are available. 


Structure | Bonus
--| --
Bank | +1 Item Bonus to Capital Investment and Collect Taxes
Castle | +2 Item Bonus to Manage Trade Agreements and Relocate Capital
Construction Yard | +1 Item Bonus to Build Roads and Irrigation
Festival Hall | +1 Item Bonus to Quell Unrest (Arts)
Garrison | +1 Item Bonus to Fortify Hex
Granary | +1 Item Bonus to Establish Farmland, Granary now requires Agriculture (Trained)
Inn | +1 Item Bonus to Clear Hex (Exploration)
Library | +1 Item Bonus to Creative Solution
Magic Shop | +1 Item Bonus to Prognostication
Monument | +1 Item Bonus to Create A Masterpiece
Occult Shop | +2 Item Bonus to Supernatural Solution
Palace | +3 Item Bonus to Manage Trade Agreements and Relocate Capital
Smithy | +1 Item Bonus to Clear Hex (Engineering)
Tavern, Dive | +1 Item Bonus to Clear Hex (Exploration)
Tavern, Luxury | +2 Item Bonus to Reconnoiter Hex
Tavern, Popular | +1 Item Bonus to Reconnoiter Hex
Tavern, World-Class | +3 Item Bonus to Reconnoiter Hex
Town Hall | +1 Item Bonus to Manage Trade Agreements


XP Award | Milestone
20 | Build Roads for the first time
20 | Celebrate your first successful Holiday
20 | Claim your first new Hex (2nd hex overall)
20 | Complete your First successful Infiltration
20 | Create your first Masterpiece
20 | Establish your first Farmland
20 | Establish your first Lumber Camp
20 | Establish your first Mine
20 | Establish your first Quarry
20 | Fortify your first hex
20 | Successfully use your first Creative Solution
20 | Successfully use your first Supernatural Solution
40 | Build your first Structure requiring Expert in a Kingdom Skill
40 | Build your first Famous/Infamous Structure
40 | Build your first seat of government (Town Hall, Castle, or Palace)
40 | Claim your first Landmark hex
40 | Claim your first Refuge hex
40 | Establish your first Village
40 | Establish your second Village
40 | Reach Kingdom Size 10
40 | Recruit your first regular Army
40 | Successfully resolve a random Kingdom Event
60 | All eight leadership roles are assigned
60 | Build your first Structure requiring Master in a Kingdom Skill
60 | Establish Diplomatic Relations for the first time
60 | Expand a Village into your first Town
60 | Reach Kingdom size 25
60 | Recruit your first Specialized Army
60 | Win your first War Encounter
80 | Achieve your first successful Pledge of Fealty
80 | Establish your first Trade Agreement
80 | Expand a town into your first City
80 | Reach Kingdom size 50
80 | Spend 100 RP during a Kingdom turn
120 | Expand a city into your first Metropolis
120 | Reach Kingdom size 100

# Misc Rules Clarifications
## Freeholds
**Problem:** The situation where A Freehold that resides in an unclaimed hex and joins the Kingdom (becoming a Settlement) via Pledge of Fealty isn’t covered in the rules.


**Solution:** All Kingdom skill checks made to resolve issues associated within the unconnected Settlement take a –4 circumstance penalty. When a kingdom starts a turn with any number of secondary territories including such a settlement, increase Unrest by 1. Note that the -4 wouldn't apply to claiming the hex the settlement is in as the -4 only applies to checks related to the settlement. Not the hex.

## Terrain Features
**Problem:** The Kingdom Building Rules state that a single hex can only contain one Terrain Feature but this is clearly not the case for all of the features.

**Solution:** These Terrain Features can overlap with any and all other features: Bridge, Landmark, Refuge, Resource
A hex can have at most one of these: Farmland, Freehold, Ruins, Settlement, Structure, Work Site.

We’ll call this the Restricted list.

A Settlement can be built in a hex that contains Ruins or a Structure. The Ruins/Structure are incorporated into the Settlement and once a Settlement is built the hex ceases to have the Ruins or Structure feature. 

A Free Hold can be brought into your kingdom in which case it becomes a Settlement instead. 

To switch between any of the Terrain Features in the Restricted list the existing Feature must first be removed with the Clear Hex Activity before the new Terrain Feature can be constructed.

## Structure level stacking for purchasing limits
**Problem** It’s not fully clear how Structures stack when determining available item level for purchase.

All Structures that treat a settlement’s level as higher for determining the level of a specific type of magic item for purchase do not stack with each other. (Ex: Luxury Store’s effect does not stack with Arcanist’s tower). They do stack with Structures that give a more general increase.
Magic Shop’s effect and Occult Shop’s effect only stack together up to +3.
All other such effects stack as written.


