Character: Ziven

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16th level Human Swordmage|Artificer -> Knight of the Silver Sigil -> none


A Younger Ziven, while he is in-training
  • Gender: male
  • Age: 20
  • Height: 6'0
  • Weight: 150 lb
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: blue
  • Alignment: Good
  • Deity: Moradin
  • Background: Arcane Mercenary - +2 History
  • Size: Medium
  • Experience Points: 70,400 XP / 83,000 XP



Young man with Brown hair


This is a mighty epic background!

Ability Scores

Ability Score Base Racial Level Other Total Modifier Modifier + 1/2 Level
Strength 12 0 1 0 13 1 9
Constitution 18 0 4 0 22 6 14
Dexterity 12 0 1 0 13 1 9
Intelligence 18 2 2 0 22 6 14
Wisdom 18 0 3 0 21 5 13
Charisma 12 0 1 0 13 1 9


Initiative, Movement, Senses

  • Initiative: 9 (1/2 Level: 8, Dex: 1, Items: 0, Other: 0)
  • Speed: 6 squares (Base: 6, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Other: 0)
  • Passive Insight: 23
  • Passive Perception: 30
  • Vision: Normal

Hit Points and Healing Surges

  • Max HP: 110 (Base: 13, Con: 22, Other: 0)
  • Bloodied: 55
  • Healing Surges: 13 (Base: 7, Con: 6, Items: 0, Other: 0)
  • Healing Surge Value: 27 (Base: 24, Items: 0, Other: 0)


Not In Heavy Armor

Defense Base 1/2 Level Ability Racial Class Enhancement Items Other Total
Armor Class 10 8 6 0 0 4 2 3+1(Feat) 34
Fortitude 10 8 6 1 1 4 0 1 (Feat) 31
Reflex 10 8 6 1 0 4 0 1+1(Feat) 31
Will 10 8 5 1 1 4 0 1(Feat) 30

Resistances, Saves, and AP

  • Resistances: none
  • Save Bonuses: +1 to All ST
  • Action Point: Make a saving throw against each effect a save can end, and
Crest of Brutal Action (11th level): When you use an action point to use a power that adds a bonus to your or an ally's weapon damage rolls, that weapon also becomes brutal 1 until the bonus ends. If the weapon is already brutal, its brutal value increases by 1. This may not increase the weapon's brutal value above 2.

Languages and Skills


  • Languages Known: Common, Dwarven
  • Scripts Known: Common, Davek


Skills Trained 1/2 Level Ability Racial Items Other Total
Acrobatics(Dex) 0 8 1 0 0 0 9
Arcana(Int) 5 8 6 0 0 0 19
Athletics(Str) 5 8 1 0 0 0 14
Bluff(Cha) 0 8 1 0 0 0 9
Diplomacy(Cha) 0 8 1 0 0 0 9
Dungeoneering(Wis) 0 8 5 0 0 0 13
Endurance(Con) 0 8 6 0 0 0 14
Heal(Wis) 0 8 5 0 0 0 13
History(int) 0 8 6 0 0 2 21
Insight(Wis) 0 8 5 0 0 0 13
Intimidate(Cha) 0 8 1 0 0 0 9
Nature(Wis) 0 8 5 0 0 0 13
Perception(Wis) 5 8 5 0 0 2 20
Religion(Int) 0 8 6 0 0 0 14
Stealth(Dex) 0 8 1 0 0 0 9
Streetwise(Cha) 0 8 1 0 0 0 9
Thievery(Dex) 5 8 1 0 0 0 14

Feats and Proficiencies



  • Versatile Expertise: +1 to Heavy Blade (Implement) and +1 to Heavy Blade (Weapon)
  • Mark of Passage - Move +1 Square when shifting or teleporting
  • Hybrid Talent (Swordmage Warding)
  • Human Perservance - +1 to Saving throws
  • Intelligent Blademaster - Use Intelligence for Melee Basic Attacks
  • Grasping Ensnarement - Target of Aegis is slowed
  • Action Surge - +3 to Attack when you spend an AP.
  • White Lotus Evasion - When you hit with an Arcane at-will attack power, you may shift 1 as a minor action until the end of next turn
  • Arcane Familiar (Arcane Eye)
  • Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
  • Skill Training (Thievery)
  • Hybrid Talent (Arcane Empowerment)


  • Action Recovery - When you spend an Action point, make saving throws against all effects a save may end.
  • Double Aegis - Mark two targets with Aegis
  • Persistent Threat - Still flank when dazed: 1 opportunity attack/turn when dazed.
  • Timely Teleport - When you use a Second Wind, you may teleport Intelligence modifier squares
  • Greater Swordmage Warding - +1 to defenses with Swordmage Warding
  • Deadly Immobilization - Deal +Con modifier extra damage when you slow or immobilize target with a swordmage, or swordmage paragon path, power.


