FE Journal: Riven

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This book appears to be bound in living-wood. The black cover of the book is clearly scratch and it looks like someone has tried to tear at it in places. When opened, it seems like the first several pages has been burnt and/or torn off. Riven tries to hide as many of his secrets in his mind as possible, although a few hints do end up in this book's pages every so often. Riven obviously does not care for his journal as much as most people.

Beginnings: Hidden Dangers

So the journey begins, for some reason I am stuck with travelling with an inexperienced party that has an over-eager mage as it leader. HOW IN ALL THE PLANES DID THAT GET DECIDED? Anyway, they are heading for a prison of some description, rumored to contain an ancient book, although I don't believe a word of it. I hope the Queen of Night lets me move on eventually, posing as a follower of Moradin is taking a toll on me. I don't even know how the deities made it possible!

It's like I am being blindly lead around, I still don't know why I was given another choice. I've been disguising myself as a Warforged named Rune, not even the mage has seen through it yet. SOME LEADER! We plan to head into the dungeon at night fall. Night Queen, this mage's decisions are odd, to put it lightly...

Beginnings: Searching for Nothing

We have managed to fight our way a fair way into the prison. I am surprised we made it this far with the loon of a sorcerer the group accepted. I have been guided to keep quiet and accept all decision made by the party. I still can't believe they believe my facade! It's getting tougher as we press on, I don't think this group will last much longer. They need me to protect them, I am their protector...

They seem to run out of steam fast and press on without resting. Some very bad decisions, but I still can't complain. The mages in this prison can inflict a lot of pain, especially when they seem to be last enemy to be attack, EVERY TIME! I manage to engage everything but them. I am beginning to think this group was destined to die. I'm not complaining though, the sooner I am free of these loons, the better.

Beginnings: Loonacy is a Killer

(One of the pages here has been torn out)

They are dead... It finally happened... The sorcerer let off an attack that could hit anyone, at it hid everyone, including the adventurers who accepted him. It was towards the end of a fight, there was only two iron maidens left, which were tied up by me. The attack managed to hit one of the maidens before striking the group, but it was too powerful and killed everyone but me. They all collapsed on me, not want I wanted, but I can hide under it.

A New Start: More Secrets

Another adventuring group has managed to find me. Yet another group short on guardians. It seems the bodyguard role seems to be less than desirable these days. Well, I am certainly not going to be able to escape her on my own, so I accepted their invitation. They seemed to be in a hurry, one of them mentioned not having time for helping me... Once again, they are seeking to go further into the prison. I'll tag along, this group seems to lack faith in the deities. I am told to keep up my disguise a little longer, I can handle that.

One of them seems not right, she can't seem to make comprehensive sentences. Maybe it is something down here doing it, the sorcerer acted this way before killing everyone. She retains the condition well, the rest of the group seem to be unaffected by her actions. Let's see where this leads me.

A New Start: More Loonacy?!?

Well, the affected on one finally snapped and was briefly trapped with another group member, and apparently attacked him. The attack appeared to alter him somehow, he calls himself "Fisto". I am pretty sure I heard the name Shank mentioned earlier. Regardless, I am sick of being stuck with people who aren't quite themselves. I have been told to remove my disguise...