FE Journal: Ernest

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Week of Twice Waxing, third day

It has been a terribly long time since I have last felt such utter terror well up from within me. The dragon provoked a sense of awe at its terrible beauty, but the people I met today certainly had the auras of those who have killed many times and will kill once again, most especially the girl covered in what appeared to be dried blood. I admit, they were terrifically powerful. I could feel it, and I have never seen such a thing as if it were palpable before. One mentioned "cycles," and yet another appeared to be a soul within a suit of armor, a poltergeist if you will. Quite strange company, but beggars cannot be choosers, especially with the lives of so many in the balance.

At the very least, they seem to have some considerable amount of influence. For even the ruler of the Fey city of legend to shower them with gifts...I wonder what it is they have done.

Week of Twice Waxing, fourth day

So the dragon terrorizing the villagers was actually out for the good of her people, albeit to the detriment of ours so I do not regret what we have done. (She is marginally unattractive, as well, which I find odd because dragons can apparently assume any form they wish.) Against my better judgement, we've found ourselves traveling to go help her people instead of them, as apparently we are more competent. That, at least, is a bit of a confidence booster. I do only wish that select of my companions would learn to be slightly less erratic, as it is a bit distur The writing abruptly stops here.