Useful Charts

From Gralamin's Wiki
Revision as of 19:00, 15 December 2023 by Gralamin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Portfolio== 300 Portfolios {|cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;font-family:helvetica;background-color:#dad9c6;color:#000000;" border = "0" |+'''300 Portfolios''' |- style ="background-color:#3d3f3f;color:#ffffff" !Roll !Value !Roll !Value !Roll !Value |- |1||Abjuration||101||Foresight||201||Rage |- style ="background-color:#ffffff...")
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300 Portfolios

300 Portfolios
Roll Value Roll Value Roll Value
1 Abjuration 101 Foresight 201 Rage
2 Abundance 102 Forests 202 Rain
3 Adventure 103 Forge 203 Rebirth
4 Agility 104 Fortune 204 Redemption
5 Agriculture 105 Freedom 205 Relentless Pursuit
6 Air 106 Fury 206 Retribution
7 Ambition 107 Gambling 207 Revelry
8 Animals 108 Gemcutting 208 River Hazards
9 Arcane Knowledge 109 Giants 209 Rivers
10 Archers 110 Gluttony 210 Roads
11 Art 111 Gnomes 211 Rogues
12 Artisans 112 Good 212 Romance
13 Arts and Crafts 113 Good Dragons 213 Rot
14 Athletics 114 Gravity 214 Runes
15 Atonement 115 Greed 215 Running
16 Bad Luck 116 Grief 216 Sand
17 Balance 117 Guardian 217 Sea
18 Bards 118 Guilds 218 Seasons
19 Bats 119 Halflings 219 Secrets
20 Battle 120 Harvest 220 Self-Improvement
21 Beasts 121 Hate 221 Serpents
22 Beauty 122 Havoc 222 Shadows
23 Betrayal 123 Healing 223 Shepherds
24 Birth 124 Hearing 224 Sight
25 Blood 125 Hearth 225 Sky
26 Boundaries 126 History 226 Slaughter
27 Brawling 127 Home 227 Slavery
28 Brotherhood 128 Honesty 228 Sleep
29 Cats 129 Honor 229 Smithing
30 Chaos 130 Horizons 230 Solace
31 Childbirth 131 Humor 231 Soldiers
32 Chivalry 132 Hunting 232 Song
33 Circle 133 Husbands 233 Souls
34 Cities 134 Illusion 234 Sound
35 Civilization 135 Immortality 235 Spiders
36 Cold 136 Insects 236 Spies
37 Combat 137 Intrigue 237 Spirit
38 Commerce 138 Jewelers 238 Sports
39 Common Sense 139 Jewelrymaking 239 Spring
40 Communication 140 Journeys 240 Stars
41 Competetion 141 Judgement 241 Stone
42 Conflict 142 Justice 242 Storms
43 Conjuration 143 Karma 243 Strategy
44 Conquest 144 Killing 244 Strength
45 Constructs 145 Knowledge 245 Strife
46 Corruption 146 Koblods 246 Suffering
47 Courage 147 Laughter 247 Sun
48 Crafts 148 Law 248 Supreme
49 Creation 149 Leadership 249 Surprises
50 Crime 150 Learning 250 Swiftness
51 Crocodiles 151 Lies 251 Sword
52 Cycle 152 Life 252 Symbols
53 Dance 153 Light 253 Tactics
54 Dancing 154 Lightning 254 Territory
55 Daring 155 Love 255 Theater
56 Darkness 156 Loyalty 256 Thieves
57 Death 157 Luck 257 Thunder
58 Decay 158 Lust 258 Time
59 Desert Storms 159 Madness 259 Torture
60 Despair 160 Magic 260 Transmutation
61 Desperation 161 Malice 261 Trapmaking
62 Destruction 162 Marriage 262 Travel
63 Diplomacy 163 Massacres 263 Trees
64 Discipline 164 Medicine 264 Tricks
65 Discord 165 Men 265 Trust
66 Disease 166 Mental Strength 266 Truth
67 Distance 167 Merchants 267 Tyranny
68 Divination 168 Mercy 268 Ugliness
69 Domination 169 Metal 269 Undead
70 Drama 170 Mining 270 Underworld
71 Dreams 171 Mirth 271 Valor
72 Drought 172 Money 272 Vanity
73 Drow 173 Moon 273 Vengeance
74 Dueling 174 Motherhood 274 Vice
75 Dust 175 Mountains 275 Victory
76 Dwarves 176 Murder 276 Virtue
77 Earth 177 Music 277 Void
78 Earthquakes 178 Names 278 War
79 Electricity 179 Nature 279 Warriors
80 Elephants 180 Night 280 Waste
81 Elves 181 Nightmares 281 Watchfulness
82 Enchantment 182 Nobility 282 Water
83 Endurance 183 Orcs 283 Wealth
84 Energy 184 Pain 284 Weather
85 Engineering 185 Panic 285 Weaving
86 Envy 186 Passion 286 Wetlands
87 Evil 187 Physical Enhancement 287 Whispers
88 Evil Dragons 188 Pirates 288 Wild Beasts
89 Evocation 189 Plague 289 Wilderness
90 Exploration 190 Planning 290 Wind
91 Family 191 Plant 291 Wine
92 Fate 192 Poetry 292 Winter
93 Fathers 193 Poison 293 Wisdom
94 Fear 194 Power 294 Wit
95 Fertility 195 Pranksters 295 Wives
96 Fighters 196 Preadator 296 Women
97 Fire 197 Progress 297 Woodlands
98 Fitness 198 Prophecy 298 Writing
99 Floar and Fauna 199 Protection 299 Youth
100 Foraging 200 Purification 300 Zeal