Break's Avenger Fix

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Revision as of 17:39, 15 December 2023 by Gralamin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is supposed to act as a much more comprehensive fix to the Avenger class by rewriting most of the class from scratch. If you'd rather not use something this involved, go for Yakk's much cleaner and more elegant fix. But first, a brief intro... ==Credit Where Credit is Due== This fix has been through a lot, and it wouldn't even be even close to finished without lots of help from Gralamin, Flawed_Paradigm, Fax_Celestis, Starsinger, and Nacht...")
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This is supposed to act as a much more comprehensive fix to the Avenger class by rewriting most of the class from scratch. If you'd rather not use something this involved, go for Yakk's much cleaner and more elegant fix.

But first, a brief intro...

Credit Where Credit is Due

This fix has been through a lot, and it wouldn't even be even close to finished without lots of help from Gralamin, Flawed_Paradigm, Fax_Celestis, Starsinger, and Nacht for dev and design help, the players of Atriusgame (not to mention the DM himself, Atrius!) for giving me the chance to playtest in an actual campaign environment, some inspiration from various posters over on the GiantITP forums (notably, Yakk), and the people over at the #giantitp channel for putting up with my whining. I really do appreciate it, guys.

Design and Development

The Avenger


When using this avenger rewrite, the Painful Oath feat is explicitly banned, and the errata limiting Avengers to cloth armor is in full effect.


Class Traits
Role: Striker. You engage isolated targets with ruthless efficiency. However, depending on your choice of powers and censure, you may give up a bit of striker ability and end up playing the role of defender and striker with equal efficiency, or act as a secondary controller.

Source: Divine

Key Abilities: Wisdom, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma

Armor Proficiency: Cloth

Weapon Proficiency: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged

Implement: Choose one weapon group - all weapons in this group can be used as an implement. You add your weapon's enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls and any extra damage granted by a property (if applicable) when used as an implement. You do not gain your weapon proficiency bonus to the attack roll when using your weapon as an implement.

Defense Bonus: +1 Reflex and Will

Hit Points at 1st Level: 14 + Constitution Score

Hit Points per Level Gained: 6

Healing Surges per Day: 7 + Constitution Modifier

Trained Skills: Arcana. In addition, choose any four of the following:

Class Skills: Arcana (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Religion (Int), Streetwise (Cha)

Build Options: Astral Templar, Bladesage, Reaper

Class Features: Armor of Faith, Avenger’s Censure, Channel Divinity, Oath of Enmity

Class Features

Armor of Faith

The protection of your deity, as well as your intense training, wards off blows. You gain a +3 bonus to AC as long as you are wearing cloth armor and not using a shield.

Avenger's Censure

You specialize in taking down the foes of you deity, though exactly what this specialization entails varies. Some avengers prefer to weaken their foes first, then deliver their most devastating attacks when their foes are at their worst; others give chase should the foes flee; yet others act as guardians, their divine rage stoked by seeing their allies harmed.

Choose one of the following options. Some powers or options are empowered by your choice of censure: these are listed in the power name.

Censure of Pursuit: You gain the power judgment of the coward. During your turn, if you end any movement (including relocations such as teleports) at least 2 squares closer to your oath of enmity target than where you began your turn, you gain a damage bonus against your oath of enmity target equal to 2 + your Dexterity modifier until the end of your turn. The bonus increases to 4 + your Dexterity modifier at 11th level and 6 + your Dexterity modifier at 21st level.

Judgement of the Coward
Avenger Feature
flavor text here
Encounter ♦ Divine, Implement
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: Your oath of enmity target
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is pushed 2 squares.
Special: You regain the use of this power when you regain the use of oath of enmity.

Censure of Retribution: When you take this Censure, you gain the Judgement of the Wicked power, and the Judgement of the Meek Power. When you rest, choose either power. The next encounter that you fight in, you start with that power active.

Judgement of the Wicked
Avenger Class Feature
At-Will ♦ Stance
Standard Action Personal
Effect: While adjacent to your oath of enmity target, and you are adjacent to no other foe, you gain a bonus to damage rolls against your Oath of enmity target equal to your Intelligence modifier.
At 11th level, increase the bonus to damage rolls to 2 + Intelligence modifier.
At 21st level, increase the bonus to damage rolls to 4 + Intelligence modifier.

Judgement of the Meek
Avenger Class Feature
At-Will ♦ Stance
Standard Action Personal
Effect: You gain a bonus to damage rolls against your oath of enmity target equal to the number of enemies that are not your oath of enmity target within your domain before the attack.
At 11th level, increase the bonus to damage rolls to half your intelligence modifier times the number of enemies that are not your oath of enmity target within your domain before the attack.
At 21st level, increase the bonus to damage rolls to your intelligence modifier times the number of enemies that are not your oath of enmity target within your domain before the attack.

Censure of Knowledge: You gain the power judgment of the ignorant, and gain oath of malice instead of oath of enmity. You gain a damage bonus against your oath of malice target equal to your intelligence modifier for every (save ends) effect that's currently afflicting it. This bonus is cumulative.


What exactly does prophetic action do? In mechanical terms, effectively nothing - it's simply a dummy (save ends) power which lets you get off your censure of knowledge bonus damage. In the game, though, it could be a matter of watching your enemy carefully, poring over its every weakness, then using your superior knowledge to strike it a crippling blow when it's weakest - when recovering from debilitating effects that occur over time.

Judgement of the Ignorant Avenger Feature
flavor text here
Encounter - Divine
Minor Action, Ranged 10
Special: You regain the use of this power when the target saves against your prophetic action.
Effect: The enemy is affected by your prophetic action, thus giving you a +2 bonus to the appropriate knowledge check for information regarding the creature (save ends).

