Character: Rennac

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Rennac, Dark Knight
  • Name: Rennac Belnades
  • Age: 20
  • Appearance: Tall, thin man with unnaturally red hair and slightly-too-pale skin. Though attractive and genial enough, something about him seems off-putting.
  • Quote: "Open the door, and strike the hour."
  • Race: Creimire (racial maximums Str 8 Vit 10 Agi 13 Spd 11 Mag 9 Spr 9)
  • Class and Job: Dark Knight, Level 15 (52500/60000 XP)


Note: AGI has a +1 item bonus. This has not been included into the Maximum.

Table 1: Attributes
Attribute Value Max Rating
STR 2 20 16
VIT 11 20 43
AGI 21 (Temp 22) 22 76
SPD 6 19 28
MAG 6 18 28
SPR 8 21 34

Last Stat Increased: None.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Personal Element: Shadow (5 pts.) - The character inflicts +25% damage with all attacks and effects that deal damage associated with the chosen Element
  • Combat Reflexes (2 pts.) - a character with Combat Reflexes can never be surprised in battle, and will always act in the Preemptive Round if ambushed. In addition, she is immune to the Status Condition Unaware.


  • Devil's Brand (4 pts) - Spells and other effects that increase a character’s HP restore -25% of their normal Hit Points when used on a character with Devil’s Brand. (Exception: Drain Spells)
  • Elemental Deficiency: Holy (3 pts.) - Any damage of that element done to the character is increased by 50%. If the character gains a Resistance to the Element in question, attacks do normal damage; Immunities reduce damage to 50%, and Absorbance reduces damage of that Element to 0.


  • Equipment: 15 gp
  • Main Hand: Djinn Flyssa (1815 gp 80%) 5 x AGI +2d8 dmg, +1 AGI
  • Off-Hand: Opal Shield (1400 gp 80%) 14 Eva 5 MEva, Earth Ward
  • Body: Thunder Plate (1800 gp 79%) 16 Arm 11 MArm, Lightning Ward
  • Head: Viking Helm (1250 gp 81%) 9 Arm 7 MArm, SOS-Spirit Up
  • Hands: Defense Gloves (1300 gp 80%) 8 Arm 4 MArm, Disable Proof
  • Accessories: Wolf Mantle (2400 gp 76%) 15 Eva 9 MEva


  • 1x Tonic (+25 HP to Single target)

Key Items

  • None?

Combat Statistics

  • HP: 193/193
  • MP: 119/119
  • Armor (ARM) = ((33) x 130%) = 42.9
  • M. Armor (MARM) = ((22) x (120%) = 26.4
  • Evade (EVA) = 6 + 22 + 29 = 57
  • M. Evade (MEVA) = 6 + 8 + 14 = 28
  • Magic Accuracy = 100 + 15 + 12 = 127
  • Dexterity (DEX) = 50 + 15 + 44 = 109
  • Mind (MND) = 50 + 15 + 12 = 77
  • Accuracy (ACC) = 78 + 30 + 15 + 44 = 167


  • 380/380 pts
  • Swords: 78 pts (2:1 gain)
  • Acrobatics:' 30
  • Awareness: 78 (30 starting, free)
  • Etiquette: 20
  • Intimidation: 64
  • Negotiation: 20
  • Escape: 20
  • Lockpicking: 25
  • Stealth: 78
  • Streetwise: 36
  • Aptitudes: Weapon Skills

Lore and Languages

  • 244/244 pts
  • Common: 50 pts (50 starting, free)
  • Ancient: 30 pts.
  • Brogue: 20 pts.
  • Elvaan: 20 pts.
  • Bahsa Mithra: 20 pts.
  • Lore (Fiends): 78 pts
  • Lore (Folklore): 76 pts

Abilities: Dark Sword

Darkside (Level 1)

  • Type: Fast Target: Single
  • The Dark Knight rushes at the target, his blade burning with a black fire. As he strikes, the fire rips through the target with a fierceness that burns away 200%, Armor Shadow elemental damage. While powerful, Darkside has a price - the Dark Knight suffers Magical damage equal to 25% of the Dark Knight's maximum HP. The damage done to the Dark Knight ignores Armor and all defensive statuses, excluding Shield.

Black Sky (Level 8)

  • Type: Magic (19 MP) Target: Group
  • The Dark Knight unleashes a wave of negative energy that tears away 75%, Armor Shadow elemental damage from every target. The blackness also carries a 30% chance to add the Blind status (Unlimited); this CoS is flat and not modified for the target's Evasion or M. Evasion. Roll separately for each eligible target.

Night Sword (Level 15)

  • Type: Magic (17 MP) Target: Single
  • The Dark Knight points her sword at the target as an ethereal dark red blade rips through them from below. The attack inflicts 100%, Armor damage to the target's HP, half of which is used to restore the Dark Knight's HP.

Intuitive Magic

  • Target: Varies Type: Magic Ability
  • The Dark Knight can use his spellcasting abilities for other purposes. More details on Intuitive Magic can be found in Chapter Eight: Magic..
  • Keywords: Destruction, Fire, Poison, Shadow

Item Reference

  • Earth Ward: -50% Earth damage before Arm/MArm.
  • Lightning Ward: -50% Lightning damage before Arm/MArm.
  • SOS-Spirit Up: At 25% or less HP, increases M.EVA, M.ACC, MND by 25%. Status Conditions added in this manner cannot be removed through the use of Spells or Abilities such as Dispel; they will only be cancelled if the character’s current Hit Points are raised beyond 25% of their maximum value or the battle ends.
  • Disable Proof: Immune to Disable (Seals Attack, Item, and Defend actions)