  • None

Armor, Weapon and Implement Proficiencies

  • Armor: Cloth, Leather
  • Weapon: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Light Blades, Military Heavy Blades, Bastard Sword
  • Implement: Rods, Staffs, Wands, Heavy Blades, Light Blades

Racial Traits and Class Features

Racial Traits:

  • Bonus At-will
  • Bonus Feat
  • Bonus Skill
  • Human Defense (+1 to all defenses)

Class Features:

  • Swordbond
By spending 1 hour of meditation with a chosen light or heavy blade, you forge a special bond with the weapon. As a standard action, you can call your bonded weapon to your hand from up to 10 squares away.
You can forge a bond with a different blade using the same meditation process (for instance, if you acquire a new blade that has magical abilities). If you forge a bond with a different blade, the old bond dissipates.
If your bonded weapon is broken or damaged, you can spend 1 hour of meditation to recreate the weapon from a fragment. (This process automatically destroys any other fragments of the weapon in existence, so you can’t use it to create multiple copies of a broken weapon.)
  • Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) (Ensnarement) - Normal, but only one at a time. See powers.
  • Swordmage Warding
While you are conscious and wielding either a light blade or a heavy blade, you maintain a field of magical force around you.
This field provides a +1 bonus to AC, or a +3 bonus if you are wielding a blade in one hand and have your other hand free (not carrying a shield, an off-hand weapon, a two-handed weapon, or anything else).
  • Healing Infusion (Hybrid) - See powers.
  • Arcane Empowerment
Your study of magic has given you the ability to manipulate the arcane energy contained within items. You begin each day with the ability to empower a magic item, and you gain one additional arcane empowerment for each milestone you reach. You must spend a short rest with an item in order to empower it. You can empower an item in two ways.
Augment Energy
You infuse a weapon or an implement with a reservoir of energy that lasts until the end of your next extended rest or until it is expended. The wielder of the implement or the weapon can use a free action after making an attack roll to expend the reservoir of energy to gain a +2 bonus to that attack roll. An implement or a weapon can be augmented only once per day in this way.
Impart Energy
You recharge the daily power of a magic item. An item can be recharged only once per day in this way.

Paragon Path Features:

  • Emblem of Aegis: When you use the power granted to you by your Swordmage Aegis class feature, you add your wisdom modifier to the power's burst radius (From Wandering Swordmage, FRPG 68)
  • Crest of Brutal Action: When you use an action point to use a power that adds a bonus to your or an ally's weapon damage rolls, that weapon also becomes brutal 1 until the bonus ends. If the weapon is already brutal, its brutal value increases by 1. This may not increase the weapon's brutal value above 2.
  • Sign of the Steed: When you score a critical hit, before the end of your next turn you may teleport 5 squares as a free action (This free action cannot interrupt actions).

Epic Destiny Features:

  • None


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Class Features:

Healing Infusion (Hybrid)

This class feature functions as the artificer class feature, except that you can create only one healing infusion at the end of each extended rest.

Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture
Artificer Feature
You use the magic of your infusion to heal the wounds of your target.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Close burst 10 (15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The target regains hit points equal to its healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier +6, and you expend an infusion crafted with your Healing Infusion class feature.

Level 21: Healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier + 8.
Level 26: Healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier + 10.

Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
Artificer Feature
You channel the energy of your infusion into your target’s armor, providing lasting protection.
Encounter ♦ Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 10 (15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The target gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter, and you expend an infusion crafted with your Healing Infusion class feature. The target can end the bonus as a free action to gain temporary hit points equal to its healing surge value + twice your Constitution modifier.

Level 21: Temporary hit points equal to the target’s healing surge value + three times your Constitution modifier.

Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
Shielding Elixir
You carefully prepare a formula that inoculates your target’s body against damage of a certain type.
Encounter ♦ Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 10 (15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The target gains resist 10 to one of the following damage types until the end of the encounter: cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. The target can end the bonus as a free action to become immune to that damage type until the end of his or her next turn.

