Character: Kyrios

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  • Name: Kyrios Allelujah
  • Age 19
  • Appearance: A tall lithe man with a lance and dragoon armor that seems slightly too big for him. He has Black Hair and Hazel eyes. His left Arm seems to be covered in strange symbols, the Remnant of his curse.
  • Background: Kyrios, as a young man in training was cursed by a mage who mistook the young dragoon for another dragoon who had injured and blinded him. Once he convinced the mage of his mistake, it was already to late, the curse was done. Ever since, he has been weaker to mental effects, a bit frailier of body, and weak to the earth. This has mysteriously only helped him in becoming a dragoon.
  • Personality: Good natured and friendly, Kyrios is glad to be of help. He also can be a lying bastard. He would never betray you though. Not like another certain Dragoon. No, Of course not.
  • Goals: Find the other dragoon, and find out what happened between him and the mage.
  • Quote: “Let us make haste, we have no time to waste here.”


  • Race: Human
  • Job: Dragoon
  • Level: 15
  • Exp: 52,500/60,000 xp
  • Gil: 30
  • HP Die: 1d10+5-1
  • MP Die: N/A
  • Max HP: 186
  • Max MP: 0

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Gillionaire (10%) - When you receive gil, increase the amount by 10%.
  • Adroit (Polearm) - Can use Agility to calculate damage with Polearms, and by Ruling of Star, [Spears] (Auto-adroit dropped on Spear)


  • Vulnerability: Mystify - After determining CoS after Evasion / M.Evasion, double the CoS for Vulnerability effects. [Mystify] Touch has 60% CoS, [Mystify] Strike has 90% CoS.
  • Frail (-1) - Lose 1 HP per level.
  • Elemental Deficiency: Earth - +50% Earth damage.


AGI has been increased by 1 by two items an item. This is not included in the Maximum

Table 1: Attributes
Attribute Value Max Rating MRU?
STR 4 25 22 0
VIT 12 22 46 1
AGI 19 20 67 0
SPD 11 20 43 0
MAG 5 18 25 0
SPR 5 15 25 0

Combat Values

  • HP: 186/186 - 100 %
  • MACC: 125
  • ACC: 83
  • DEX: 103
  • MND: 75
  • EVA: 49
  • M. EVA: 20
  • Armour: 39
  • M. Armour: 23
  • Init: 1d10 + 11


  • Maximum Skill Level: 78 or 100, whichever is lower.

Weapon Skills

  • Polearms: 78 (ACC = 161 )
  • Swords: 68 (ACC = 151 )
    • Total Points Used: 73
    • Total Lore Used: 0

Lore And Language Skills

  • Lore [Local History]: 58
  • Lore [Monster: Dragon]: 58
  • Lore [Local Area]: 58
  • Language [Ancient]: 70
  • Language [Common]: 50
    • Total Points Used: 0
    • Total Lore Used: 244

Other Skills

  • Awareness: 78
  • Acrobatics:56
  • Negotiation: 42
  • Smooth Talk: 50
  • Riding: 26
  • Climbing: 32
  • Survival: 30
  • Pilot: 23
    • Total Points Used: 307
    • Total Lore Used: 0

Skill Points

  • Max Skills: 380 points
  • Max Language and Lore: 244 points
  • Skills used: 380 points
  • Language and Lore used: 244 points


Max Availability: 76%

  • Weapon Slot: Trident (2d10+114 [---])
  • Shield Slot: Escutcheon(0 ARM, 0 MARM, 4 EVA, 1 MEVA [+1 AGI])
  • OR Lose shield bonuses, and Web Lance (2d12+108 [Slow Touch])
    • ACC change: -2
    • DEX: 101
    • EVA: 44
  • Head Slot: Barbut (9 ARM, 7 MARM, 0 EVA, 0 MEVA [---])
  • Body Slot: Thunder Plate (16 ARM, 11 MARM, 0 EVA, 0 MEVA [Lightning Ward])
  • Hands Slot: Ninja Gloves (5 ARM, 2 MARM, 0 EVA, 0 MEVA [+1 AGI])
  • Accessory Slot: Wolf Mantle (0 ARM, 0 MARM, 15 EVA, 9 MEVA [---])


  • Pharist holy symbol (Worth unknown)

Key Items

  • None

Job Abilities


  • Level 1
  • Target: Single
  • Type: Slow (0 (x2))
  • Effect: Spend 1 turn in air, your next turn strikes automatically and inflicts 200% Damage, Armor Physical

Cherry Blossom

  • Level 8
  • Target: Group
  • Type: Slow Action (4)

The Dragoon charges her weapon with the Dragon Spirit, building up a critical quantity of energy before hurling it at the enemy. As the weapon strikes the ground, the charge releases in a series of fiery explosions, engulfing the immediate area. Cherry Blossom strikes automatically, inflicting 75%, Armor Physical damage on all opponents in the targeted Group.

Ancient Circle

  • Level 15
  • Target: Group
  • Type: Slow Action (6)

By creating a circle of power around the party, the Dragoon can infuse all weapons in the area with the Dragon Spirit, allowing them to strike true against wyrms and their kin. When used, Ancient Circle gives any Weapon currently equipped by the Dragoon or her allies the Equipment Ability Dragon Killer, allowing her to strike Dragon enemies for +100% damage (4).