# PC Requests ((PC Requests))

## Themes
* Play with the corruption theme
* Society coming back
* Internal struggle
* Natural world reacting to resurgence of society

## Opponents
* Bandit lord formed after the curse ends. Mounted raiders.
* Undead, but the wrong kind. Maybe Zombie lord?
* Mage who wants to make the curse again as a minor villain

## NPCs
* Lineage of Goblin Gunslingers
* Skeleton "The Bone Lord" - wants to liberate bones!

## Other
* At least one big ball
* Moonlight Butterfly from sprite lore coming up


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# Appendix 1: Memoirs of Sunflower ((Appendix 1))

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All of the fluff here is from an in-character perspective. As such, all of it could be incorrect for various reasons, such as a Modify Memory spell, or just being wrong. Again, AI generated art here is to give a feel of an event.

## Entry 1

When I was a young dwarf, I became the queen of Pythagria. This was at a time when gods were active across the realm, working their wishes explicitly, rather then implicitly. Of the six nations at the time, we were one of the most stable - fitting for followers of Etris. Unlike those in the Hallean Accord, we had a clear majority, though we didn’t oppress the other religions, not unjustly anyway. I served my deity with wisdom and zeal, and for a time we were prosperous.

It was not a time of peace though - our world was at war. The entire world was explored, and many focused on bringing “Civilization” to all corners, as our gods willed. Expansion and colonization caused tensions to rise, and petty wars were common place. Not even we were immune to it - Etris ordered me to take an island to the south. I rode out to do it myself, armies at my back. We found it was ruled by evil dragons, who were looking for a way to bring back a dead deity. Eventually they would have attacked us, believing that ancient ruins in our lands had some of the answers. I will not dwell on this mistake from my past - freeing the people was right, but the aftermath was not so simple and pretty.

Time passed - and despite my regrets above these were the best years of my life. Marriage to both my spouses. Adoption of children. Raising them and my people. Yet eventually the start of the end of our times occurred, and I was closer to the center of it then any would suspect. I saw the August Curse happen.

## Entry 2

It all started with the creation of a book of heresy. *Ultrapraescribere. The Prescriptions of Beyond*. Algol, the greatest writer of our time, created a book spewing knowledge from the void. The thoughts of dead gods. The warped ramblings of beings antithesis to our nature. Algol previously was known for subversive works - dark and troubling images, but none suspected how far he went. I know not his place of birth nor life, for this knowledge was one of many pieces of knowledge The Beaver Lord took when the gods attempted to clean this up.


Algol, the Shisk writer, and his "muse"

This book found its way into many noble societies, mine included. I read a copy myself, before I destroyed it. I will not echo these thoughts here. But this was the start of a true conspiracy. How could the people continue serving those who ignore such injustice, and allow the gods to be as it is? What price was too high to sever the connection between the gods and this world? And so, groups started organizing. These secret societies delved into the Shadow magic, and eventually were bound by a secret order - the Stella Seor. They caused the churches and states to enter a massive war.

Feeling I had let my people down, I gave up my throne. And then I started looking deeper. It was not long until I ran into seven others who by circumstances their own, had ended up in a similar situation. We formed a group and struck forth to deal with the Stella Seor.


## Entry 3

We called our group of eight **The Star Altar**, for we saw ourselves as sacrifices to bring order to the rest of the world. The seven others then I were:

### Alvis


**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Dwarf
**Class:** Fervor Witch
**Power Source:** Divine / Shadow
**Alighnment:** Neutral
**Deity:** The Raven Queen
**Status:** Alive, whereabouts unknown.
**From:** Unnamed south east land.

A male Dwarf from the south east. He was learned, our healer and primary ritualist. Focused entirely on learning, and eventually even delving into shadow magic. 


### Caellach

A male human from a traveling order of knights. He was rather persuasive, and other than myself, our moral center, though more chaotic than I.


**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Human
**Class:** Inexorable Iron Magus
**Power Source:** Arcane
**Alighnment:** Chaotic Good
**Deity:** Bemris
**Status:** Dead, lost track of bloodline and teachings, though which is more important, who knows.
**From:** Unnamed south land.


### Iz


**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry:** Goblin
**Class:** Drifter Gunslinger
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alighnment:** Chaotic Neutral
**Deity:** Zaara
**Status:** Fell in the final battle, but set up a group of gunsmiths and gunslingers that last until this day
**From:** The modern name for the land that was once Linaria.

She was a troublemaker, but knew the souls of the common people. She gave us much needed grounding in the realities of the world.

### Kita


**Gender:** Female
**Ancestry:** Kashrishi
**Class:** Weaponmaster Fighter
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alighnment:** Neutral Evil
**Deity:** Atyx
**Status:** Undead, holding safe a place she cares about.
**From:** Unnamed south west

She was less noble than many of us, set upon this path by vengeance. I understand she has become a revenant, and I dread the day we have to finally set her soul to rest.