Level 21: Resist 15

Aegis (Hybrid)

Aegis of Ensnarement (Hybrid)
Swordmage Feature
You create an arcane link between yourself and a foe, allowing you to ensnare that creature.
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Teleportation
Minor Action Close burst 2 + Wisdom modifier
Target: One or two creatures in burst
Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked until you use this power against another target. If you mark another creature using other powers, the target is still marked.

Until the mark ends, if the target makes any attack that does not include you as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll.

If a target marked by this power is within 10 squares of you when it hits with an attack that does not include you as a target, you can use an immediate reaction after the target’s entire attack is resolved to teleport the target to any space adjacent to you. In addition, the target grants combat advantage to all creatures until the end of your next turn. If no unoccupied space exists adjacent to you, you can’t use this immediate reaction, and the target doesn’t grant combat advantage as a result of this effect.

Special: You may not use this power again until the marked target is reduced to 0 hp, or when the mark is superseded.


Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack
You resort to the simple attack you learned when you first picked up a melee weapon.
At-Will ♦ Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence (+22) vs AC
Hit: 1d10 + 9 (Int mod) damage
Effect: Increase damage to 2d10 + Int mod at 21st level.
Special: You can use an unarmed attack as a weapon to make a melee basic attack. Attack at +9 instead, and deal 1d4+1 damage.

Ranged Basic Attack
Basic Attack
You resort to the simple attack you learned when you first picked up a ranged weapon.
At-Will ♦ Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity (+9) vs AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage
Effect: Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier at 21st level.
Special: Weapons with the heavy thrown property (see page 216) use Strength instead of Dexterity for attack rolls and damage rolls. (No change)

Magic Weapon
Artificer Attack 1
Your attack issues a burst of magical energy that enhances the weapons of allies close to you.
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence +1 (+23) vs AC
Hit: 1d10+9(int mod) damage, and each ally adjacent to you gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a power bonus to damage rolls equal to your Constitution modifier or your Wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn.

Level 21: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls.

Luring Strike
Swordmage Attack 1
You step behind your foe, strike quickly, and then dart away, drawing the creature after you.
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence (+22) vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+3 damage. You shift 1 square and slide the target 1 square into the space you occupied.

Level 21: 2d10+x damage

Effect: Before or after the attack, you can shift 1 square.

Lightning Lure
Swordmage Attack 1
You lasso your foe with a leash of lightning, and pull it into range of your blade.
At-Will ♦ Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action Ranged 3
Target: Once creature
Attack: Intelligence (+19) vs Fortitude
Hit: 1d6+9 (Int mod) lightning damage, and you pull the target to the nearest unoccupied space adjacent to you.

Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier at 21st level.

Special: If you cannot pull the target to an adjacent square, this power fails and deals no damage.


Repulsion Strike
Artificer Attack 3
You empower your weapon to create a field of resistance around your enemy, hindering your foe’s attacks.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Force, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One Creature
Attack: Intelligence (+22) vs Reflex
Hit: 2d10+9 (Int mod) force damage and the target takes a penalty to melee attack rolls equal to your Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn.

Icy Weapons
Artificer Attack 7
An icy wind imbues your weapon with frost.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Cold, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence (+22) vs AC
Hit: 1d10+9 (int Mod) cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You and each ally adjacent to you deal 6 (Con mod) extra cold damage with weapon or cold attacks until the end of your next turn.

Hypnotic Swordplay
Swordmage Attack 13
With a mesmerizing twirl of your weapon, you make your opponent’s mind reel and rob the creature of its ability to react.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence (+19) vs Will
Hit: 6 (int mod) psychic damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.

If the target is marked by tour aegis of ensnarement, it takes 12 psychic damage instead (Int mod + Con mod)

Sword Crest
Knight of the Silver Sigil Attack 11
As you swing your sword a sigil erupts from it, increasing the abilities of your allies.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence (+22) vs AC
Effect: Each ally adjacent to you gains a +5 (Wis mod) power bonus to damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 1d10 + 14 (Int Mod + Wis mod). Make a secondary attack against the target.
Secondary Attack: Intelligence (+22) vs Reflex
Secondary Hit: The target takes 1d10+3 damage and is slowed until the end of your next turn.