Censure of Unity: You gain the power judgement of the foolish. You gain a +2 to damage rolls for each ally adjacent to your oath of enmity target. This bonus increases to +3 at paragon tier and +4 at epic tier. For the purposes of the censure only, you count as your own ally, but you do not gain this bonus if you are the only ally adjacent to the target.

Judgement of the Foolish Avenger Feature
Flavor goes here
At-Will - Divine
Minor Action, Close burst 5
Target: One ally in burst.
Effect: The ally may shift 1 square towards your Oath of Enmity target.
//Alternate version:
//Target: Oath of Enmity Target
//Effect: The Oath of Enmity Target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Channel Divinity

As per the PHB2

Oath of Enmity and Oath of Malice

Most avengers - those who take the censure of pursuit, unity, or retribution - will gain the oath of enmity power. Avengers who take the censure of knowledge will gain the oath of malice power in its stead.

Oath of Enmity appears in PHB2. Oath of Malice appears below.

Oath of Malice
You focus your attention against a single foe, watching out for any opportunities to strike from afar.
Encounter (Special) ✦ Divine
Minor Action Close burst 10
Target: One enemy you can see in burst
Effect: When you make an implement attack against the target and there are no enemies adjacent to the target, you make two attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the target drops to 0 hit points, at which point you regain the use of this power.

If another effect lets you roll twice and use the higher result when making an attack roll, this power has no effect on that attack. If an effect forces you to roll twice and use the lower result when making an attack roll, this power has no effect on that attack either.
If an effect lets you reroll an attack roll and you rolled twice because of this power, you reroll both dice.

Avenger's Domain

SIDEBAR: The Avenger's Domain

Sure, you could go with just keeping the domain as a translucent aura, but it's more interesting if you give it that qualities of your deity - and those qualities grow clearer the larger the domain - and, in turn, your wrath - grows. Think of it as manifesting your deity's domain itself. If you're an avenger of Pelor, for instance, perhaps normally, the domain is like a "patch of sun"...though as it grows, it becomes more tangible, with bits of life seeming to grow along the ground until it becomes a field of golden wheat, with Pelor's aspect hanging above you. Get creative.

Not to be confused with a god's domain, the avenger's domain represents the area in which his deity's (and by extension his own) wrath is manifested, and usually appears as a translucent, but still quite tangible aura. Normally, this is only limited to their reach due to limits of physical capability, but in times of great need, it can be extended to greater lengths.

Some powers and abilities reference this domain, which does nothing on its own. By default, this is equal to your weapon's reach, though certain abilities can extend this slightly.


Avenger Powers are called Prayers.

Class Feature Powers

Move all the class features powers to here

The powers Bond of Pursuit, Overwhelming Strike, Leading Strike, Bond of Censure, and Radiant Vengeance are left unchanged.

Rending Arc
Avenger Attack 1
The force of your blow rebounds to another foe who dares to strike at your ally.
At-Will ♦ Divine, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the start of your next turn, as an immediate reaction, you may deal your Intelligence modifier in damage to a foe within your domain that makes an attack that does not include you as a target.

Level 21: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the start of your next turn, as an immediate reaction, you may deal 1d4 + Intelligence modifier in damage to a foe within your domain that makes an attack that does not include you as a target.





Level 1 At-Will Prayers





Level 1 Encounter Prayers





Level 1 Daily Prayers





Level 2 Utility Prayers





Level 3 Encounter Prayers





Level 5 Daily Prayers





Level 6 Utility Prayers





Level 7 Encounter Prayers





Level 9 Daily Prayers





Level 10 Utility Prayers





Level 13 Encounter Prayers





Level 15 Daily Prayers





Level 16 Utility Prayers





Level 17 Encounter Prayers





Level 19 Daily Prayers





Level 22 Utility Prayers





Level 23 Encounter Prayers





Level 25 Daily Prayers





Level 27 Encounter Prayers





Level 29 Daily Prayers






Paragon Paths

(Pursuit PP - Void Reaper)

Requirements: Avenger, censure of pursuit

"You need to learn that I'm a lot scarier than you are." - Isaac, necromancer hunter

Scattering Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, your oath of enmity target moves half its speed away from you after the action resolves, and takes a penalty to all defenses equal to half of your Dexterity modifer until the end of your next turn.

Where None Existed (16th level): Your powers ignore fear immunity.

Life-Weakening Presence Void Reaper 11 Your very presence drains the will to fight from your chosen foe. Encounter - Divine, Fear, Weapon Standard, Melee Weapon Target: Your oath of enmity target Attack: Wisdom vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is weakened if it is within 2 squares of you until the end of your next turn. Works fine for an encounter.

(Retribution PP - Astral Templar)

"You've run out of tomorrows." - Kent Bethelrese, infantry commander

Heartseeker Astral Templar Utility 12 flavor text here Encounter - Divine Free Action, Range varies Target: Your oath of enmity target Effect: Make a third attack roll against your oath of enmity target.

Templar's Challenge Astral Templar Attack 20 flavor text here Daily - Divine, Stance, Weapon, Teleportation Standard Action, Melee Weapon Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. AC Special: Before the attack, you may teleport a number of squares equal to your Intelligence modifier. Hit: 6[W] + Wisdom modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: You enter the templar's challenge stance. While this stance is active, your domain's reach is increased by 1. Once per round as a free action immediately before your turn starts, you may either push one enemy within your domain 2 squares, or pull an enemy within your domain's reach + 2 two squares. Clean, Simple, nice.


Requirements: Avenger

Tapping the Wellspring (11th level) - All of your avenger powers gain the arcane keyword, and you are treated as "any arcane class" for the purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Analytic Action (11th level) - When spending an action point to make an extra attack and that attack hits, the target gains weakness against your attacks equal to your Intelligence modifier (save ends).

Epic Destinies