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This is a list of all 3.5 Homebrews
Prestige Classes
House Rules
Racial Classes
CR Calculation
- Originally Posted by The Vorpal Tribble
- Divide its average HP by 4.5 to 6,
- 4.5 for 5 HD or lower, 5 for 6-10 HD, 5.5 for 11-15 HD, 6 for 16-20 HD.
- Add 1 for each five points above 10 its AC is, minusing 1 for every 5 below.
- Add 1 for each special attack (+2 to +5 or more if its got a decent number of spells in its spell-like abilities).
- Add 1 for each quality unless you deem it worthy of more. Add 1 for each resistance and 10 points of DR it has, and 2 for each immunity.
- Add 1 for every two bonus feats it has.
- Divide by 3.