Radiant Sigil
Artificer Attack 9
Brilliant light streams from the weapon you imbue with radiant might and healing power.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Healing, Radiant
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses the target as a weapon or an implement deals radiant damage. Whenever any attack power using the target hits, the target’s wielder regains 6 (Your con mod) hit points.

As a free action, the target’s wielder can end the effect when he or she hits a creature. That creature is then dazed (save ends). In addition, the wielder can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 6 (Your con Mod) hit points.

Lightning Sigil
Artificer Attack 15
Pouring arcane power into a weapon or implement, you create a crackling field that lashes at foes with tendrils of lightning.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Lightning
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses the target as a weapon or an implement deals 11 (5 + your con mod) extra lightning damage. As a free action, the target’s wielder can end the effect when he or she hits a creature. That creature is then dazed (save ends).

Dimensional Bond
Swordmage Attack 5
Your sword thrust connects you with your foe and creates a dimensional bond that allows you to teleport to its location.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence (+22) vs AC
Hit: 2d10+9 (Int mod) damage.
Miss: Half Damage
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can teleport 10 squares as a move action. You must end this movement adjacent to the target.


Arcane Mutterings
Arcana Utility 2
You launch into a recitation of obscure lore on a subject to impress, cow, or trick your audience.
Encounter ♦
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You would make a Bluff, a Diplomacy, or an Intimidate Check
Effect: You make an Arcana check in place of the triggering check.

Armathor's Step
Swordmage Utility 6
Arcane power speeds you into battle.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Teleportation
Move Action Personal
Effect: Teleport 5 squares. If you end this move adjacent to an enemy, you gain a +2 power bonus to the next attack roll you make against that enemy during your turn.

Sigil of Luck
Artificer Utility 10
You imbue a weapon or an implement with a dose of luck and arcane energy.
Daily ♦ Arcane
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses the target gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and +6 (your Con mod) a bonus to damage roll. As a minor action, the target’s wielder can end the effect in order to remove an effect on him or her that a save can end.

Shield of Besieged Tower
Swordmage Utility 16
The more foes stand arrayed against you, the stronger your defensive magic is.
Daily ♦ Arcane, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a +1 power bonus to AC. If at least two enemies are within 3 squares of you, this bonus increases to +3.


Deep-Pocket Cloak
Free Action Personal
Effect: 1/round. You draw an item from the cloak, or store an item within it.

Gadgeteer's Goggles
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You make a Thievery check to disable a trap.



Item Slot Item Item Level Cost
Armor Magic Drowmesh +4 Level 16 45,000 gp
Main Hand Blade of the Eldritch Knight Bastard Sword +3 Level 15 25,000 gp
Off-Hand - Level - - gp
Arms - Level - - gp
Feet Swift-Step Boots Level 14 21,000 gp
Hands - Level - - gp
Head Gadgeteer's Googles Level 8 3,400 gp
Neck Deep-Pocket Cloak +4 Level 17 65,000 gp
Ring 1 - Level - - gp
Ring 2 - Level - - gp
Waist - Level - - gp
Tattoo - Level - - gp

Other Possessions

  • Money: 600 gp
  • Adventurer's Kit
  • Swift Step Boots: When you run, you may teleport the last two squares of your move.
  • Gadgeteer's Goggles: You gain a +4 item bonus to Perception checks and Thievery checks to detect and disable traps. 1/encounter as a minor action, you may make a thievery check to disable a trap.
  • Deep-Pocket Cloak - The pockets of this cloak can hold up to 1,000 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feat in volume, but the cloak always weighs 1 pound. Each item so stored cannot weigh more then 10 pounds. Minor action to draw from. At-will, 1/round as a free action you draw an item from the cloak or store an item in it.
  • Blade of the Eldritch Knight - +3d6 crit. When you use a standard action to make a melee attack with this blade, your melee reach increases to 5 for that attack.

Set Benefits

  • Gadgeteer's Garb: When you or an ally within 5 squares of you spends a healing surge, you or that ally regains +2 hp.
  • Eldritch Panoply: When you use a teleportation power, you can use a minor action in the same turn to teleport 2 squares.


Category: Arcane Eye Senses: Low-light vision Speed: Fly 6 (Hover) Constant Benefits:

  • You gain a +2 bonus to perception checks
  • You gain a +2 bonus to skill checks for scrying rituals.

Active Benefits: See All, Once per encounter you can determine range, line of sight, and line of effect for one ranged arcane implement attack from the eye, and you ignore concealment (But not total concealment) for that attack.