Reina HB: Primus

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Revision as of 18:53, 15 December 2023 by Gralamin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Basic Information === Primus reigns as the lord of Mechanus. Primus tends to be a private and solitary god. His existence as the arbiter of the gods as caused him to be protective of his own being; he will rarely act under his primary form. Instead, he has divided himself and acts directly under three other forms: Anu, Enlil, and Enki. Each form is set with a specific set of functions and capabilities. The order of these abilities is never broken under any circums...")
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Basic Information

Primus reigns as the lord of Mechanus.

Primus tends to be a private and solitary god. His existence as the arbiter of the gods as caused him to be protective of his own being; he will rarely act under his primary form. Instead, he has divided himself and acts directly under three other forms: Anu, Enlil, and Enki.

Each form is set with a specific set of functions and capabilities. The order of these abilities is never broken under any circumstances. If a portion of Primus fails its task, such as by being destroyed, the functions of that form become consumed back into Primus and then the missing portion is recreated by Anu. Or by Primus if Anu was to ever fail.

The majority of Primus's actions runs as clockwork. Designation of the cogs of Mechanus by Primus main is set as an exacting schedule. Creation of new Modrons and Inevitables by Anu aligns to the movement of the cogs. Arbitration procedures acted by Enlil are precise and neutral. Even Enki's guarding path of the various divine pacts never fails shift. One could consider this to be a major flaw, an exploitable weakness, yet all determined intruders gets met with the realization that Mechanus operates to Primus's schedule and none other. Even their intrusion becomes a planned operation of precision determined to end when Primus wills it.

Although Primus is a deity he neither requires nor significantly benefits from the worship of mortals. Divine influence given by such means, as the means are not predictable, is considered excess and instead is directed to flow in to the outskirts of Mechanus, to locations where Primus wills the schedule free from his direct control and instead over to the capabilities of lesser beings such as the formians. Primus himself obtains most of his power from the will of the other gods. Other gods require the services of Primus as both a judge and protector to their judgments. This is the source of Primus's power and his role in the greater cosmos.

The Four Sections of Primus

Primus: Commonly referred to as Primus main for ease of definition, Primus acts as the primary guiding force behind every action within Mechanus itself. He does not act beyond Mechanus and instead only directs one of the other portions to take upon this role as necessary. Primus resides in a palace designed from 64 cogs.

Anu: The Creator. Anu is the forger of the cogs, modrons, and inevitables. Anu does not have any significant capabilities outside of design and is only capable of giving basic initial orders to new creations. Anu resides in what could be considered a forge yet only loosely resembles such. Instead, the interior is a complex array of wide moving belts and contraptions that seem to systematically release parts to new contraptions with the ultimate location being the seat of Anu who then proceeds to assemble the next creation. The contraptions always deliver exact parts. When provoked, Anu is designed to react by attempting to create a cage around the aggressor and then immediately vanishing, becoming a portion again of Primus main.

Enlil: The Judge. Enlil arbitrates and provides neutral judgment to any organized dispute among the other deities. Enlil's word is taken as law and who's reasoning is trusted as being exacting. Enlil is seated in a courthouse, only moving from his seat of power as required to enact justice. When provoked, Enlil is quite capable of defending himself and tends to try to remove his aggressor's capabilities to act and then immediately sentences the aggressor to either execution or exile and then delivers the sentence immediately. Although Enlil himself rarely has enough power to take on any one deity alone, if he is attacked then the other deity present for the court case tends to be swift in assisting Enlil in his judgment.

Enki: The Guardian. Enki acts as a type of watchdog to the documents - such as the Mechanus copy of the pact primeval - and other treasures of similar nature that reside upon Mechanus. Enki is the most vicious of the portions of Primus and the only portion where one might be disillusioned into believing has a trace of chaos within it. Enki resides within a system of cogs and walls that forms a complex - and moving - labyrinth and is always patrolling the most vulnerable path within this labyrinth. If Enki witnesses an intruder not marked for entry to the library within the core, he enacts his power to summon all inevitable who are not set with a high priority task and then swiftly attacks the intruder.