Character: Nightheart

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Paul Jones was a normal man... Until he won the lottery and decided to fulfill his life long dream: Become Batman! Unfortunately lawyers and Fanclubs didn't like him using Batman, and so he has taken an original name of Nightheart! At some point he joined with the group, assuming that they are super heroes.


  • Power Level: 10
  • Skills: Cannot exceed 10+10 = 20
  • Attack and Effect: Cannot exceed 2*10 = 20
    • If resistance check, and no attack check, cannot exceed effect rank 10.
  • Dodge and Toughness: Cannot exceed 2*10 = 20
  • Parry and Toughness: Cannot exceed 2*10 = 20
  • Fortitude and Will: Cannot exceed 2*10 = 20

No Tradeoffs used.


  • Strength: 3
  • Stamina: 3
  • Agility: 5
  • Dexterity: 5
  • Fighting: 9
  • Intellect: 6
  • Awareness: 4
  • Presence: 5

Adds up to 40 (80 points)


  • Total: 50

General Purpose

  • Flashlight: Feature 1 (Illumination) - 1 point
  • Grapple Gun: Movement 1 (Swinging) - 2 points
  • Tracker: Feature 1 (Tracking) - 1 point
  • Rebreather: Immunity 2 (Suffocation), Limited - 1 point.

5 total.

Utility Belt

10-Point base array:

  • Bolos (10)- Ranged Affliction 3, Extra Condition, Limited Degree (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized), Accurate.
  • Calling Cards (1) - Strength based Ranged Damage 2.
  • Cutting Torch (1) - Damage 1 (heat) Linked to Weaken Object’s Toughness 1.
  • Explosive Cards (1) - Ranged Burst Area Damage 3.
  • Flash Bombs (1) - Ranged Burst Area Affliction 3 (Resisted by Fortitude; Vision Impaired, Vision Disabled, Vision Unaware)
  • Sleep gas Pellets (1) - Ranged Cloud Area Affliction 3 (Resisted by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Asleep)
  • Smoke Bombs (1) - Cloud Area Visual Concealment Attack 3
  • Tear Gas Pellets (1) - Ranged Cloud Area Affliction 2, Extra Condition (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed and Vision Impaired, Stunned and Vision Disabled, Incapacitated)


Skyscraper - 17 points

Large; Tou 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System, Workshop


8 point base array

  • Armored Car - 8 Points - STR 8, SPD 5, DEF 6, TOUGH 12
  • Speedboat - 1
  • Limousine - 1
  • Bus - 1

Total: 11


  • Assessment (1): Choose a target you can actively perceive, GM makes a hidden insight check for me vs, the target's deception. On Win, get lower, higher, or equal for attack and defense compared to mine. Win by 5, get one exactly, win by 10, get both. Fail find nothing, fail by 5 or more, GM may lie about bonuses.
  • Benefit (3): Millionaire
  • Close Attack (3): +3 bonus to close attack checks.
  • Contacts (1): Make Investigation checks in 1 minute if I can reach contacts. Further checks on same subject require normal amount of time.
  • Daze [Intimidation] (1): Standard action, make intimidate check vs target's Intimidation, Insight, or Will, whichever has the highest bonus. If you win, target is dazed (able to take only a standard action) until the end of your next round.
  • Defensive Roll (3): +3 Toughness while not vulnerable or defenseless.
  • Equipment (10): See Equipment section
  • Hide in Plain Sight (1): Hide as long as cover or concealment within your movement speed.
  • Improved Initiative (1): +4 Initiative
  • Improvised Tools (1): Ignore penalty for not having proper tools. Take only -2 if you are forced to have no tools.
  • Instant Up (1): Stand up as a free action with an Acrobatics check.
  • Inventor (1): Can use technology to create inventions.
  • Jack of All Trades (1): Can use any skill untrained
  • Power Attack (1): Take up to -5 to hit for +5 to effect.
  • Precise Attack (Ranged; Concealment) (1): Ignore Concealment with Ranged Attacks
  • Quick Draw (1): Draw or sheath as a free action.
  • Ranged Attack (3): +3 bonus to ranged attacks.
  • Set-up (1): Transfer benefit of combat interaction skill to a single ally. (Feint etc.)
  • Skill Mastery [Intimidation, Investigation] (2): Take 10 on routine intimidation and investigation checks.
  • Startle (1): Use Intimidation to Feint.
  • Tracking (1): Can follow tracks with the Perception Skill. (As the Tracking Senses power)
  • Uncanny Dodge (1): Not Vulnerable while surprised or otherwise caught off-guard, unless mobility is limited.
  • Total: 38


  • Acrobatics: 2 (7)
  • Athletics: 2 (5)
  • Close Combat: 0 (9)
  • Deception: 2 (7)
  • Expertise: Criminology: 3 (9)
  • Expertise: Streetwise: 3 (9)
  • Insight: 2 (6)
  • Intimidation: 3 (8)
  • Investigation: 3 (9)
  • Perception: 2 (6)
  • Persuasion: 1 (6)
  • Ranged Combat: 0 (5)
  • Sleight of Hand: 1 (6)
  • Stealth: 3 (8)
  • Technology: 3 (9)
  • Treatment: 0 (6)
  • Vehicles: 2 (7)

16 points in skills -> 32 skill ranks. Used: 32


  • None (0)



  • Initiative: 9
  • Calling Card +8 Ranged, Damage 5
  • Unarmed + 12 Close, Damage 3


  • Dodge: 10
  • Fortitude: 8
  • Parry: 10
  • Toughness: 6/3 (Without Defensive Roll)
  • Will: 9

16 Points spent to up defenses.

Power Points

  • Abilities: 80
  • Skills: 16
  • Powers: 0
  • Defenses: 16
  • Advantages: 38
  • Total: 150


  • Secret Identity: Paul Jones.
  • Responsibility: Now that he has taken up crime fighting, he feels he must protect the city as well as Batman would.