Cyberpunk Game/Enforcer

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Medium Movement

Light Weapon Specialist Assault Rifle Rocket / Grenade Launcher => (Upgrade) Laser / Ballistic Missile Cannon


Assault Training

Name: "Supression"  
Target: Enemy Unit x1
Effect: Target pushed back n tiles
Range: Straight Line Radius
Duration: Attack Phase
Post Condition: Target is forced to move back n tiles.
Name: "(Tazer) Disruptor"
Target: Enemy Unit x1
Pre-condition: Cannot be used on units which already exhibit effect.
Effect: Disables Target "Movement" Action
Range: 1 tile radius
Duration: 3 Turns
Post Condition: Target enters "immobilized" state.
Name: "Deploy Shield"
Target: Free Tile
Pre-condition: Cannot be used on number of shields deployed == 2
Effect: Enemy damaged reduced on attack on units adjacent/behind the shield unit
Range: Radius
Duration: 3 Turns
Post Condition: units under fire receives less damage when adjacent/behind shield unit 
Name: "Guerrilla Tactics"
Target: Self
Pre-condition: Cannot be used on self which already exhibit effect.
Effect: Unit Receives an additional action this turn (e.g able to move twice OR attack twice on same turn) 
Range: Self Tile
Duration: 1 Turn
Post Condition: Self next turn skipped to "recharge OR reload".