### Pimwan


**Gender:** Male
**Ancestry:** Halfling
**Class:** Summoner
**Power Source:** Primal
**Alighnment:** Neutral
**Deity:** Ezdon
**Status:** Dead of Old age
**From:** The Hallean Accord

A Spying focused summoner. He claimed that he cared little for the politics, but had a close bond with his god. He was very good at the politics though.


### Rhododendron Twig

![Rhododendron Twig](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/d/d9/RhodoTwig.png)

**Gender:** Non-gendered
**Ancestry:** Leshy
**Class:** Braggart Swashbuckler
**Power Source:** Martial
**Alighnment:** Neutral Good
**Deity:** The Beaver Lord
**Status:** Dead in the penultimate battle
**From:** The land once known as Linaria

Twig was always willing to take a risk, and somehow manage to pull it off while looking stylish, and an apostate on the run from the church of secrets. Would frequently seduce people, but not be able to follow through for obvious reasons.


### Zailzec


**Gender:** Genderfluid
**Ancestry:** Gnoll / Kholo
**Class:** Unbound Step, Wandering Reverie Psychic
**Power Source:** Psionic
**Alighnment:** Chaotic Evil
**Deity:** Atyx
**Status:** We killed the traitor just before the final battle
**From:** The land once known as Linaria

Called themselves the comic relief. Was actually a spy for Stella Seor. Status: . Deity: Atyx.



## Entry 4

![Sunflower Boss](https://wiki.gralamin.com/images/0/0d/SunflowerBoss.png)


Our group had many adventures. We did not know that Zailzec was a traitor though, and so the Stella Seor stayed one step ahead of us, sacrificing pawns even as we achieved great victories. However, their plans were advancing faster - there were full wars having on, and ancient super weapons were being looked for to put an end to it. There was even an assassination of major members of the ruling family of the Hallean Accord.

Their plans were intricate enough that it extended to other planes, and remnants may still be there. From earth elementals on Horizon, to the demons on the Sun, even some Azata on Tabion. We traveled to many planes for many reasons, the most notable would be Zuwei, where Alvis stole some knowledge from The Beaver Lord, knowledge he holds to this day.

But finally, we found the thread - sacrifices being made, dark beings put into innocent people. We had to convince a child to kill themselves in one dark case, and that will weigh on my conscience until the day I die. But we pulled that thread, and we came to their ritual sight on a small flying island they had raised from ancient times. We found out when Zailzec betrayed us that they had three possible goals, two of which we prevented. One was to ascend to the heavens creating a deity to restart the ancient god wars. Second was to anchor a god’s corpse to an asteroid, and have it pass into the realm.


Those were both stopped by our efforts.

However, their final plan was to silence the gods entirely. They had conceived as a grand curse, where the power of the gods would be minimized, and believed starved. Zailzec stopped us just long enough to watch the ritual knife plunge into their sacrifice - a paradoxical being they had managed to create, an aberrant dragon being of innocence, created without sin. And the force destroyed the island and many of us died as the power of the void fed through the ritual. We put an end to it, before we escaped. And my reward from my god was the knowledge of when it would end. I let my remaining companions know, but no other.

We went our separate ways, but they may also bring countries to rise. Let these lessons from the past be a warning.

# Appendix 2 - Cheatsheets ((Appendix 2 - Cheatsheets))



# Appendix 3 Templates ((Appendix 3 - Templates))

Left aligned text

You can use columns in here, but its weird.

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6


Right aligned text

You can use columns in here, but its weird.

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

Normal text

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

A / Breaks the text so a | can do columns without including it.

**Bold**, *italic*, `Code`

. a period at the beginning of a line will also highlight the line like this.

Info panel
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

math panel
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

Note panel
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

rules panel

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

# Something Cool :a: ((+Feats))
## Feat 3
; uncommon,class,feat,trait
**Usage** Typed into the editor window.
Some text here.

**Critical Success** You are the best.

**Success** You are pretty good.

**Failure** At least you tried.

**Critical Failure** Even though your body and spirit are broken, you will heal with time.


##### Table
Var | Modifier
--- | :---:
Foo | +1
Bar | +2
. * A note in the table

Normal text
    Indent some text, you need to see it from another line to really understand what it does.

The note below is stored in a key named `foo`

foo {
# Foo
This is a special foo item

Reproduce it with double braces:

You can add a sticky note at a specific x, y
sticky(120 175
Think of the possibilities!

sticky(160 175
Another here


You have to manually space around them though.

Code block formatting doesn't work properly in here.

There are some top matter you can see on the next page.


^ The stuff up here is the "Title", its every page, all entries are merged.
head (
# Head section header 1
Text in head section
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

You can type a "Watermark" which shows up above "Title", but I don't like it. Its on every page.